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Skuldbinding leikskólakennara til vinnustaðar: Starfsandi í lykilhlutverki

Skuldbinding leikskólakennara til vinnustaðar: Starfsandi í lykilhlutverki

Title: Skuldbinding leikskólakennara til vinnustaðar: Starfsandi í lykilhlutverki
Alternative Title: The commitment of kindergarten teachers to their workplace: Social climate plays a key role
Author: Isaksen, Rakel Ýr
Ástvaldsdóttir, Ingileif
Stefánsson, Kristján Ketill
Date: 2023-02-20
Language: Icelandic
Scope: 1009928
School: Menntavísindasvið
Department: Deild kennslu- og menntunarfræði
Series: Netla; ()
ISSN: 1670-0244
DOI: 10.24270/netla.2023.4
Subject: Starfsumhverfi leikskóla; Hvataþættir; Hollustuþættir; skildbinding til vinnustaðar; Kindergarten work environment; Motivational factors; Hygiene factors; Commitment to the workplace
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/4601

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Isaksen , R Ý , Ástvaldsdóttir , I & Stefánsson , K K 2023 , ' Skuldbinding leikskólakennara til vinnustaðar: Starfsandi í lykilhlutverki ' , Netla , bls. 1-18 . https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2023.4


Lög um eitt leyfisbréf leik-, grunn- og framhaldsskólakennara tóku gildi þann 1. janúar 2020. Eftir gildistöku laganna flutti fjöldi leikskólakennara sig um set og hóf störf á grunnskólastigi. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að bæta stöðu þekkingar og koma auga á vísbendingar um hvernig megi varðveita hæfni og sérþekkingu starfandi leikskólakennara. Rannsóknaraðferðin var megindleg, rýnt var í fyrirliggjandi gögn og þau greind með lýsandi tölfræði og fjölbreytuaðhvarfsgreiningu. Gagnasafnið samanstóð af svörum 1250 leikskólakennara við starfsmannakönnun Skólapúlsins fyrir leikskóla, sem svarað var vorin 2020 og 2021. Tvíþáttakenningin (e. Motivation hygiene theory) var lögð til grundvallar varðandi greiningu gagnanna. Tvær tilgátur voru prófaðar: 1. Leikskólakennarar sem upplifa sterka hvataþætti (t.d. góðan starfsanda) eru líklegir til að sýna skuldbindingu til vinnustaðar; 2. Leikskólakennarar sem upplifa slaka hollustuhætti (t.d. mikið vinnuálag) eru ólíklegir til að sýna skuldbindingu til vinnustaðar. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar bentu til að hvataþættirnir starfsandi, jákvæðar áskoranir í starfi og ræktun mannauðs væru í lykilhlutverki hvað varðar skuldbindingu leikskólakennara til vinnustaðarins. Niðurstöðurnar gáfu jafnframt til kynna að viðvarandi vinnuálag spilaði mikilvægt hlutverk í ótímabæru brotthvarfi leikskólakennara úr starfi. Brýnt virðist að styðja við hvatabundna þætti og draga úr neikvæðum hollustuþáttum í starfsumhverfi leikskóla.
In Iceland, kindergarten is the first level of the school system and the beginning of the formal education of each child. Kindergarten teachers are specialized in teaching young children. A new act on the education, competency and recruitment of teachers and administrators of preschools, compulsory schools and upper secondary schools entered into force at the beginning of 2020. The act provides for the issuing of a single type of teaching license. The aim of a single teacher’s license is, among other things, to increase the flexibility and flow of teachers between adjacent school levels so their specialization can be used at more than one school level. In 2018–2019 the transfer of kindergarten teachers from kindergarten to other school levels in seemed irreversible. The shortage of kindergarten teachers in Icelandic kindergartens seems to be persistent and negative for the quality of education. The study aimed to analyze the relationship between hygiene factors and motivational factors among kindergarten teachers, and their commitment to the school. The purpose of the study was to improve the state of knowledge and to find evidence on how the competence and expertise of working kindergarten teachers can be preserved. The research method was quantitative, available data were examined and analyzed with descriptive statistics and multivariate regression analysis. The data consisted of answers from 1250 kindergarten teachers across Iceland. The answers were a part of a bi-annual internal quality evaluation of 91 kindergartens. The kindergartens used an information system for standardized surveys called Skólapúlsinn and gave open permission for anonymous post-analysis of the joint data for academic purposes. The surveys took place in March of 2020 and 2021. Two hypotheses were tested: (1) Kindergarten teachers who experience positive motivational factors (e.g., positive social climate) are likely to show commitment to their workplace; (2) Kindergarten teachers who experience negative hygiene factors (e.g., persistent workload) are unlikely to show commitment to their workplace. The motivation hygiene theory (Herzberg et al., 1959) formed the basis for dividing the questionnaire factors into two models, on the one hand a positive motivational factor model and on the other a negative hygiene factor model. The results of the study indicated that the motivational regression model: social climate, human resource primacy, and positive challenges at work explained a very large part (57%) of the variance of commitment to the workplace. Of the three motivational factors social climate showed the strongest relation to commitment to the workplace (β = .42), followed by human resource primacy (β = .30), and positive challenges at the workplace (β = .20), confirming our first hypothesis. The results also indicated that the hygiene factor regression model explained a large part (20%) of the variance of commitment to the workplace. The only hygiene factor to show a strong and significant relation to commitment to the workplace was the quadratic relation of workload (β = -.47), followed by a linear relation of support to children with special needs (β = .18), and another linear relation with interaction between work and private life (β = -.17), confirming our latter hypothesis. The confirmation of the quadratic relation between workload and commitment to the workplace raises the question if the effect of persistent workload on commitment to the workplace might be underestimated in previous studies that only assume traditional linear relations. Further research is needed on the effect of persistent workload on commitment to the workplace. Overall, the results indicated that motivational factors such social climate are key factors in explaining the premature departure of kindergarten teachers from the first school level. However, the reduction of persistent workload and other negative hygiene factors also seem to play an important role in the development of ways of retaining teachers at the kindergarten level.

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