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Browsing by School "School of education (UI)"

Browsing by School "School of education (UI)"

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  • Theobald, Maryanne; Danby, Susan; Einarsdottir, Johanna; Bourne, Jane; Jones, Desley; Ross, Sharon; Knaggs, Helen; Carter-Jones, Claire (MDPI AG, 2015-11-25)
    Play as a learning practice increasingly is under challenge as a valued component of early childhood education. Views held in parallel include confirmation of the place of play in early childhood education and, at the same time, a denigration of ...
  • Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís (University of Iceland, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Diversity, 2021-04-15)
    This thesis aims to explore how power relations are reproduced through parental choices and practices in Iceland, with a focus on classed and gendered dimensions. The thesis can be viewed as two separate yet connected parts. In the first part, I ...
  • Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís; Kosunen, Sonja (SAGE Publications, 2020-05-29)
    This study aims to explore the social and ethnic background of pupils admitted to private schools at the compulsory level in Iceland so as to identify possible social class segregation between public and private schools. Additionally, we examine how ...
  • Reșceanu, Alina S.; Tran, Anh Dao Katrín; Magnússon, Magnús Á. S. (University of Craiova, Department of Communication, Journalism and Education Science, Center for Scientific Research in Communication Sciences, Media and Public Opinion (CCSCMOP), 2020)
    This comparative study has a two-fold aim. On the one hand, it provides a description of the national educational framework – legislative provisions, institutional strategies and policies – and the regional and local practices regarding the presence ...
  • Mompoint-Gaillard, Pascale (University of Iceland, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Pedagogy, 2021-10-04)
    Teachers learn important things together through talking. Conversationbased continued professional development (CPD) for teachers has been insufficiently researched. In the context of current policy and practice - that remains top-down and controlling ...
  • Arnarsson, Arsaell (The Educational Research Institute, 2020-02-10)
    Sú skoðun að kynslóðin sem nú vex úr grasi sé útsettari fyrir depurð en þær sem á undan hafa komið er útbreidd bæði á meðal almennings og fagaðila. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða hvernig algengi daglegrar depurðar íslenskra unglinga breyttist ...
  • Ólafsson, Brynjar; Jóelsdóttir, Ásdís (NordFo, Nordic Forum for Research and Development in Educational Sloyd/Craft, 2018-02-11)
    Skolefagene Design og håndverk og Tekstil, har vært obligatoriske fag i grunnskolen på Island siden 1936. Fagene har bakgrunn i husflidstradisjoner og sløyd-ideologien som kom til Island på slutten av det 19 århundre. Nåværende læreplanen for fagene ...
  • Henry, Séverine; Sigurjónsdóttir, Hrefna; Klapper, Aziliz; Joubert, Julie; Montier, Gabrielle; Hausberger, Martine (MDPI AG, 2020-02-23)
    Abstract: Artificial weaning is a standard practice known to be one of the most stressful events in a domestic foal’s life. Research has mainly focused on ways to alleviate weaning stress. However, there is still a need for more detailed research on ...
  • Jack, Róbert (Menntavísindastofnun, Menntavísindasvið, Háskóli Íslands, 2018-02-04)
    Ein leið til að sinna mannkostamenntun er að lesa bókmenntir og greina og ræða mannkosti í þeim með nemendum. Í þessari grein er fjallað um forsendur þess að nota Íslendingasögur til mannkostamenntunar með nemendum á unglingsaldri. Rætt er um mikilvægi ...
  • Jack, Róbert (Menntavísindastofnun, Menntavísindasvið, Háskóli Íslands, 2018-12-31)
    Bókmenntakennsla í anda mannkostamenntunar byggist mjög á því að fjalla um dygðirnar í textanum. Þegar tilraun var gerð með að kenna Laxdæla sögu með þessu móti þurfti að taka saman dygðirnar í sögunni. Í þessari grein er að finna ítarlega greiningu á ...
  • Jakobsdóttir, Sólveig (European Distance and E-Learning Network, 2018-06-17)
    Some distance education programs offer campus sessions in their courses. That has been the case at the University of Iceland – School of Education (UISE) for the past decades. The question is how such sessions are best organised. Lectures and seminars ...
  • Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður Margrét; Sigurðardóttir, Anna Kristín; Hansen, Börkur (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, 2018-11-07)
    The purpose of this study is to explore the roles and responsibilities that national education legislation in Iceland imposes on municipalities in terms of leadership. A qualitative content analysis was applied to explore the relevant national ...
  • Ottesen, Andri Rafn; Jóhannesson, Ingólfur Ásgeir (The Educational Research Institute, 2019-09-13)
    Tilefni þessarar greinar er umræða um mögulegan kennaraskort í grunnskólum en einkum þó staða og fækkun kennslukarla í grunnskólum. Fræðilegur bakgrunnur hennar er annars vegar rannsóknir á leiðsögn við nýliða í starfi og hins vegar er sjónum beint ...
  • Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís (Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands, 2017-12-31)
    Að verða fyrir einelti og annarri áreitni á vinnustað hefur alvarlegar afleiðingar fyrir bæði þolandann og vinnustaðinn og einelti hefur jafnvel verið talið meiri skaðvaldur fyrir þolendur heldur en öll önnur vinnutengd streita samanlögð. Markmið ...
  • Guðjónsdóttir, Hafdís; Jónsdóttir, Svanborg R. (Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, 2016)
    One of the challenges for teachers in the modern world is the continuous search for pedagogy to meet diverse groups of students in inclusive schools. Developing inclusive schools sometimes creates tensions for students and teachers, but at the same ...
  • Gregersen, Frans; Dal, Michael; Madsen, Lis; Rahm, Henrik (Nordplus, 2019)
    Denne artikel præsenterer, og behandler yderligere, problemstillinger som har været diskuteret i løbet af den periode hvor det Nordplus-finansierede netværk for læreruddannelser i Norden, Nordisk Nabosprogsdidaktik og Nabosprogskommunikation i ...
  • Guðjónsdóttir, Hafdís; Jónsdóttir, Svanborg R.; Gísladóttir, Karen Rut (S-STEP, 2018)
    Sound ethical standards are important in all research, though ethical issues and challenges differ among disciplines and fields of study. Self-study researchers engage in their research in the context of their everyday work as educators. This dual ...
  • Sigurgeirsson, Ingvar; Kaldalons, Ingibjorg (Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands, 2017-12-12)
    Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða hvort munur væri á samvinnu, samskiptum og skólaþróun í bekkjarkennsluskólum og teymiskennsluskólum á grunnskólastigi. Með bekkjarkennslu er átt við starfshætti þar sem hver kennari er með sinn bekk, ...
  • Rúnarsdóttir, Eyrún María (University of Iceland, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Diversity, 2019-11-22)
    The topic of this PhD dissertation is the social support networks adolescents of foreign origin and immigrant adolescents perceive to be available, both in their immediate environment (family, friends), and the more distal environment (neighborhood). ...
  • Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís; Magnúsdóttir, Berglind Rós (Informa UK Limited, 2020-09-21)
    The study explores how mothers in Iceland, a relatively new nation state that is perceived as being gender equal, classless and homogeneous, adapt and respond to international trends of consumer cultures. Building on studies about parental neighbourhood ...