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Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Author "Sæþórsdóttir, Anna"

Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Author "Sæþórsdóttir, Anna"

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  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Hall, C. Michael (MDPI AG, 2019-07-02)
    The Icelandic economy has transitioned from being dependent on fishing and agriculture to having tourism and refined aluminum as its main exports. Nevertheless, the new main industries still rely on the country's natural resources, as the power intensive ...
  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Stefánsson, Þorkell (Viðskiptafræðideild og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, viðskiptafræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík og Seðlabanki Íslands, 2017-06-30)
    Tækifæri á sviði ferðaþjónustu og nýtingar orkuauðlinda eru oft nefnd sem leiðir til þess að takast á við breytta atvinnuhætti, sporna við fólksfækkun í dreifbýli og skapa verðmæti. Báðar greinarnar nýta náttúruna sem auðlind en geta þær farið saman ...
  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Hall, C. Michael (MDPI AG, 2018-07-04)
    It is of vital importance that nature-based tourist destinations maintain their natural resources in a sustainable way. Nature and wilderness are the main attractions for tourism in Iceland. The Central Highlands are uninhabited with little visible ...
  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Hall, Colin Michael; Wendt, Margrét (MDPI AG, 2020-08-03)
    Overtourism has emerged as a common concept to describe the perceived negative impacts that large numbers of tourists can have on destinations. Iceland is one of the destinations which has been most associated with the concept of overtourism. Tourism ...
  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Hall, Colin Michael; Wendt, Margrét (MDPI AG, 2020-09-08)
    Iceland has been one of the main destinations that have been incorporated into the discourse of overtourism. However, Iceland is different to many other supposed overtourism destinations in that its tourism is based on natural areas. Nevertheless, ...
  • Olafsdottir, Rannveig; Sæþórsdóttir, Anna (MDPI AG, 2020-03-27)
    In recent years, there has been a gradually growing emphasis on the protection of wilderness in Iceland. This is highlighted in the current preparation of a new national park in the Icelandic central highlands, which will become Europe's largest national ...
  • Tverijonaite, Edita; Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Olafsdottir, Rannveig; Hall, Colin Michael (MDPI AG, 2019-10-19)
    Increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix is of crucial importance for climate change mitigation. However, as renewable energy development often changes the visual appearance of landscapes and might affect other industries relying on ...
  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Hall, C. Michael; Stefánsson, Þorkell (MDPI AG, 2019-05-30)
    Seasonality in visitor arrivals is one of the greatest challenges faced by tourist destinations. Seasonality is a major issue for sustainable tourism as it affects the optimal use of investment and infrastructure, puts pressure on resources and can ...
  • Heimisdóttir, Þórhildur; Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Gísladóttir, Guðrún (SAGE Publications, 2019-03-08)
    This article attempts to understand the value and meaning of a hazardous natural environment for tourists. It focuses on the attraction of volcanic sites in the eyes of sensation-seeking hikers. The research is based on a participatory observation study ...