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Stability and dynamics of chiral magnetic structures in ferro- and antiferromagnets

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.advisor Hannes Jónsson
dc.contributor.author Potkina, Maria
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-24T10:07:29Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-24T10:07:29Z
dc.date.issued 2022-06-29
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9935-9630-2-4
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/3538
dc.description.abstract Reduction of the size of magnetic bits for data storage, transfer and processing of information down to the nanoscale would lay the foundation for large advances in information technology, both in terms of processing speed and energy efficiency. Such a development requires analysis of the stability of localized magnetic states with respect to thermal fluctuations and random external influences. In the dissertation, these issues are investigated in the framework of harmonic transition state theory. The lifetime of skyrmions and antiskyrmions, two examples of chiral magnetic structures, is calculated using various values of materials parameters, such as the ratio of the lattice constant to the skyrmion size. The energy barrier for skyrmion collapse is found to approach the Belavin-Polyakov lower bound of the energy of a topological soliton in the σ - model, and the entropy contribution to the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius rate expression for the lifetime is found to approach a constant. As a result, the skyrmion lifetime can, for large enough number of spins, correspond to thermal stability at room temperature even without magnetic dipole–dipole interaction. Calculations of skyrmions in antiferromagnets are also presented, and their properties compared with skyrmions in corresponding ferromagnets. The rates of skyrmion collapse and escape through the boundary of a track, as well as the binding to and collapse at a non-magnetic impurity, are calculated as a function of an applied magnetic field. The lifetime of antiskyrmions in an Mn–Pt–Sn tetragonal Heusler material has been calculated using an atomic scale representation including nearly a million spins. The long lifetime observed experimentally at room temperature is found to result from energetic effects rather than entropic effects in this system. The properties of antiskyrmions in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic thin films are analyzed using an energy conserving transformation of skyrmion spin configuration and vectors in the extended Heisenberg Hamiltonian. The dynamics as well as thermal stability of antiskyrmions and corresponding skyrmions can easily be compared using the transformation.
dc.description.abstract Smækkun seguleininga fyrir gagnageymslu leggur grunninn að miklum framförum í upplýsingatækni, bæði hvað varðar hraða og orkunotkun. Slík þróun krefst greiningar á stöðugleika staðbundinna segulástanda með tilliti til varmaorku og tilviljunarkenndra utanaðkomandi áhrifa. Í ritgerðinni eru þessi atriði rannsökuð með því að nota virkjun- arástandskenninguna innan kjörsveifilsnálgunarinnar. Líftími skyrmeinda er reiknaður út fyrir ýmis gildi á hlutfallinu milli grindarfastans og stærðar skyrmeindarinnar. Orku- þröskuldurinn fyrir eyðingu skyrmeindar nálgast Belavin-Polyakov neðri mörk á orku stakeindar í σ -líkaninu og óreiðuframlagið til forveldisstuðulsins í Arrhenius líkingunni stefnir á fasta. Þar af leiðandi Líftími skyrmeindar getur skrymeind verið nægjanlega stöðug við stofuhita ef hún samanstendur af nægjanlega stórum fjölda spuna, jafnvel þótt tvískauts-tvískauts víxlverkun sé ekki tekin með í reikninginn. Gerðir eru útreikningar á skyrmeindum í andseglandi efnum og eiginleikar þeirra bornir saman við skyrmeindir í samseglandi efnum. Hraðafastinn fyrir eyðingu skyrmeindar inni í efninu, sem og brotthvarf skyrmeindar í gegnum jaðra segulefnisins og binding við óseglandi óhrein- indi, er reiknaður sem fall af álögðu segulsviði. Líftími andskyrmeinda við stofuhita í Mn–Pt–Sn Heusler efni hefur verið reiknaður út með því að nota atómskala líkan sem inniheldur næstum milljón spuna. Niðurstöður reikninganna sýna að sá langi líftími sem hefur verið ákvarðaður með mælingum á tilraunastofu stafar af hárri virkjunarorku frekar en entrópíuáhrifum í þessu kerfi. Eiginleikar andskyrmeinda í samseglandi og andseglandi þunnum húðum eru greindir með vörpun á spunavigrum og útvíkkuðum Heisenberg Hamilton virkja. Auðvelt er að bera saman færslueiginleika sem og varma- fræðilegan stöðugleika andskyrmeinda og samsvarandi skyrmeinda með þessari vörpun.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Segulstraumfræði
dc.subject Doktorsritgerðir
dc.title Stability and dynamics of chiral magnetic structures in ferro- and antiferromagnets
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
dc.contributor.department Raunvísindadeild (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Physical Sciences (UI)
dc.contributor.school Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)

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