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An overview of barley breeding and variety trials in Iceland in 1987-2014

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dc.contributor Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands
dc.contributor Agricultural University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Hilmarsson, Hrannar Smári
dc.contributor.author Göransson, Magnus
dc.contributor.author Lillemo, Morten
dc.contributor.author Kristjánsdóttir, Þórdís Anna
dc.contributor.author Hermannsson, Jónatan
dc.contributor.author Hallsson, Jon
dc.date.accessioned 2017-11-28T12:00:22Z
dc.date.available 2017-11-28T12:00:22Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Hilmarsson, H. S., Göransson, M., Lillemo, M., Kristjánsdóttir, P. A., Hermannsson, J., & Hallsson, J. H. (2017). An overview of barley breeding and variety trials in iceland in 1987-2014. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, 30(1), 13-28. doi:10.16886/IAS.2017.02
dc.identifier.issn 2298-786X
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/460
dc.description.abstract Barley is of great importance in modern agriculture and is currently the fourth most important cereal after wheat, maize, and rice. It is well adapted to a range of climatic and day-length conditions, with a distribution from Ethiopia to northern Scandinavia. Despite this, Iceland, with its sub-arctic agriculture, is considered to be at the margin of barley cultivation. Still the importance of barley has steadily increased in Icelandic agriculture, most likely as the result of positive environmental change, continuous testing of new Nordic cultivars, and an Icelandic barley breeding project. Here we present a review of the results from barley cultivar trials from 40 locations over a 28-year period in Iceland in the years 1987-2014. The results showed that yields were rising and the time from sowing to harvest was getting shorter. Also, the Icelandic genotypes were heading earlier, while showing higher yields. The results also showed that test locations were getting fewer but at the same time the number of tested genotypes was increasing. The analysis presented here highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of the current breeding program and is therefore an important basis for future breeding projects for Icelandic agriculture and possibly for other small scale breeding projects aimed at peripheral areas.
dc.description.abstract Bygg er mikilvæg nytjaplanta og er í fjórða sæti yfir mikilvægustu korntegundir í heiminu á eftir hveiti, maís og hrísgrjónum. Þó bygg hafi aðlagast fjölbreytilegum umhverfisskilyrðum, bæði loftslagi og daglengd, þá er ræktun á jaðri heimskautasvæðanna enn á mörkum þess mögulega, sem endurspeglast meðal annars í stuttri ræktunarsögu byggs á Íslandi og þeim erfiðleikum sem steðja að byggræktendum hérlendis. Þrátt fyrir það þá hefur mikilvægi byggs fyrir íslenskan landbúnað aukist nokkuð stöðugt undanfarin ár, sem meðal annars hefur verið skýrt sem afleiðing batnandi umhverfisskilyrða, prófana á erlendum byggyrkjum og kynbóta sérstaklega fyrir íslenskar aðstæður. Hér birtum við niðurstöður úr samanburðartilraunum á byggi sem fram hafa farið á 40 stöðum yfir 28 ára tímabili á árunum 1987-2014. Gögnin sýndu að tilraunastöðum fækkaði á meðan arfgerðum í tilraunum fjölgaði. Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að uppskera í tilraunum jókst á sama tíma og ræktunartímabilið styttist. Íslensku kynbótalínurnar skiluðu ekki aðeins meiri uppskeru í tilraunum heldur skriðu þær einnig fyrr. Niðurstöðurnar sem kynntar eru hér undirstrika bæði kosti og galla kynbótaverkefnisins og eru því mikilvægar áframhaldandi byggyrkjatilraunum fyrir íslenskan landbúnað og geta ef til vill nýst öðrum sambærilegum verkefnum á jaðarsvæðum.
dc.description.sponsorship The work was funded in part by a grant from the Agricultural Productivity Fund.
dc.format.extent 13-28
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Agricultural University of Iceland
dc.relation.ispartofseries IAS;30
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Kornrækt
dc.subject Bygg
dc.subject Barley
dc.title An overview of barley breeding and variety trials in Iceland in 1987-2014
dc.title.alternative Yfirlit um byggkynbætur og yrkjatilraunir á Íslandi 1987-2014
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Icelandic Agricultural Sciences
dc.identifier.doi https://doi.org/10.16886/IAS.2017.02
dc.relation.url http://www.ias.is/landbunadur/wgsamvef.nsf/Attachment/IAS%202017%202%20HrannarSmari%20ofl%20(002)/$file/IAS%202017%202%20HrannarSmari%20ofl%20(002).pdf
dc.contributor.department Auðlinda- og umhverfisdeild (LBHÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (AUI)

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