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Browsing by School "School of Science and Engineering (RU)"

Browsing by School "School of Science and Engineering (RU)"

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  • Edmunds, Kyle (2017-06)
    The growing field of translational myology continually seeks to define and promote the generalizability of muscle research to clinical practice via optimizing the transition of a wide variety of investigative muscle assessment modalities. There are ...
  • Gudmundsson, Vidar; Manolescu, Andrei; Nemnes, George Alexandru; Sitek, Anna; Erlingsson, Sigurður Ingi; Rosdahl, Tómas (American Physical Society (APS), 2016-05-31)
    We analyze theoretically electronic transport through a core-shell nanowire in the presence of a transversal magnetic field. We calculate the conductance for a variable coupling between the nanowire and the attached leads and show how the snaking ...
  • Oppewal, Alyt; Hilgenkamp, Thessa; Schäfer Elinder, Liselotte; Freiberger, Ellen; Rintala, Pauli; Guerra-Balic, Myriam; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Cuesta-Vargas, Antonio; Oviedo, Guillermo; Sansano-Nadal, Oriol; Izquierdo-Gómez, Rocio; Einarsson, Ingi; Teittinen, Antti; Melville, Craig (MDPI AG, 2018-10-17)
    Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are at high risk for high levels of sedentary behaviour. To inform the development of programmes to reduce sedentary behaviour, insight into the correlates is needed. Therefore, the aim of this study is ...
  • Haga, Monika; Tortella, Patrizia; Asonitou, Katerina; Charitou, Sophia; Koutsouki, Dimitra; Fumagalli, Guido; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (SAGE Publications, 2018-04)
    Motor development is affected by maturation and growth but also influenced by the specific environmental and cultural context. Therefore, cross-cultural research can provide information about how different cultural contexts, lifestyles, and physical ...
  • Þórður Víkingur Friðgeirsson; Steindórsdóttir, Freydís Dögg (Viðskiptafræðideild og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, viðskiptafræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík og Seðlabanki Íslands, 2018-06-25)
    Previous studies have identified eight parameters as being the most influential on the Icelandic economy in the light of prevailing climate change. This study aims to investigate these economic parameters in relation to the Arctic Region and the Icelandic ...
  • Lovecchio, Joseph (2018-05)
    In the last decades significant progress has been carried out leading to significant advances in the development of engineered tissues, thanks to taking into account three fundamental components: the cells to address tissue ...
  • Saavedra, Jose M; Þorgeirsson, Sveinn; Chang, Milan; Kristjansdottir, Hafrún; García-Hermoso, Antonio (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2018-06-13)
    Sports performance analysis has been a growing field of study in the last decade. However, the number of studies in handball is small. The aims of this present study were (i) to compare handball game-related statistics by the match outcome (winning and ...
  • landeros, alberto; Koziel, Slawomir; Abdel-Fattah, Mohamed (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-12-13)
    Distribution network reconfiguration (DNR) can significantly reduce power losses, improve the voltage profile, and increase the power quality. DNR studies require implementation of power flow analysis and complex optimization procedures capable of ...
  • Kular, Lara; Liu, Yun; Ruhrmann, Sabrina; Zheleznyakova, Galina; Marabita, Francesco; Gomez-Cabrero, David; James, Tojo; Ewing, Ewoud; Lindén, Magdalena; Górnikiewicz, Bartosz; Aeinehband, Shahin; Stridh, Pernilla; Link, Jenny; Andlauer, Till F. M.; Gasperi, Christiane; Wiendl, Heinz; Zipp, Frauke; Gold, Ralf; Tackenberg, Björn; Weber, Frank; Hemmer, Bernhard; Strauch, Konstantin; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie; Rawal, Rajesh; Schminke, Ulf; Schmidt, Carsten O.; Kacprowski, Tim; Franke, Andre; Laudes, Matthias; Dilthey, Alexander T.; Celius, Elisabeth G.; Søndergaard, Helle B.; Tegnér, Jesper; Harbo, Hanne F.; Oturai, Annette B.; Sigurgeir Ólafsson; Eggertsson, Hannes; Halldórsson, Bjarni; Hjaltason, Haukur; Elías Ólafsson; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Stefansson, Kari; Olsson, Tomas; Piehl, Fredrik; Ekström, Tomas J.; Kockum, Ingrid; Feinberg, Andrew P.; Jagodic, Maja (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-06-19)
    The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype DRB1*15:01 is the major risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS). Here, we find that DRB1*15:01 is hypomethylated and predominantly expressed in monocytes among carriers of DRB1*15:01. A differentially methylated ...
