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Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Journal title "Journal of Glaciology"

Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Journal title "Journal of Glaciology"

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  • Motyka, Roman J.; Cassotto, Ryan; Truffer, Martin; Kjeldsen, Kristian K.; Van As, Dirk; Korsgaard, Niels Jakup; Fahnestock, Mark; Howat, Ian; Langen, Peter L.; Mortensen, John; Lennert, Kunuk; Rysgaard, Søren (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2017-01-25)
    We assess ice loss and velocity changes between 1985 and 2014 of three tidewater and fiveland terminating glaciers in Godthabsfjord (Nuup Kangerlua), Greenland. Glacier thinning accounted for 43.8 +/- 0.2 km(3) of ice loss, equivalent to 0.10 mm eustatic ...
  • Nielsen, Lisbeth T.; Adalgeirsdottir, Gudfinna; Gkinis, Vasileios; Nuterman, Roman; Hvidberg, Christine S. (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2018-05-22)
    The Holocene climatic optimum was a period 8–5 kyr ago when annual mean surface temperatures in Greenland were 2–3°C warmer than present-day values. However, this warming left little imprint on commonly used temperature proxies often used to derive the ...
  • Belart, Joaquín M. C.; Magnússon, Eyjólfur; Berthier, Etienne; Pálsson, Finnur; Adalgeirsdottir, Gudfinna; Jóhannesson, Tómas (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019-04-11)
    Mass-balance measurements of Icelandic glaciers are sparse through the 20th century. However, the large archive of stereo images available allows estimates of glacier-wide mass balance in decadal time steps since 1945. Combined with climate records, ...
  • Andreassen, Liss M.; Elvehøy, Hallgeir; Kjøllmoen, Bjarne; Belart, Joaquín M. C. (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2020-02-13)
    Abstract In this paper, we give an overview of changes in area, length, surface elevation and mass balance of glaciers in mainland Norway since the 1960s. Frontal advances have been recorded in all regions except the northernmost glaciers in Troms and ...
  • Woodard, Jacob B.; Zoet, Lucas K.; Benediktsson, Ívar Örn; Iverson, Neal R.; Finlayson, Andrew (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2020-07-08)
    Drumlins form at the ice/bed interface through subglacial processes that are not directly observable. The internal stratigraphy of drumlins provides insight into how they developed and associated subglacial processes, but traditional stratigraphic ...
  • Schmidt, Louise Steffensen; Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt; Kim, Jung Rack; Karlsson, Nanna Bjørnholt (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019-09-30)
    The Martian mid-latitudes contain numerous small water-ice deposits, collectively termed viscous flow features (VFFs). The shape and topography of the deposits contain information on their past flow history and formation process. In order to access ...
  • Jóhannesson, Tómas; Pálmason, Bolli; Hjartarson, Árni; Jarosch, Alexander H.; Magnússon, Eyjólfur; Belart, Joaquín M. C.; Gudmundsson, Magnus Tumi (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2020-06-02)
    Non-surface mass balance is non-negligible for glaciers in Iceland. Several Icelandic glaciers are in the neo-volcanic zone where a combination of geothermal activity, volcanic eruptions and geothermal heat flux much higher than the global average lead ...
  • Minchew, Brent; Simons, Mark; Björnsson, Helgi; Pálsson, Finnur; Morlighem, Mathieu; Seroussi, Helene; Larour, Eric; Hensley, Scott (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2016-02)
    The mechanical properties of glacier beds play a fundamental role in regulating the sensitivity of glaciers to environmental forcing across a wide range of timescales. Glaciers are commonly underlain by deformable till whose mechanical properties and ...
  • Eythorsson, Darri; Gardarsson, Sigurdur; Gunnarsson, Andri; Hrafnkelsson, Birgir (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2018-03-19)
    Forecasting of glacier mass balance is important for optimal management of hydrological resources, especially where glacial meltwater constitutes a significant portion of stream flow, as is the case for many rivers in Iceland. In this study, a method ...