dc.contributor |
Háskóli Íslands |
dc.contributor |
University of Iceland |
dc.contributor.advisor |
Thorhallur Gudlaugsson, Svala Gudmundsdottir |
dc.contributor.author |
Theodorsson, Unnar |
dc.date.accessioned |
2025-01-05T20:06:13Z |
dc.date.available |
2025-01-05T20:06:13Z |
dc.date.issued |
2024-11 |
dc.identifier.isbn |
978-9935-9773-4-2 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/5234 |
dc.description.abstract |
This doctoral dissertation aimed to critically examine talent management practices in large
commercial banks and how these practices influence employee experiences and
relationships. By emphasizing the employee perspective, this study addressed a gap in
the existing literature, which often focuses on organizational and managerial viewpoints,
neglecting individual employees´ subjective experiences.
Employing a qualitative methodology, this research utilized an exploratory ethnographic
approach to understand employees´ subjective interpretations of talent management
practices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with HR managers and bank
specialists to explore the dimensions of talent management, including recruitment,
motivation, and retention, and their impact on employee satisfaction and organizational
commitment. The study´s exploratory nature was supported by a critical realist approach
to acknowledging the complexity of social phenomena and multiple realities.
The findings revealed that talent management practices significantly affect employees´
psychological and professional landscapes at large commercial banks. There was a strong
link between strategic talent management initiatives and employees´ perceptions, job
satisfaction, commitment, and value to the organization. These outcomes indicated that
talent management practices influence organizational outcomes, shape the work
environment, and impact employee relationships.
The study concluded that effective talent management is crucial for improving
organizational performance and cultivating a supportive work environment. Effective
talent management is particularly relevant in large commercial banks, where competition
for talent is intense, and retaining high-potential employees is essential for maintaining a
competitive advantage. The research underscores the importance of incorporating
employee feedback into talent management strategies to ensure alignment with employee
needs and a positive organizational climate.
This doctoral dissertation contributes to human resources management by providing
insights into how talent management practices impact employee experiences in large
commercial banks. It highlights the need for a holistic, employee-centric approaches to
talent management, suggesting that the success of these practices largely depends on
their alignment with employee expectations and their overall contribution to a positive,
supportive workplace culture. |
dc.description.abstract |
Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að skoða á gagnrýninn hátt atgervisstjórnun (e. talent
management) innan stórra viðskiptabanka og hvernig mismunandi aðferðir höfðu áhrif á
reynslu starfsfólks og samskipti þess á vinnustað. Með því að leggja áherslu á sjónarhorn
starfsfólks tók þessi rannsókn á skorti í núverandi fræðilegri umfjöllun þar sem einungis
er horft út frá sjónarhorni skipulagsheilda og stjórnenda en huglæg reynsla starfsfólks er
Í rannsókninni var stuðst við eigindlega aðferð með könnunar- og þjóðfræðilegri nálgun
til að auka skilning á upplifun starfsfólks á viðfangsefninu. Viðtöl voru tekin við
mannauðsstjóra, stjórnendur og sérfræðinga bankanna til að varpa ljósi á þætti eins og
ráðningar, hvatningu, endurnýjunartíma og áhrif slíkra þátta á ánægju starfsfólks og
hollustu þess við skipulagsheildina.
Niðurstöðurnar leiddu í ljós að atgervisstjórnun hefur veruleg áhrif og tengsl voru á milli
stefnumótandi aðgerða og skynjunar starfsfólks á eigin mikilvægi fyrir skipulagsheildina,
starfánægju þess og hollustu. Þessar niðurstöður benda til þess að ákveðnar
stefnumiðaðar aðferðir hafi áhrif á árangur skipulagsheilda og móti vinnuumhverfi og
tengsl starfsfólks sín á milli.
Af rannsókninni má draga þá ályktun að árangursrík stjónun á viðfangsefninu sé lykilatriði
til að bæta frammistöðu skipulagsheilda og rækta stuðningsríkt vinnuumhverfi. Þetta á
sérstaklega við í stórum viðskiptabönkum, þar sem samkeppni um hæfileika er hörð og
endurnýjun starfsfólks með rétta hæfni og færni er nauðsynleg til að viðhalda forskoti í
samkeppni. Rannsóknin undirstrikar mikilvægi þess að fá álit starfsfólks á mismunandi
aðferðum til að tryggja samræmi við þarfir þess og jákvæðan starfsanda. |
dc.description.sponsorship |
the Board of the University of Iceland Research Funds and The
Eimskip University Fund |
dc.format.extent |
269 |
dc.language.iso |
en |
dc.publisher |
University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration |
dc.rights |
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
dc.subject |
Doktorsritgerðir |
dc.subject |
Mannauðsstjórnun |
dc.subject |
Bankar |
dc.subject |
dc.subject |
Human Capital |
dc.subject |
Banking |
dc.subject |
Talent management |
dc.title |
Without talent, success may be latent: Talent management practices in commercial banks |
dc.type |
info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis |
dc.contributor.department |
Viðskiptafræðideild (HÍ) |
dc.contributor.department |
Faculty of Business Administration (UI) |
dc.contributor.school |
Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ) |
dc.contributor.school |
School of Social Sciences (UI) |