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Töflur og töflugerð. Með sérstöku tilliti til íslenskra aðstæðna.

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dc.contributor Landspítali
dc.contributor.author Skaftason, Jóhannes F
dc.contributor.author Jóhannesson, Þorkell
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-22T01:03:59Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-22T01:03:59Z
dc.date.issued 2013-04
dc.identifier.citation Skaftason , J F & Jóhannesson , Þ 2013 , ' Töflur og töflugerð. Með sérstöku tilliti til íslenskra aðstæðna. ' , Læknablaðið , bind. 99 , nr. 4 . https://doi.org/10.17992/lbl.2013.04.493
dc.identifier.issn 0023-7213
dc.identifier.other 49144521
dc.identifier.other 8886803a-ef59-4b3b-a893-2fe80db20188
dc.identifier.other researchoutputwizard: hdl.handle.net/2336/302701
dc.identifier.other 23695970
dc.identifier.other 84875819715
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/3623
dc.description.abstract Töfluslátta hófst í Englandi 1844. Fyrstu töflur innihéldu vatnsleysin sölt samkvæmt forskrift Brockedons og voru sennilega slegnar án hjálparefna. Tímamót urðu um 1887 þegar tekið var að nota mjölva (amylum maydis) í Bandaríkjunum til þess að sundra töflum í vatnslausn. Þannig var hægt að framleiða töflur með torleystum lyfjum og tryggja jafnframt viðunandi aðgengi þeirra frá meltingarvegi. Á 9. áratug 19. aldar reis öflugt fyrirtæki í Englandi, Burroughs Wellcome & Co., sem náði yfirburðastöðu í töflugerð. Fram yfir 1920 var töfluframleiðsla mjög lítil í Danmörku. Dönsk apótek og lyfjafyrirtæki voru fyrirmynd íslenskra fyrirtækja á því sviði. Hófst töflugerð á Íslandi því fyrst um 1930. Fyrstu töfluvélarnar voru handvirkar en stórvirkari vélar komu til landsins eftir 1945. Um 1960 voru stærstu töfluframleiðendurnir eitt apótek og tvær lyfjaheildsölur sem jafnframt framleiddu lyf. Nú er einn töfluframleiðandi í landinu. Tæplega tíu töflutegundir voru á markaði árið 1913 en voru orðnar 500 árið 1965. Miklar sveiflur voru í fjölda taflna á þessu árabili. Töflur hafa ekki útrýmt öðrum lyfjaformum til inntöku, en langflest lyf til inntöku hafa komið á markað á síðustu áratugum í formi taflna. Modern tablet compression was instituted in England in 1844 by William Brockedon (1787-1854). The first tablets made according to Brockedon´s procedures contained watersoluble salts and were most likely compressed without expedients. In USA a watershed occurred around 1887 when starch (amylum maydis) was introduced to disperse tablets in aqueous milieu in order to corroborate bioavailability of drugs in the almentary canal. About the same time great advances in tablet production were introduced by the British firm Burroughs Wellcome and Co. In Denmark on the other hand tablet production remained on low scale until after 1920. As Icelandic pharmacies and drug firms modelled themselves mostly upon Danish firms tablet production was first instituted in Iceland around 1930. The first tablet machines in Iceland were hand-driven. More efficent machines came after 1945. Around 1960 three sizeable tablet producers were in Iceland; now there is only one. Numbers of individual tablet species (generic and proprietary) on the market rose from less than 10 in 1913 to 500 in 1965, with wide variations in numbers in between. Tablets have not wiped out other medicinal forms for peroral use but most new peroral drugs have been marketed in the form of tablets during the last decades.
dc.format.extent 257157
dc.language.iso is
dc.relation.ispartofseries Læknablaðið; 99(4)
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Lyf
dc.subject Lyfjagjöf
dc.subject Lyfjameðferð
dc.subject Sagnfræði
dc.subject Administration, Oral
dc.subject Chemistry, Pharmaceutical
dc.subject Diffusion of Innovation
dc.subject Drug Compounding
dc.subject Equipment Design
dc.subject Excipients/chemistry
dc.subject History, 18th Century
dc.subject History, 19th Century
dc.subject History, 20th Century
dc.subject History, 21st Century
dc.subject Iceland
dc.subject Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage*
dc.subject Tablets
dc.subject Technology, Pharmaceutical*/history
dc.subject Pharmaceutical Preparations/chemistry
dc.subject Pharmaceutical Preparations/history
dc.subject Technology, Pharmaceutical*/instrumentation
dc.subject Technology, Pharmaceutical*/methods
dc.subject Lyf
dc.subject Lyfjagjöf
dc.subject Lyfjameðferð
dc.subject Sagnfræði
dc.subject Administration, Oral
dc.subject Chemistry, Pharmaceutical
dc.subject Diffusion of Innovation
dc.subject Drug Compounding
dc.subject Equipment Design
dc.subject Excipients/chemistry
dc.subject History, 18th Century
dc.subject History, 19th Century
dc.subject History, 20th Century
dc.subject History, 21st Century
dc.subject Iceland
dc.subject Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage*
dc.subject Tablets
dc.subject Technology, Pharmaceutical*/history
dc.subject Pharmaceutical Preparations/chemistry
dc.subject Pharmaceutical Preparations/history
dc.subject Technology, Pharmaceutical*/instrumentation
dc.subject Technology, Pharmaceutical*/methods
dc.title Töflur og töflugerð. Með sérstöku tilliti til íslenskra aðstæðna.
dc.type /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/researchoutputtypes/contributiontojournal/article
dc.description.version Peer reviewed
dc.identifier.doi 10.17992/lbl.2013.04.493
dc.relation.url http://www.laeknabladid.is

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