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Stellar orbits in adiabatically and impulsively evolving dark matter dominated potentials

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.advisor Jesús Zavala Franco
dc.contributor.author Burger, Jan David
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-20T15:15:25Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-20T15:15:25Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Jan David Burger, 2021, Stellar orbits in adiabatically and impulsively evolving dark matter dominated potentials, PhD dissertation, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland, 285 pp.
dc.identifier.isbn 78-9935-9614-2-6
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2654
dc.description.abstract In the ΛCDM concordance model cold and collision-less dark matter (CDM) accounts for about four fifths of the Universe’s total matter content, while visible baryonic matter makes up the final fifth. The ΛCDM model successfully describes how large scale structure forms from tiny density fluctuations in the early Universe, explaining the growth of dark matter (DM) overdensities and their eventual collapse into gravitation- ally self-bound objects called haloes which host the visible galaxies. The most enduring challenges to the ΛCDM paradigm arise on the scale of dwarf galaxies whose internal kinematics are seemingly at odds with the radial density profiles of the corresponding DM haloes predicted by CDM N-body simulations. While the evidence for such mis- matches remains controversial, several mechanisms have been proposed to reconcile the success of ΛCDM on large scales with these observations on smaller scales. Typ- ically, such mechanisms rely on non-gravitational effects to redistribute mass within, and thus alter the gravitational potential of, DM haloes. Depending on the specific mechanism, this mass redistribution occurs on timescales which are either longer or shorter than the typical dynamical timescales of stars in dwarf galaxies. In this thesis, I show that stars can be used as kinematic tracers to differentiate between adiabatically, i.e., slowly evolving, and impulsively, i.e., fast evolving potentials. In adiabatically evolving potentials, the actions of kinematic tracers are conserved. For moderately fast evolving spherical potentials, I show that the evolution of radial actions is perturbative and oscillatory. In this regime, the evolution of radial action distributions of tracers is well described by a diffusion equation. The evolution of a tracer’s radial action becomes non-perturbative as the rate at which the potential changes becomes large compared to the tracer’s radial period. An impulsive change in the gravitational potential, under which actions are not conserved, changes the energy of kinematic tracers by an amount that depends on their orbital phase. Using controlled N-body simulations, I demon- strate that as a consequence of the latter, shell-like signatures related to phase mixing emerge in the phase space of kinematic tracers whose orbits where characterized by similar integrals of motion prior to the change in the potential. Such orbital families are reasonably approximated by sets of stars with similar ages and metallicites. Ongoing phase mixing in orbital families within dwarf galaxies with slow-rising rotation curves would indicate the presence of strong and impulsive supernova feedback which may have converted the central cusps of the dwarfs’ host haloes into cores. Using a suite of hydrodynamic simulations of an isolated dwarf, I find that the kinematic properties of stars and gas differ in many ways between galaxies whose host haloes have an impulsive or an adiabatic core formation history. The complete absence of shell-like signatures of phase mixing in orbital families would be a strong indication that cores are likely formed adiabatically, for example through self-interactions between the DM particles.
dc.description.abstract Í hinu samræmda ΛCDM líkani er um fimmtungur alls efnis sýnilegar þungeindir og fjórir fimmtu hlutar hulduefni. Líkanið gefur góða lýsingu á því hvernig stórgerð alheimsins er til komin vegna lítilla þéttleikasveiflna í árdaga og hvernig yfirþéttleiki hulduefnis þróast yfir í þyngdarbundna hjúpa sem hýsa sýnilegar vetrarbrautir. Sterkasta áskorun líkansins kemur fram á skala dvergvetrarbrauta en gangfræði þeirra virðist stangast á við þéttleikaprófíl hulduefnishjúpanna sem spáð er í fjölagna hermireikningum. Þó vísbendingarnar um þetta misræmi séu umdeildar eru nokkrar mögulegar skýringar á því hvernig á þessu getur staðið. Oft byggjast þessar skýringar á þyngdarverkunarlausum hrifum sem breyta massadreifingu hulduefnishjúpsins og þar með einnig þyngdarmætti hans. Það fer svo eftir eðli hrifanna hvort massadreifingin breytist á tímaskala sem er styttri eða lengri en dæmigerður hreyfifræðilegur tími stjarna í dvergvetrarbrautum. Í þessari ritgerð sýni ég að nota má stjörnur sem hreyfifræðilega spora (tracer) til að greina á milli annars vegar óverminna (hægfara) breytinga á mættinu og hins vegar snöggra breytinga á því. Í óvermnum breytingum er verkun hreyfifræðilegu sporanna varðveitt. Þá sýni ég að í kúlusamhverfu mætti sem þróast miðlungi hratt er radíalverkunin bæði truflin (perturbative) og sveiflukennd og að lýsa má þróun dreifingar radíalverkunarinnar með sveimjöfnu. Tímaþróun radíalverkunar sporanna verður ótruflin þegar tímaþróun mættisbreytinganna verður hraðari en sem nemur útþáttarlotu (radial period) sporanna. Við snögga breytingu í þyngdarmættinu, þar sem verkunin er ekki varðveitt, breytist orka sporanna um stærð sem er háð brautarfasa þeirra. Með stýrðri hermun fjölagnakerfa sýni ég að afleiðing hins síðarnefnda er að í fasarúmi sporanna koma fram merki um hvelamyndun í brautum þeirra. Þeim má lýsa allvel með fjölskyldum stjarna af svipuðum aldri og málminnihaldi. Fasablöndun fjölskyldna brauta stjarna í dvergvetrarbrautum með hægt vaxandi snúningshraðarit er vísbending um sterka og snögga sprengistjörnusvörun sem gæti hafa breytt þéttleikaprófíl hjúps dvergvetrarbrautarinnar. Með hermun einangraðrar dvergvetrarbrautar sýni ég að hreyfifræði gass og stjarna er ólík eftir því hvort kjarni hjúpsins hefur þróast óvermið eða snögglega. Ef engin merki er að finna um fasablöndnun brautarfjölskyldna er það sterk vísbending um að hjúpurinn hafi þróast á óverminn hátt, t.d. með eiginvíxlverkun á milli einda hulduefnisins.
dc.description.sponsorship This work was supported by a Grant of Excellence from the Icelandic Research Fund (grant number 173929)
dc.format.extent 301 pages
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Dark matter
dc.subject Stellar dynamics
dc.subject Galaxy formation and evolution
dc.subject Astronomy
dc.subject Astrophysics
dc.subject Vetrarbrautin
dc.subject Stjarneðlisfræði
dc.subject Stjörnufræði
dc.subject Doktorsritgerðir
dc.title Stellar orbits in adiabatically and impulsively evolving dark matter dominated potentials
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
dc.contributor.department Raunvísindadeild (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Physical Sciences (UI)
dc.contributor.school Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)

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