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Perplexities of the Personal and the Political: How Women's Liberation became Women's Human Rights

Perplexities of the Personal and the Political: How Women's Liberation became Women's Human Rights

Title: Perplexities of the Personal and the Political: How Women's Liberation became Women's Human Rights
Alternative Title: Um hið persónulega og hið pólitíska: Frá kvenfrelsi til mannréttinda kvenna
Author: Pálmadóttir, Valgerður
Advisor: Edenheim, Sara
Eskilsson, Lena
Andersson, Åsa
Date: 2018-11-09
Language: English
Scope: 212
School: Humanities
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/4472

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Pálmadóttir , V 2018 , ' Perplexities of the Personal and the Political: How Women's Liberation became Women's Human Rights ' , Doctor , Umeå University , Umeå .

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