  • Stranda, Håvard; Haga, Monika; Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Lorås, Håvard (MDPI AG, 2019-02-26)
    Acute exercise has an influence on human cognition, and both theoretical approaches and previous investigations suggest that the learning process can be facilitated. A distinction has been made however, between the predominately positive effects on ...
  • Widmer Soyka, René P.; Benedikt Helgason; Hazrati Marangalou, Javad; van den Bergh, Joop P.; Rietbergen, Bert van; Ferguson, Stephen J. (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2016-04-21)
    Vertebral fragility fractures are often treated by injecting bone cement into the collapsed vertebral bodies (vertebroplasty). The mechanisms by which vertebroplasty induces pain relief are not completely understood yet and recent debates cast doubt ...
  • Lattari, Eduardo; Budde, Henning; Paes, Flávia; Neto, Geraldo Albuquerque Maranhão; Appolinario, José Carlos; Nardi, Antônio Egídio; Murillo-Rodriguez, Eric; Machado, Sérgio (Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., 2018-02-21)
    Background: The effects of the aerobic exercise on anxiety symptoms in patients with Panic Disorder (PD) remain unclear. Thus, the investigation of possible changes in EEG frontal asymmetry could contribute to understand the relationship among exercise, ...
  • Madera, Joaquin; Tella, Victor; Saavedra, Jose M (MDPI AG, 2017-11-01)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of rule changes on game-related statistics in men's water polo matches. A total of 856 men's matches played in all Olympic Games and World Championship since 1936 was analysed. The game-related ...
  • Vargas Luna, José Luis; Halla Kristín Guðfinnsdóttir; Gígja Magnúsdóttir; Vilborg Guðmundsdóttir; Krenn, Matthias; Mayr, Winfried; Guðbjörg Kristín Ludvigsdóttir; Þórður Helgason (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2016-09-30)
    Neuromodulation using electrical stimulation is able to enhance motor control of individuals suffering an upper motor neuron disorder. This work examined the effect of sustained electrical stimulation to modify spasticity in the leg muscles. We applied ...
  • Bordbar, Aarash; Yurkovich, James T.; Paglia, Giuseppe; Rolfsson, Óttar; Sigurjónsson, Ólafur E.; Palsson, Bernhard O. (Springer Nature, 2017-04-07)
    The increasing availability of metabolomics data necessitates novel methods for deeper data analysis and interpretation. We present a flux balance analysis method that allows for the computation of dynamic intracellular metabolic changes at the cellular ...
  • Karl Guðlaugsson; Jensson, Pall (Tannlæknafélag Íslands, 2015)
    Í meistararitgerð í meistaranámi í verkefnastjórnun, MPM, við Háskólann í Reykjavík, var lögð fram rannsóknarspurningin „Er hægt að verðmeta tannlæknapraxís“. Verðmati á tannlækna-praxís er skipt í hlutlæga þætti og huglæga þætti. Helstu hlutlægu þættirnir ...
  • Sitek, Anna; Urbaneja Torres, Miguel; Torfason, Kristinn; Gudmundsson, Vidar; Bertoni, Andrea; Manolescu, Andrei (American Chemical Society, 2018-04-21)
    The distinctive prismatic geometry of semiconductor core-shell nanowires leads to complex localization patterns of carriers. Here, we describe the formation of optically active in-gap excitonic states induced by the interplay between localization of ...
  • Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Lorås, Håvard W; Haga, Monika (Frontiers Media SA, 2017-04-28)
    Perspectives on developmental milestones suggest that an infant's ability to stand without support occurs at the age of 9-16 months. The two exploratory tasks were part of a baby swimming routine, conducted over a period of 12 weeks (24 sessions), and ...
  • Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunović; Snaebjornsson, Jonas Thor (Elsevier BV, 2019-06)
    The turbulent wind field around a suspension bridge deck is studied using eleven months of full-scale records from sonic anemometers mounted above the girder. Using the mean and turbulent velocity characteristics, we demonstrate that the bridge structure ...
  • Nemnes, G. A.; Mitran, T. L.; Manolescu, Andrei (Hindawi Limited, 2019-05-16)
    The electronic properties of graphene nanoflakes (GNFs) with embedded hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) domains are investigated by combined ab initio density functional theory calculations and machine-learning techniques. The energy gaps of the quasi-0D ...