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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Helgason, Jón Karl; Guðmundsson, Eiríkur; Stefánsson, Jón Kalman (Félag íslenskra bókaútgefenda, 2003)
  • Bokan, Goran; Glamočanin, Tanja; Mavija, Zoran; Vidović, Bojana; Stojanović, Ana; Björnsson, Einar Stefán; Vučić, Vesna (2023-08-10)
    Herb-induced liver injury (HILI) caused by herbal supplements, natural products, and products used in traditional medicine are important for differential diagnoses in patients with acute liver injury without an obvious etiology. The root of Withania ...
  • Magnusson, Gylfi; Minelgaite, Inga; Kristjánsdóttir, Erla S.; Christiansen, Thora (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-06-20)
    In recent years there has been a significant shortage of workers in Iceland. The traditional method of arranging temporary work, through direct contracts between employees and employers, has not sufficed. Moreover, there is a skills mismatch that ...
  • Valsdóttir, Elsa Björk; Haraldsson, Hans; Schram, Ásta Bryndís; Dieckmann, Peter (2023-10)
    ÁGRIP INNGANGUR Færnibúðir og hermisetur eru orðin fastur hluti af kennslu í mörgum læknaskólum. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að lýsa stöðu hermingar (simulation) í læknanámi á Íslandi með því að kanna reynslu læknanema og kennara, hvaða þættir ...
  • Helgason, Jón Karl (Reykjavík: Kind útgáfa, 2015)
  • Capone, Emily; Tryggvason, Þórður; Cela, Ilaria; Dufrusine, Beatrice; Pinti, Morena; Del Pizzo, Francesco; Gunnarsdóttir, Helga Sigrún; Grottola, Tommaso; De Laurenzi, Vincenzo; Iacobelli, Stefano; Lattanzio, Rossano; Sala, Gianluca (2023-10-28)
    HER-3 (also known as ErbB-3) is a human epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases family member, and its expression in CRC (colorectal cancer) tissues was previously associated with poor prognosis. In this study, HER-3 expression was analyzed ...
  • Holmberg, Markus; Hällberg, Ville; Björnsson, Hjalti Már; Rainer, Timothy H.; Graham, Colin A.; Sabbe, Marc B.; Behringer, Wilhelm; Galletta, Gayle; Domanovits, Hans; Pikkarainen, Harri; Lo, Bruce M.; Laurent, Christophe; Vanelderen, Pascal; Palomäki, Ari (2024-04)
    The consept of emergency departments (EDs) with specialized teams of emergency physicians originated in the United Kingdom and the United States during the 1970s and was expanded across most European countries in the twenty-first century. Among the ...
  • Frix, Anne Noelle; Heaney, Liam G.; Dahlén, Barbro; Mihaltan, Florin; Sergejeva, Svetlana; Popović-Grle, Sanja; Sedlak, Vratislav; Lehtimäki, Lauri; Bourdin, Arnaud; Korn, Stephanie; Zervas, Eleftherios; Csoma, Zsuzsanna; Lúðvíksdóttir, Dóra; Butler, Marcus; Canonica, Giorgio Walter; Grisle, Ineta; Bieksiene, Kristina; Ten Brinke, Anneke; Kuna, Piotr; Loureiro, Claudia Chaves; Nenasheva, Natalia M.; Lazic, Zorica; Škrgat, Sabina; Ramos-Barbon, David; Leuppi, Joerg; Gemicioglu, Bilun; Bossios, Apostolos; Porsbjerg, Celeste M.; Bel, Elisabeth H.; Djukanovic, Ratko; Louis, Renaud (2022-10-01)
    Introduction Treatment with biologics for severe asthma is informed by international and national guidelines and defined by national regulating bodies, but how these drugs are used in real-life is unknown. Materials and methods The European Respiratory ...
  • Thordardottir, Björg; Chiatti, Carlos; Ekstam, Lisa; Malmgren Fänge, Agneta (MDPI AG, 2015-12-29)
    The aim of the paper was to explore the heterogeneity among housing adaptation clients. Cluster analysis was performed using baseline data from applicants in three Swedish municipalities. The analysis identified six main groups: “adults at risk of ...
  • Larsen, Nils Magne; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Breivik, Jørgen; Orquin, Jacob Lund (Elsevier BV, 2020-01)
    Research on in-store behavior has largely focused on shoppers with carts. In a study involving 15 stores and a total of 3540 shoppers, we document that only 20 percent of shoppers actually use shopping carts, while 28 percent use baskets and 51 percent ...
  • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC) (2021-03)
    From 1985 to 2016, the prevalence of underweight decreased, and that of obesity and severe obesity increased, in most regions, with significant variation in the magnitude of these changes across regions. We investigated how much change in mean body ...
  • Steinhaeuser, Sarah Sophie (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2019-08)
    The microenvironment is increasingly being recognized as a key player in supporting cancer progression. Therefore, investigating heterotypic interactions between cancer cells and their microenvironment is important for improving our understanding ...
  • Aðalsteinsdóttir, Aðalbjörg Eva; Kjaran, Jón (The Educational Research Institute, 2019-09-12)
    Rannsóknin fjallar um heterósexíska orðanotkun íslenskra framhaldsskólanemenda sem hefur ýmsar birtingarmyndir. Erlendar rannsóknir benda til að orðanotkunin valdi nemendum óþægindum en fáar íslenskar rannsóknir fjalla um efnið. Markmiðið var að skoða ...
  • Helgason, Jón Karl (Reykjavík: Heimskringla, Háskólaforlag Máls og menningar, 1998)
  • Gislason, David; Asmundsson, Tryggvi; Gíslason, Þórarinn (2021-03)
    Ágrip Sjúkdómar tengdir vinnu í heyryki hafa lengi verið þekktir á Íslandi. Árið 1981 hófust rannsóknir á heysjúkdómum að beiðni bændasamtakanna og eru helstu niðurstöður þeirra dregnar saman í þessari grein. Í ljós kom að mikið magn af heymítlum, myglu ...
  • Walser III, Joe (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2021-03)
    Volcanic eruptions can cause significant human health and environmental threats both during and after their event due to the hazardous materials and gases that are actively or passively released into the surrounding environment. Historical records ...
  • Gopalan, Giri; Hrafnkelsson, Birgir; Wikle, Christopher K.; Rue, Håvard; Adalgeirsdottir, Gudfinna; Jarosch, Alexander H.; Pálsson, Finnur (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-06-12)
    In this paper, we extend and analyze a Bayesian hierarchical spatiotemporal model for physical systems. A novelty is to model the discrepancy between the output of a computer simulator for a physical process and the actual process values with a ...
  • Ravolainen, Virve; Soininen, Eeva M.; Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg Svala; Eischeid, Isabell; Forchhammer, Mads; van der Wal, René; Pedersen, Åshild Ø. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-01-18)
    Vegetation change has consequences for terrestrial ecosystem structure and functioning and may involve climate feedbacks. Hence, when monitoring ecosystem states and changes thereof, the vegetation is often a primary monitoring target. Here, we summarize ...
  • Reynisdóttir, Inga; Arason, Aðalgeir; Freysteinsdóttir, Edda Sigríður; Kristjánsdóttir, Sigrún Bærings; Hilmarsdóttir, Bylgja; Traustadóttir, Gunnhildur Ásta; Jóhannsson, Óskar Þór; Agnarsson, Bjarni Agnar; Barkardóttir, Rósa Björk (2023-08)
    The disruption of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis occurs in many human diseases. Atlastins (ATLs) maintain the branched network of the ER. The dysregulation of ATL2, located at ER network junctions, has been associated with cancer. ATL2 is ...