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Open, Flexible and Distance Education in a Nordic Context

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dc.contributor.author Jakobsdóttir, Sólveig
dc.contributor.author Jóhannesdóttir, Sigurbjörg
dc.contributor.author Ossianninilson, Ebba
dc.contributor.author Köber, Ebba
dc.contributor.author Dalsgarð, John
dc.contributor.author Grubbe, Jörgen
dc.contributor.author Honkonen, Kaisa
dc.date.accessioned 2024-06-19T01:00:37Z
dc.date.available 2024-06-19T01:00:37Z
dc.date.issued 2023-11-08
dc.identifier.citation Jakobsdóttir , S , Jóhannesdóttir , S , Ossianninilson , E , Köber , E , Dalsgarð , J , Grubbe , J & Honkonen , K 2023 , ' Open, Flexible and Distance Education in a Nordic Context ' , International Council for Open and Distance Education Conference , San José , Costa Rica , 6/11/23 - 10/11/23 .
dc.identifier.citation conference
dc.identifier.other 224230040
dc.identifier.other 2d45deb6-ccf2-4243-8cbd-ffd7f34d22af
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/4949
dc.description.abstract Þessi pallborðsumræða mun beinast að norrænu svæðisneti, NordFlexOn, fyrir opið, sveigjanlegt og fjarnám (OFDL), sem ICDE stofnaði árið 2019. Markmið netsins eru að greina mögulegar og núverandi áskoranir við innleiðingu og þróun OFDL á Norðurlöndunum; berjast fyrir hágæða OFDL; og auðvelda þverþjóðlegt samstarf og miðlun þekkingar sem byggir á starfsháttum og rannsóknum á OFDL um allt svæðið. Fjögur af þátttökulöndunum hafa haft landsamtök fyrir OFDL um árabil, en eitt land (Ísland) áformar að stofna slíkt samtök. Í kynningu okkar munum við kynna niðurstöður samanburðarrannsóknar á milli fjögurra norrænna samtaka, byggt á viðtölum við fulltrúa og greiningu á upplýsingum af vefsíðum samtakanna varðandi aðild, fjármál, markmið, netveru og viðburði, verkefni, útbreiðsluvirkni sem og áskoranir og árangur. Í pallborðinu munum við ræða hvernig þessar upplýsingar geta nýst þátttakendum NordFlexOn og öðrum svæðisbundnum netum eða landsamtökum til að innleiða og þróa OFDL og tengja saman nýtt menntakerfi um OFDL. Einnig mun umræðan einblína á ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign (GAC) fyrir opið, sveigjanlegt og fjarnám og hvernig NordFlexOn ætlar að vinna í samræmi við ICDE GAC í norrænu samhengi.
dc.description.abstract This panel discussion will focus on a Nordic regional network, NordFlexOn, for open, flexible and distance learning (OFDL) established by ICDE in 2019. The network goals are to identify potential and current challenges for OFDL implementation and development in the Nordic region; advocate for high quality OFDL; and facilitate cross-national collaboration and dissemination of practice- and research-based knowledge on OFDL across the region. Four of the participating countries have had national OFDL associations for years whereas one country (Iceland) plans to establish one. In our presentation we will report the results of a comparison study between the four Nordic associations based on interviews with representatives and analysis of information from the associations' websites regarding membership, finances, goals, online presence and events, projects, outreach activities as well as challenges and successes. In the panel we will discuss how the information can be of use to the NordFlexOn participants and other regional networks or national associations to implement and develop OFDL. and network in a new educational ecosystem on OFDL. Also the discussion will focus on the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign (GAC) for Open, Flexible and Distance and how NordFlexOn plans to work inline with the ICDE GAC in the Nordic context.
dc.format.extent 10352528
dc.language.iso en
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
dc.title Open, Flexible and Distance Education in a Nordic Context
dc.title.alternative Opið og sveigjanlegt fjarnám í norrænu samhengi
dc.type /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/researchoutputtypes/contributiontoconference/abstract
dc.description.version Peer reviewed
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Subject Teacher Education
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics

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