Greinar - LBHÍ: Recent submissions

  • Parts, Kaarin; Tedersoo, Leho; Schindlbacher, Andreas; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki; Oddsdóttir, Edda Sigurdís; Borken, Werner; Ostonen, Ivika (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-07-09)
    Global warming is predicted to impact high-latitude and high-altitude forests severely, jeopardizing their overall functioning and carbon storage, both of which depend on the warming response of tree fine root systems. This paper investigates the effect ...
  • Rosenstock, Nicholas; Ellström, Magnus; Oddsdóttir, Edda Sigurdís; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Wallander, Håkan (Elsevier BV, 2019-08)
    Soil warming (0–5.5 °C above controls) effects on ectomycorrhizal growth, carbon sequestration and community composition were examined in a Picea sitchensis forest spanning a geothermal gradient in Iceland. Fungal communities were assayed with sand-filled ...
  • Radujković, Dajana; Verbruggen, Erik; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki; Janssens, Ivan; Vicca, Sara; Weedon, James (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2017-12-08)
    Global change is expected to affect soil microbial communities through their responsiveness to temperature. It has been proposed that prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures may lead to progressively larger effects on soil microbial community ...
  • Soininen, E.M.; Barrio, Isabel C; Jepsen, J.U.; Ehrich, D.; Ravolainen, V.T.; Speed, J.D.M. (Springer Nature, 2018-09-27)
    Along with climate change, herbivory is considered a main driver of ecosystem change in terrestrial Arctic environments. Understanding how herbivory influences the resilience of Arctic ecosystems to ongoing environmental changes is essential to inform ...
  • Vicca, Sara; Stocker, Benjamin; Reed, Sasha; WIEDER, WILLIAM; Bahn, Michael; Fay, Philip; Janssens, Ivan; Lambers, Hans; Penuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong; Rebel, Karin; Sardans, Jordi; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Van Sundert, Kevin; Wang, Ying-Ping; Zaehle, Sönke; Ciais, Philippe (IOP Publishing, 2018-12-07)
    A wide range of research shows that nutrient availability strongly influences terrestrial carbon (C) cycling and shapes ecosystem responses to environmental changes and hence terrestrial feedbacks to climate. Nonetheless, our understanding of nutrient ...
  • Xu, Song-Song; Gao, Lei; Xie, Xing-Long; Ren, Yan-Ling; Shen, Zhi-Qiang; Wang, Feng; Shen, Min; Eythorsdottir, Emma; Hallsson, Jon; Kiseleva, Tatyana; Kantanen, Juha; Li, Meng-Hua (Frontiers Media SA, 2018-04-10)
    Reproduction is an important trait in sheep breeding as well as in other livestock. However, despite its importance the genetic mechanisms of litter size in domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are still poorly understood. To explore genetic mechanisms underlying ...
  • Jónsson, Þorbergur Hjalti; Snorrason, Arnór (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2018)
    In Iceland, mountain birch dominates indigenous woodlands and scrub communities. For use in inventories of the natural birch population, we derived single parameter aboveground biomass functions from a stratified random sample encompassing the entire ...
  • Skirnisson, Karl; Pálsdóttir, Guðný Rut; Eydal, Matthías (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2018)
    Importing dogs into Iceland was prohibited or restricted from 1909 until 1989, when the ban was lifted and importing dogs and cats permitted, with the proviso of an enforced period of quarantine and the requirement of specific medical treatments and ...
  • Andrésdóttir, Valgerður (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2018)
    Maedi-visna virus (MVV) is a lentivirus of sheep causing inflammation in many organs, primarily the lungs and CNS. HIV and SIV also belong to the lentivirus genus of retroviruses. MVV and HIV have many features in common, including genome organization, ...
  • Maljanen, Marja; Bhattarai, Hem Raj; Biasi, Christina; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D. (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2018)
    Geothermal areas can be local sources of greenhouse gases, both directly from the geothermal system or because of soil warming effects on biological sources. In this study we repeated field measurements methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes along ...
  • Riege, Dennis A; Sigurgeirsson, Aðalsteinn (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2018)
    Afforestation in southwest Iceland is hindered by eroded, infertile soils and salt deposition from strong oceanic winds. A trial plot of 25 provenances of native downy birch collected throughout Iceland was established in 1998 near Keflavik International ...
  • Moroni, Beatrice; Arnalds, Olafur; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Pavla; Crocchianti, Stefano; Vivani, Riccardo; Cappelletti, David (Frontiers Media SA, 2018-11-05)
    This work aims to identify the geochemical and mineralogical markers of Icelandic dust and to differentiate it from the dust of local origin deposited at the Ny-Ålesund station. We characterized representative sediment samples from Iceland and Svalbard ...
