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Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Journal title "Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth"

Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Journal title "Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth"

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  • Mozhikunnath Parameswaran, Revathy; Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur; Þorbjarnardóttir, Bergþóra Sólveig (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2023-03-14)
    Hjalli-Ölfus is the westernmost segment of the east-west transform South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), which is the eastward extension of the ∼ENE-trending transtensional Reykjanes Peninsula (RP). Historically, the area has shown an interactive behavior ...
  • Till, Jessica L; Rybacki, E.; Morales, L.F.G.; Naumann, M. (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2019-03)
    We performed a series of deformation experiments on synthetic magnetite aggregates to characterize the high‐temperature rheological behavior of this mineral under nominally dry and hydrous conditions. Grain growth laws for magnetite were additionally ...
  • Arnadottir, Thora; Haines, John; Geirsson, Halldor; Hreinsdóttir, Sigrún (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2018-12)
    The South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ) accommodates E‐W translation due to oblique spreading between the North American and the Eurasian plates in South Iceland with ruptures on N‐S faults. Strain is released in earthquake sequences that last days to ...
  • Caudron, Corentin; White, Robert S.; Green, Robert G.; Woods, Jennifer; Agustsdottir, Thorbjorg; Donaldson, Clare; Greenfield, Tim; Rivalta, Eleonora; Brandsdóttir, Bryndís (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2018-01)
    Magma is transported in brittle rock through dikes and sills. This movement may be accompanied by the release of seismic energy that can be tracked from the Earth's surface. Locating dikes and deciphering their dynamics is therefore of prime importance ...
  • Mozhikunnath Parameswaran, Revathy; Þorbjarnardóttir, Bergþóra Sólveig; Stefánsson, Ragnar; Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2020-08)
    The Ölfus seismic belt lies at the western end of the ~E‐W sinistral transform shear zone in South Iceland, called the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), where most seismicity and surface faulting show ~N‐S dextral slip. Unlike the rest of SISZ, ...
  • Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur; Silver, Paul G.; Rümpker, Georg; Solomon, Sean C. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2002-12)
    We report on observations of upper mantle anisotropy from the splitting of teleseismic shear waves (SKS, SKKS, and PKS) recorded by the ICEMELT broadband seismometer network in Iceland. In a ridge-centered hot spot locale, mantle anisotropy may be ...
  • Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur; Einarsson, Páll (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1991-03-10)
    The May 25, 1987, Vatnafjöll earthquake occurred on the Mid‐Atlantic plate boundary, at a junction between a transform (the South Iceland Seismic Zone) and a spreading segment (the Eastern Volcanic Zone). The South Iceland Seismic Zone has had the most ...
  • Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur; Menke, William; Flóvenz, Ólafur G.; Caress, David (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1993-04-10)
    The 170 km South Iceland Seismic Tomography (SIST) profile extends from the west and across the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge spreading center in the Western Volcanic Zone and continues obliquely through the transform zone (the South Iceland Seismic Zone) to the ...