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Fletta eftir höfundi "4f8354fd-73de-46ec-8ba3-e524f75f4c70"

Fletta eftir höfundi "4f8354fd-73de-46ec-8ba3-e524f75f4c70"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Aceto, Luca; Fabregas, Ignacio; Garcia-Perez, Alvaro; Ingolfsdottir, Anna; Ortega-Mallen, Yolanda (2019-10-14)
    The nominal transition systems (NTSs) of Parrow et al. describe the operational semantics of nominal process calculi. We study NTSs in terms of the nominal residual transition systems (NRTSs) that we introduce. We provide rule formats for the specifications ...