Opin vísindi: Síðast bætt við

  • Larsen, Joan Nymand; Schweitzer, Peter; Abass, Khaled; Doloisio, Natalia; Gartler, Susanna; Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas; Ingimundarson, Jón Haukur; Jungsberg, Leneisja; Meyer, Alexandra; Rautio, Arja; Scheer, Johanna; Timlin, Ulla; Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul; Vullierme, Magali (2021-03-02)
    Thawing permafrost creates risks to the environment, economy and culture in Arctic coastal communities. Identification of these risks and the inclusion of the societal context and the relevant stakeholder involvement is crucial in risk management and ...
  • Mörk, Svava Björg (2023)
    Mikilvægt er að samtal og samstarf eigi sér stað milli hagsmunaaðila sem koma að menntun leikskólakennara til að hver viti um annan og þeir geti verið samstíga til framtíðar. Markmið rannsóknarinnar, sem hér er greint frá, var að kanna upplifun nokkurra ...
  • Gao, Christine W.; Lin, Wan Ying; Riddle, Ryan C.; Kushwaha, Priyanka; Boukas, Leandros; Björnsson, Hans Tómas; Hansen, Kasper D.; Fahrner, Jill A. (2024-01-09)
    Weaver syndrome is a Mendelian disorder of the epigenetic machinery (MDEM) caused by germline pathogenic variants in EZH2, which encodes the predominant H3K27 methyltransferase and key enzymatic component of Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2). Weaver ...
  • Heldin, Johanna; Malinovschi, Andrei; Hägg, Shadi Amid; Gíslason, Þórarinn; Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís; Movérare, Robert; Hallgren, Jenny; Molin, Magnus; Jogi, Rain; Janson, Christer (2024-03)
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður (2023)
    The purpose of this research is to understand what kind of Climate Education curriculum helps Teacher Education Students to develop from almost naïve optimism of environmental challenges will disappear, to pro-environmental attitudes that can mobilise ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Óskarsson, Sverrir (2023)
    The role and composition of school boards and their contribution to enhancing school governance and the development of compulsory schools have been questioned. The aim of this research was twofold. First, to analyse the structure and function of school ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Burger, Bridget E. (2023)
    Access to high-quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education is essential to be successful in today ́s rapidly changing global society. How to create robust STEM learning environments for all is a universal challenge that educators ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Burger, Bridget E. (2023)
    Ocean Literacy has three defined aspects: knowledge about the ocean, ability to communicate about the ocean, and taking responsible action toward the ocean. However, relatively little research has been done on how to achieve these goals. UNESCO has ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Agyemang, Richard Opoku (2023)
    The purpose of this research is twofold. First, to analyse the extent to which Ghana's basic education policies include Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Citizenship Education (CE). Second, to examine the ideological motivations behind ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Hreinsson, Haraldur (2023)
    Markmið erindisins er að draga saman upplýsingar um tilurð, tilgang og reynslu af tveimur nýlegum námskeiðum í samfélagsgreinavali í kennaranámi. Þetta er annars vegar Lífsskoðanir og menntun (5 ECTS) sem kennt var á vormisseri 2023 fyrir nemendur á ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Hreinsson, Haraldur (2023)
    Markmið erindisins er að varpa ljósi á samhengi trúarbragða- og lífsskoðanafræðslu á Íslandi. Í fyrsta hluta þess verður fjallað um trúarbragðafræðslu í núgildandi aðalnámskrá og það sem vitað er um kennslu um trúarbrögð í grunnskólum. Kynntar verða ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður; Hreinsson, Haraldur (2023)
    Markmið erindisins er að draga saman helstu áskoranir sem kennarar er fjalla um trúarbrögð og lífsskoðanir á Íslandi munu líklega standa frammi fyrir á komandi árum. Slíkar áskoranir má greina í þrennt. Í fyrsta lagi breytingar sem orðið hafa á félagslegum ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Skúlason, Sigurgrímur; Olafsson, Ragnar F.; Ólafsdóttir, Sigríður (2023)
    Fjallað verður um greiningu á frumdrögum íslensks námsorðaforðaprófs fyrir nemendur á yngsta, mið- og unglingastigi. Byggt á nýjum lista yfir íslenskan námsorðaforða (LÍNO-2) hefur verið í þróun matstæki sem ætlað er að leggja mat á hver skilningur ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Auður; Vatnsdal, Edda Björk; Ólafsdóttir, Sigríður (2023)
    Orðaforði hefur sterkustu tengsl og forspá fyrir gengi nemenda í lesskilningi og námsframvindu. Mikilvægt er að vita hvaða orð gegna lykilhlutverki í námi á hverju aldursstigi. Í orðaforðarannsóknum er orðum skipt upp í ákveðin lög eftir tíðni þeirra ...
