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Browsing Háskólinn á Akureyri by Subject "Ferðaþjónusta"

Browsing Háskólinn á Akureyri by Subject "Ferðaþjónusta"

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  • Karlsson, Vífill; Jóhannesson, Hjalti; Pétursson, Jón Óskar (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2017-12-14)
    Mikil umræða fer nú fram um uppbyggingu og viðhald ferðamannastaða og þá þjónustu sem þarf að veita til þess að ferðaþjónusta geti þróast í takt við mikla fjölgun erlendra ferðamanna til landsins. Sveitarfélög eru einn þeirra hópa sem horft er til ...
  • de la Barre, Suzanne; Maher, Patrick; Dawson, Jackie; Hillmer-Pegram, Kevin; Huijbens, Edward; Lamers, Machiel; Liggett, Daniela; Müller, Dieter; Pashkevich, Albina; Stewart, Emma (Co-Action Publishing, 2016-03-01)
    The Arctic is affected by global environmental change and also by diverse interests from many economic sectors and industries. Over the last decade, various actors have attempted to explore the options for setting up integrated and comprehensive ...
  • Kristjansdottir, Helga (Informa UK Limited, 2019-12-29)
    What are the determinants of tourism when treated as exports in national accounts? Is tourism sensitive to value-added taxation, Internet access, oil, English, Christianity, and regional trade agreements? Impact of these factors on tourism are tested, ...