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Analysis and modeling of earthquake strong-motion site effects on Icelandic arrays for earthquake engineering applications

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.advisor Benedikt Halldórsson
dc.contributor.author Rahpeyma, sahar
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-17T11:07:41Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-17T11:07:41Z
dc.date.issued 2018-11-23
dc.identifier.citation Saharalsadat Rahpeyma, 2018, Analysis and modeling of earthquake strong-motion site effects on Icelandic arrays for earthquake engineering applications, PhD dissertation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland, 215 pp.
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9935-9438-1-1
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/987
dc.description.abstract A comprehensive site-effect investigation framework was developed and applied to earthquake strong-motion data collected on small-aperture urban arrays, the ICEARRAY I in Hveragerði in the South Iceland Seismic Zone and ICEARRAY II in Húsavík in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone in the north, where considerable variations over short distances in ground motion amplitudes have routinely been observed. Through the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio and Standard Spectral Ratio methods the amplification levels were shown to remain relatively low on lava rock, but predominant frequencies of resonance were found that vary systematically and correlate with the local soil structure and geological units. For stations on lava-rock characterized by one or more velocity reversals due to softer sedimentary layers at depth, modeling the soil structure as a two-degree-of-freedom dynamic system captures the observed predominant frequencies. For non-reversal sites, an inversion procedure for the velocity profile based on Bayesian statistical theory was developed. Furthermore, a versatile Bayesian Hierarchical Model (BHM) was developed and applied to peak ground acceleration data, quantifying the contribution of earthquake source, wave propagation and local geological effects to PGA variations. This study thus improves the modeling of site effects in Iceland, quantifies the variabilities of physical parameters of the subsoil through a Bayesian inversion technique, and through the new BHM shows that for ICEARRAY I the earthquake effect dominates the variability while for ICEARRAY II, the site effects are dominating. The results of this study thus facilitate our understanding of local ground motions and have practical implications for urban planning and seismic hazard assessment.
dc.description.abstract Í þessu verkefni voru staðbundin mögnunaráhrif efstu jarðlaga á jarðskjálftabylgjur greind með jarðskjálfta- og jarðsuðsgögnum frá ICEARRAY hröðunarmælafylkingunum í Hveragerði og á Húsavík, en þær einkennast af umtalsverðum breytileika á einkennum og umfangi yfirborðshreyfinga í jarðskjálftum yfir afar stuttar vegalengdir (tugi til hundruði metra). Hlutfallsgreining tíðnirófa sýndi að kerfisbundin mögnunaráhrif á tveimur sveiflutíðnum eru til staðar á þeim hluta Hveragerðis sem stendur á hrauni vegna viðsnúnings bylgjuhraða í mýkri setlögum undir tveimur hraunlögum. Greining á mögnun út frá hefðbundnu tveggja frígráðu sveiflukerfi sýnir að sveiflutíðnirnar eru bein afleiðing þessa viðsnúnings í hraða. Fyrir hefðbundin jarðlög var líkan af bylgjuútbreiðslu í lagskiptu efni notað til að meta efniseiginleika jarðlaganna og óvissu þeirra út frá andhverfuaðferðum og Bayesískri tölfræði. Mismunaáhrif jarðskjálftahreyfinga voru greind með nýju stigskiptu Bayesísku tölfræðilíkani sem ákvarðar framlag jarðskjálftaupptaka, útbreiðsluáhrifa, og staðbundinna áhrifa á jarðskjálftahreyfingarnar. Niðurstöðurnar sýna að hve miklu leyti fjölbreytt jarðfræði og jarðskjálftaupptök hafa áhrif á breytileika jarðskjálftahreyfinganna, og óvissugreiningin sýnir hversu marktækur munurinn er. Í jarðskjálftunum á Suðurlandi árið 2008 er breytileikinn í yfirborðshreyfingum í Hveragerði rakinn til jarðskjálftaupptakanna fyrst og fremst. Mögnunin og breytileiki hennar í Hveragerði voru bæði minni en á Húsavík í jarðskjálftunum undan Norðurlandi 2012-2013, en þar sýndu niðurstöður að staðbundnar jarðfræðilegar aðstæður höfðu afgerandi og meiri áhrif. Í þessari rannsókn hefur nýjum eðlisfræðilegum og tölfræðilegum líkönum verið beitt við greiningu á jarðskjálftahreyfingum og breytileika þeirra yfir stuttar vegalengdir. Niðurstöðurnar hafa hagnýta þýðingu því þær sýna hvaða líkön henta best eftir tegund jarðlaga og greiningaraðferðirnar skilgreina óvissu betur en áður hefur verið gert. Slíkt er forsenda bætts mats á jarðskjálftavá í byggð á Íslandi, sem hefur bein áhrif á mat á áhættu af völdum jarðskjálfta, bætingu jarðskjálftahönnunar og hagkvæmni byggðarskipulags.
dc.description.sponsorship This work was made possible by the Icelandic Centre for Research through a Research Grant of Excellence no. 141261-051/52/53. Additionally, a Doctoral grant from the Eimskip Fund of the University of Iceland, and a grant from the University of Iceland Research Fund enabled this work. The basis of this work is the ICEARRAY I strong-motion dataset, recorded on instruments funded by a Marie Curie Reintegration Grant in 2008, and the ICEARRAY II strong-motion dataset, funded through a Rannís Equipment Grant in 2012 with their deployment funded by the Icelandic Catastrophe Insurance (Grant no. S112-2013). Additionally, the inhabitants of Hveragerði and Húsavík, and their municipalities, are acknowledged for their generosity and assistance in housing the recording equipment and for their dedication and support to the ICEARRAY project.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Site-effect
dc.subject Bayesian Hierarchical Model
dc.subject Arrays
dc.subject Jarðskjálftaverkfræði
dc.subject Jarðskjálftamælingar
dc.subject Bayesísk tölfræði
dc.subject Líkön
dc.subject Doktorsritgerðir
dc.title Analysis and modeling of earthquake strong-motion site effects on Icelandic arrays for earthquake engineering applications
dc.title.alternative Greining á staðbundnum jarðskjálftaáhrifum út frá þéttum hröðunarmælanetum í byggð á Íslandi
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
dc.contributor.department Umhverfis- og byggingarverkfræðideild (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UI)
dc.contributor.school Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)

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