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Uncovering the Archaeology of the Danish Trade Monopoly in Iceland (1602-1787): Merchant Ships and Trade Ports

Uncovering the Archaeology of the Danish Trade Monopoly in Iceland (1602-1787): Merchant Ships and Trade Ports

Title: Uncovering the Archaeology of the Danish Trade Monopoly in Iceland (1602-1787): Merchant Ships and Trade Ports
Author: Martin, Kevin
Advisor: Gavin Lucas
Date: 2022-01-13
Language: English
University/Institute: Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
School: Hugvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Humanities (UI)
Department: Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild (HÍ)
Faculty of History and Philosophy (UI)
ISBN: 978-9935-9640-4-5
Subject: Danish Trade Monopoly, shipwrecks, trade ports, marine archaeology, maritime archaeology, Dutch 17th century merchant ships; Einokunarverslunin; Kaupskipaútgerð; Verslunarstaðir; Skipsflök; 17. öld; Doktorsritgerðir
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2967

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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the archaeology of the Danish Trade Monopoly Period (1602-1787) in Iceland through the analysis of two central pillars of the material infrastructure of the trade operations – namely the merchant vessels and the trade ports. Specifically, it uses two case studies to build a foundation for the archaeological study of trade in this period, one that also bridges the often-separate fields of terrestrial and maritime archaeology. During this period, the only foreign trade allowed in Iceland had to be conducted through Danish merchants and trade companies with state-sanctioned trading licences linked to specific trade ports around the country. Though central elements to the whole operation, the vessels and ports of trade have tended to be relatively overlooked and relegated aspects of this period and have not featured significantly as part of any previous narrative. Both vessels and ports occupied the in-between space of the monopoly trade – that is the horizon between the production centres and consumer sites – and it is within this horizon that this study places itself and which it explores through an archaeological lens. A literature review shows how much of the past historical narrative of this period has been saturated with overtones of Icelandic nationalism, which essentially viewed the trade monopoly from a binary perspective of deliberate policies of Danish colonial oppression resulting in Iceland’s economic stagnation and free market isolation. More recently, new approaches by historians have brought a changed and balanced perspective to how we might view this period. This study should be seen as part of this revisionary process, but which significantly uses archaeology to steer the narrative. A quantitative analysis of the Øresund Sound Toll Registers, will be outlined to provide an overview of the scale of merchant shipping involved in the Icelandic trade and the dominance and influence of the Dutch during the 17th century in developing bulk cargo carriers such as the flute ship, will be outlined. Two in-depth archaeological case studies – the Melckmeyt shipwreck and the remains of a turf-walled building at the Arnarstapi trade port – will be presented, each shedding light on critical and connected components of the material infrastructure of the monopoly trade. Through their examination, it’s possible to develop a microscale perspective of the merchant operations as well as to open a window on the arrangement of life aboard and life ashore for the crews whose daily lives played out within these social spaces.
Markmið þessarar ritgerðar er að rannsaka fornleifafræði einokunartímabilsins (1602–1787) með athugunum á tveimur þáttum efnislegra innviða verslunarinnar – það er rannsókn á kaupskipunum og verslunarstöðunum. Tvær tilviksrannsóknir mynda grunn fyrir fornleifafræðilegar rannsóknir á verslun á þessu tímabili, grunn sem brúar bilið milli hinna oft aðskildu sviða, annars vegar neðansjávarfornleifafræði og hins vegar yfirborðsfornleifafræði. Einokunartímabilið einkenndist af verslun sem byggði á sérleyfum, þar sem aðeins danskir kaupmenn og verslunarfélög með leyfi frá dönsku krúnunni máttu versla við Íslendinga. Þrátt fyrir mikilvægi sitt fyrir verslunina í heild, gleymast oft sjálf skipin og verslunarstaðirnir, og hafa athuganir á þeim lítið komið við sögu í fyrri rannsóknum. Skip og verslunarstaðir mynda eins konar milli-rými í einokunarversluninni – það er rýmið milli framleiðslustaða og neyslustaða. Það er þetta milli-rými sem þessi rannsókn beinir sjónum að og kannar með augum fornleifafræðinnar. Athugun á rannsóknasögu einokunarverslunarinnar dregur fram hve margar fyrri rannsóknir hafa sterka undirtóna eldri söguskoðunar íslenskrar þjóðernisstefnu, sem leit á einokunarverslunina sem hluta af danskri nýlendustefnu sem leiddi af sér stöðnun í efnahag Íslands og einagrun frá hinum frjálsa markaði. Nýjar sagnfræðilegar rannsóknir hafa komið fram með ný sjónarmið um hvernig líta má á þetta tímabil. Þessi rannsókn er hluti þessarar hreyfingar endurskoðunar og leggur til fornleifafræðilegar nálganir. Tölfræðilegar rannsóknir á tollaskjölum frá Eyrarsundi veita yfirsýn yfir umfang Íslandsverslunar og sýna vel áhrif hollenskra kaupmanna á 17. öld í hönnun fraktskipa, t.d. „flute“-skipanna. Tvær fornleifafræðilegar tilviksrannsóknir – rannsóknir á flaki skipsins Melckmeyt og rannsókir á leifum torfbyggingar á Arnarstapa – verða ræddar sérstaklega og hvor rannsókn um sig mun draga fram mikilvæga og tengda þætti efnislegra innviða einokunarverslunarinnar. Með þessa þætti að vopni er hægt að varpa upp nærmyndum af félagslegu rými verslunarinnar; á gangi verslunarinnar, lífinu um borð í kaupskipunum og daglegu lífi áhafnanna á verslunarstöðunum.

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