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Geophysical constraints on the formation of the volcanic island of Surtsey in 1963-1967 and its internal structure

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.advisor Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson
dc.contributor.author Sayyadi, Sara
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-25T09:15:59Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-25T09:15:59Z
dc.date.issued 2023-01-06
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9935-9555-8-6
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/4163
dc.description.abstract The volcanic island of Surtsey, off the south coast of Iceland, was formed by shallow ocean-emergent basaltic volcanism in 1963-1967. There were several episodes of activity, migrating between five vents (Surtur, Surtla, Surtungur, Syrtlingur and Jólnir) to form a discontinuous ~5.8 km-long mostly submarine ridge. Analysis of data from the rudimentary analog seismic network existing in Iceland in the 1960s reveals that the magnitude of completeness for the Surtsey area was ML=2.5. Precursory seismicity (ML<3) is detected for nine days before onset of continuous tremor on 12 November 1963, signaling the onset of a 40-hour long submarine eruption, followed by subaerial explosive activity. Earthquakes during the eruption were mostly related to intrusive activity preceding opening of new vents. A complicated connection emerges between seismic tremor and magma flow rate or style of activity. The highest magma flow rates in the first 10–20 days were associated with relatively low tremor; higher tremor was observed in the weeks that followed, after discharge rate had dropped substantially. No correlation is found between minutes-to-hours variations in explosive activity and tremor. A detailed aeromagnetic survey was conducted in 2021. Spectral analysis, Euler deconvolution and 2.5D forward modeling of selected profiles reveal shallow origin of magnetic anomalies in the area. The subaerial lavas on Surtsey cause the strongest anomalies, while other sources are mostly 0-300 m below seafloor. No indications of significant intrusions are found within and below the structures formed in 1963-1967, confirming that magma fragmentation was dominant in the submarine phases of the Surtsey eruption.
dc.description.abstract Surtsey myndaðist í eldgosi undan suðurströnd Íslands á árunum 1963-1967. Gosvirkni færðist til nokkrum sinnum og alls gaus á fimm stöðum, í Surti, Surtlu, Surtungi, Syrtlingi og Jólni. Myndanirnar eru samtals um 5.8 km á lengd, mynda breiðan en slitróttan hrygg, að stórum hluta neðansjávar. Greining gagna úr því frumstæða skjálftamælakerfi sem til var á Íslandi á þessum tíma sýnir að neðri greiningarmörk jarðskjálfta voru ML=2,5 fyrir Surtsey. Hrina skjálfta <3 varð síðustu níu dagana fyrir gosið, í nóvember 1963. Stöðugur lágtíðniórói hófst upp úr hádegi 12. nóvember og er hann talinn marka upphaf Surtseyjargossins, 40 tímum áður en gosið sást á yfirborði að morgni 14. nóvember. Jarðskjálftar við Surtsey meðan á gosinu stóð voru að mestu tengdir innskotavirkni, dögum eða vikum áður en gosvirknin færðist til. Rannsókn á skjálftaóróa í Surtseyjargosinu sýnir að samband hans við gosvirkni og kvikuflæði var ekki einfalt. Órói var tiltölulega lítill fyrstu 10-20 dagana þegar kvikuflæði var mest. Óróinn var í hámarki vikurnar þar á eftir, þegar verulega hafði degið úr kvikuflæði. Engin fylgni finnst milli sprengivirkni og óróa á skemmri tímaskala (mínútur-klukkustundir). Flugsegulmælingar í þéttu mælineti voru gerðar 2021. Tvívíð tíðnigreining, Euler-afföldun og líkön af völdum segulfrávikum sýnir að upptök þeirra liggja að langmestu leyti í efstu 300 metrum jarðskorpunnar. Hraunin á suðurhluta Surtseyjar orsaka stærstu frávikin. Engin merki sjást um að bólstraberg hafi myndast í upphafi goss á neinum gosstaðanna. Ekki sjást heldur merki um að umtalsvert magn innskota sé í eða undir túffmyndunum frá 1963-1967. Þessar niðurstöður staðfesta að tvístrun kviku var ráðandi í upphafsfasa gosvirkninnar á sjávarbotni.
dc.description.sponsorship This PhD project was mainly funded by the Rannis through the Grant of Excellence Project IceSUSTAIN. Funding started in November 2017. IceSUSTAIN forms a part of the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) project SUSTAIN (main partners Univ. Utah, JH-Univ. Iceland, ÍSOR, NI, MATÍS, Univ. Bremen, Univ. Bergen, Univ. Würzburg, Univ. Otago NZ). This PhD project mainly involves UI and Univ. Otago in New Zealand.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Jarðeðlisfræði
dc.subject Doktorsritgerðir
dc.subject Surtseyjargosið
dc.subject Surtsey
dc.title Geophysical constraints on the formation of the volcanic island of Surtsey in 1963-1967 and its internal structure
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
dc.contributor.department Jarðvísindadeild (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Earth Sciences (UI)
dc.contributor.school Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)

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