  • Figueiredo Cardoso, Tainã; Amills, Marcel; Bertolini, Francesca; Rothschild, Max F.; Marras, Gabriele; Boink, Geert; Jordana, Jordi; Capote, Juan; Carolan, Sean; Hallsson, Jon; Kantanen, Juha; Pons, Àgueda L.; Lenstra, Johannes A. (Springer Nature America, Inc, 2018-11-19)
    Genetic isolation of breeds may result in a significant loss of diversity and have consequences on health and performance. In this study, we examined the effect of geographic isolation on caprine genetic diversity patterns by genotyping 480 individuals ...
  • Nistelberger, Heidi M.; Palsdottir, Albina Hulda; Star, Bastiaan; Leifsson, Rúnar; Gondek, Agata T; Orlando, Ludovic; Barrett, James H.; Hallsson, Jon; Boessenkool, Sanne (Elsevier BV, 2019-01)
    Horses are the most common grave goods found in Icelandic Viking Age graves. Horse skeletons have previously been sexed based on pelvis shape and the presence of canine teeth in male horses over 4–5 years of age. Morphological data has shown that all ...
  • Barrio, Isabel C; Hik, D.S.; Þórrsson, Jóhann; Svavarsdóttir, Kristín; Marteinsdóttir, Bryndís; Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg Svala (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2018)
    Land degradation and extensive soil erosion are serious environmental concerns in Iceland. Natural processes associated with a harsh climate and frequent volcanic activity have shaped Icelandic landscapes. However, following human settlement and the ...
  • Barrio, Isabel C; Bueno, C. Guillermo; Gartzia, M; Soininen, E.M.; Christie, K.S.; Speed, J.D.M.; Ravolainen, V.T.; Forbes, B.C.; Gauthier, G.; Horstkotte, T.; Hoset, K.S.; Hoye, T.T.; Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg Svala; Lévesque, E.; Mörsdorf, M.A.; Olofsson, J.; Wookey, P.A.; Hik, D.S. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2016)
    Aim. Understanding the forces shaping biodiversity patterns, particularly for groups of organisms with key functional roles, will help predict ecosystem responses to environmental changes. Our aim was to evaluate the relative role of different drivers ...
  • Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Ayala-Roque, Marta; Sardans, Jordi; Bartrons, Mireia; Granda, Victor; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki; Oravec, Michal; Urban, Otmar; Janssens, Ivan; Penuelas, Josep (MDPI AG, 2017-08-23)
    Climate change is stronger at high than at temperate and tropical latitudes. The natural geothermal conditions in southern Iceland provide an opportunity to study the impact of warming on plants, because of the geothermal bedrock channels that induce ...
  • Martin, Peter; Dalmannsdottir, Sigridur; í Gerdinum, Jens Ivan; Halland, Hilde; Hermannsson, Jónatan; Kavanagh, Vanessa; MacKenzie, Katrin; Reykdal, Ólafur; Russell, Joanne; Sveinsson, Sæmundur; Thomsen, Mette; Wishart, John (Springer Nature, 2017-10-26)
    Although grass dominates most agricultural systems in the North Atlantic region (NAR), spring barley is the most important cereal and is used for animal feed and food and drink products. Recent changes in climate have resulted in warmer conditions ...
  • Hilmarsson, Hrannar Smári; Hytönen, Timo; Isobe, Sachiko; Göransson, Magnus; Toivainen, Tuomas; Hallsson, Jon (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2017-08-30)
    The woodland strawberry, Fragaria vesca, holds great promise as a model organism. It not only represents the important Rosaceae family that includes economically important species such as apples, pears, peaches and roses, but it also complements the ...
  • Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki; Dauwe, Steven; Guðmundsdóttir, Elín; Gundersen, Per; G. Gunnarsdóttir, Gunnhildur Eva; Holmstrup, Martin; Ilieva-Makulec, Krassimira; Kätterer, Thomas; Marteinsdóttir, Bryndís; Maljanen, Marja; Oddsdóttir, Edda Sigurdís; Ostonen, Ivika; Penuelas, Josep; Poeplau, Christopher; Richter, Andreas; Sigurðsson, Páll; van Bodegom, Peter; Wallander, Håkan; Weedon, James; Janssens, Ivan (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2016)
    This article describes how natural geothermal soil temperature gradients in Iceland have been used to study terrestrial ecosystem responses to soil warming. The experimental approach was evaluated at three study sites in southern Iceland; one grassland ...