  • ISAR Inventory Study Group (2023-10-20)
    AIM: The International Severe Asthma Registry (ISAR; http://isaregistries.org/) uses standardised variables to enable multi-country and adequately powered research in severe asthma. This study aims to look at the data countries within ISAR and non-ISAR ...
  • Vo, Christopher; Zomorodi, Rustin; Silvera, Richard; Bartram, Logan; Lugo, Luz Amarilis; Kojic, Erna; Urbina, Antonio; Aberg, Judith; Sigel, Keith; Chasan, Rachel; Patel, Gopi (2023-11)
    BACKGROUND: The 2022 global mpox outbreak was notable for transmission between persons outside of travel and zoonotic exposures and primarily through intimate contact. An understanding of the presentation of mpox in people with human immunodeficiency ...
  • Qureshi, Pir Abdul Ahad Aziz; Reynisson, Reynir Hans; Garðarsdóttir, Maríanna; Qureshi, Peer Asad Aziz (2023-11)
    Metastatic neoplasms occurring in the nasal and paranasal sinuses are infrequent occurrences. In this study, we present one such case of a 61-year-old male patient with a known clear cell renal carcinoma presenting to us with signs and symptoms of acute ...
  • Hellamand, Pasoon; Van De Sande, Marleen; Ørnbjerg, Lykke Midtbøll; Klausch, Thomas; Nurmohamed, Michael T.; Van Vollenhoven, Ronald F.; Nordström, Dan; Hokkanen, Anna Mari; Santos, Maria Jose; Vieira-Sousa, Elsa; Loft, Anne G.; Glintborg, Bente; Hetland, Merete Lund; Lindström, Ulf; Wallman, Johan K.; Michelsen, Brigitte; Klami Kristianslund, Eirik; Ciurea, Adrian; Nissen, Michael S.; Codreanu, Catalin; Mogosan, Corina; Macfarlane, Gary J.; Rotariu, Ovidiu; Rotar, Ziga; Tomšič, Matija; Castrejon, Isabel; Otero-Varela, Lucia; Guðbjörnsson, Björn; Geirsson, Árni Jón; Vencovský, Ji; Pavelka, Karel; Gulle, Semih; Zengin, Berrin; Iannone, Florenzo; Foti, Rosario; Ostergaard, Mikkel; Van Der Horst-Bruinsma, Irene (2023-12-12)
    Objective Evidence indicates reduced treatment effectiveness of TNFi in women with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) compared with men. We aimed to investigate sex differences in treatment response and retention rates over 24 months of follow-up in axSpA ...
  • Vidarsdottir, Linda; Olafsdottir, Elinborg J.; Barkardóttir, Rósa Björk; Bjarnadóttir, Ólöf Kristjana; Jónasson, Jón Gunnlaugur; Sigurdsson, Stefan; Tryggvadottir, Laufey (2023-11-30)
    Estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer generally confers a more favorable prognosis than ER-negative cancer, however, a different picture is emerging for BRCA2 mutation carriers and young patients. We used nationwide data from population-based ...
  • Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance National/International Network Group (WARNING) Collaborators (2023-10-16)
    Antibiotics are recognized widely for their benefits when used appropriately. However, they are often used inappropriately despite the importance of responsible use within good clinical practice. Effective antibiotic treatment is an essential component ...