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Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Journal title "Journal of High Energy Physics"

Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Journal title "Journal of High Energy Physics"

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  • Schneiderbauer, Lukas; Sybesma, Watse; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-07-01)
    We adapt the complexity as action prescription (CA) to a semi-classical model of two-dimensional dilaton gravity and determine the rate of increase of holographic complexity for an evaporating black hole. The results are consistent with our previous ...
  • Lowe, David A.; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Nature, 2018-01)
    Holographic theories representing black holes are expected to exhibit quantum chaos. We argue if the laws of quantum mechanics are expected to hold for observers inside such black holes, then such holographic theories must have a mean field approximation ...
  • Amado, Irene; Sundborg, Bo; Thorlacius, Larus; Wintergerst, Nico (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    The emergent nature of spacetime geometry and black holes can be directly probed in simple holographic duals of higher spin gravity and tensionless string theory. To this end, we study time dependent thermal correlation functions of gauge invariant ...
  • Erdmenger, Johanna; Fernández, Daniel; Goulart, Prieslei; Witkowski, Piotr (Springer Nature, 2017-03)
    In the context of applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence to condensed matter physics, we compute conductivities for field theory duals of dyonic planar black holes in 3+1-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theories at zero temperature. We ...
  • Kozin, Valerii (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-09-01)
    The BCFW recursion relation in N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory is solved using Yang-Baxter R-operators in the NMHV sector. Explicit expressions for R-invariants are obtained in terms of the chains of R-operators acting on an appropriate basic state.
  • Bobev, Nikolay; Fischbacher, Thomas; Gautason, Fridrik F; Pilch, Krzysztof (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-07-01)
    We report on a systematic search for AdS5 vacua corresponding to critical points of the potential in the five-dimensional N = 8 SO(6) gauged supergravity. By employing Google’s TensorFlow Machine Learning library, we find the total of 32 critical points ...
  • Keränen, Ville; Sybesma, Watse; Szepietowski, Phillip; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Nature, 2017-05)
    The 2+1 dimensional quantum Lifshitz model can be generalised to a class of higher dimensional free field theories that exhibit Lifshitz scaling. When the dynamical critical exponent equals the number of spatial dimensions, equal time correlation ...
  • Angel Ramelli, Juan Fernando; Giangreco Puletti, Valentina; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-08-01)
    We compute universal finite corrections to entanglement entropy for generalised quantum Lifshitz models in arbitrary odd spacetime dimensions. These are generalised free field theories with Lifshitz scaling symmetry, where the dynamical critical exponent ...
  • Ohlsson, Tommy; Pernow, Marcus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-06-18)
    We consider numerical fits to non-supersymmetric SO(10)-based models in which neutrino mass is generated by the type-I or type-II seesaw mechanism or a combination of both. The fits are performed with a sophisticated top-down procedure, taking into ...
  • Grozdanov, Sašo; Poovuttikul, Napat (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-04-23)
    We begin the exploration of holographic duals to theories with generalised global (higher-form) symmetries. In particular, we focus on the case of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in strongly coupled plasmas by constructing and analysing a holographic dual ...
  • Schneiderbauer, Lukas; Sybesma, Watse; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-03)
    We obtain the holographic complexity of an evaporating black hole in the semi-classical RST model of two-dimensional dilaton gravity, using a volume prescription that takes into account the higher-dimensional origin of the model. For classical black ...
  • Bobev, Nikolay; Gautason, Fridrik F; Pilch, Krzysztof; Suh, Minwoo; van Muiden, Jesse (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-05-01)
    We find the holographic dual to the three classes of superconformal Janus interfaces in N = 4 SYM that preserve three-dimensional N = 4, N = 2, and N = 1 supersymmetry. The solutions are constructed in five-dimensional SO(6) maximal gauged supergravity ...
  • Lowe, David A.; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Nature, 2016-12)
    We explore a version of black hole complementarity, where an approximate semiclassical effective field theory for interior infalling degrees of freedom emerges holo-graphically from an exact evolution of exterior degrees of freedom. The infalling degrees ...
  • Bobev, Nikolay; Gautason, Fridrik F; Parmentier, Klaas (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-06-01)
    We establish an attractor mechanism for the horizon metric of asymptotically locally AdS4 supersymmetric black holes. The horizon is a smooth Riemann surface with arbitrary metric at asymptotic infinity which is fixed to the constant curvature metric ...
  • Angel Ramelli, Juan Fernando; Berthiere, C.; Giangreco Puletti, Valentina; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-09)
    We investigate quantum entanglement in a non-relativistic critical system by calculating the logarithmic negativity of a class of mixed states in the quantum Lifshitz model in one and two spatial dimensions. In 1+1 dimensions we employ a correlator ...
  • Giangreco Puletti, Valentina; Pourhasan, Razieh (Springer Nature, 2017-08)
    We compute holographic Rényi entropies for spherical entangling surfaces on the boundary while considering third order Lovelock gravity with negative cosmological constant in the bulk. Our study shows that third order Lovelock black holes with hyperbolic ...
  • Fernández, Daniel; Rajagopal, Aruna; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-12-01)
    We study out-of-equilibrium energy transport in a quantum critical fluid with Lifshitz scaling symmetry following a local quench between two semi-infinite fluid reservoirs. The late time energy flow is universal and is accommodated via a steady state ...
  • Gautason, Fridrik F; Schneiderbauer, Lukas; Sybesma, Watse; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-05-01)
    A Page curve for an evaporating black hole in asymptotically flat spacetime is computed by adapting the Quantum Ryu-Takayanagi (QRT) proposal to an analytically solvable semi-classical two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory. The Page time is found to ...
  • Amado, Irene; Sundborg, Bo; Thorlacius, Larus; Wintergerst, Nico (Springer Nature, 2017-02)
    Boundary correlation functions provide insight into the emergence of an effective geometry in higher spin gravity duals of O(N ) or U(N ) symmetric field theories. On a compact manifold, the singlet constraint leads to nontrivial dynamics at finite ...
  • Banerjee, Souvik; Engelsöy, Julius; Larana-Aragon, Jorge; Sundborg, Bo; Thorlacius, Larus; Wintergerst, Nico (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-08-01)
    A macroscopic version of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement is obtained by quenching a quadratic coupling between two O(N) vector models. A quench of the mixed vacuum produces an excited entangled state, reminiscent of purified thermal equilibrium, ...