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Effect of a high-palmitic acid fat supplement on milk production in Icelandic dairy cows fed grass silage-based diet

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dc.contributor Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands
dc.contributor Agricultural University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Sveinbjörnsson, Jóhannes
dc.contributor.author Baldursdóttir, Hrafnhildur
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-17T15:07:11Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-17T15:07:11Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Sveinbjörnsson, J., & Baldursdóttir, H. (2020). Effect of a high-palmitic acid fat supplement on milk production in Icelandic dairy cows fed grass silage-based diet. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, 33, 15-24.
dc.identifier.issn 2298-786X
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2653
dc.description Publisher´s version
dc.description.abstract Thirty-seven dairy cows of the Icelandic breed were used in a change-over design experiment. The aim was to analyse the effects of moderate addition of high-palmitic acid (C16:0) fat supplement to a grass silage-based diet. There were three experimental treatments: a treatment with the fat supplement as powder (FAPOW); a treatment with the fat supplement in pelleted concentrate (FAPEL); and a control treatment (CONTROL). Milk protein content was significantly lower, and there was a tendency (p<0.10) toward a higher milk fat content in the fat treatments. This resulted in significantly higher milk fat:protein ratio in the fat treatments compared to the control (FAPOW 1.21 and FAPEL 1.20; CONTROL 1.15). A significant reduction in the ratio of casein in milk protein due to fat addition explains the reduction in milk protein. The concentration of free fatty acids in milk was higher in the fat treatments, especially FAPEL. The ratio of C16:0 in total fatty acids was increased by the fat treatments.
dc.description.abstract Tilraunin sem hér er sagt frá var skipulögð þannig að 37 íslenskar mjólkurkýr voru látnar prófa þrjár fóðurmeðferðir, í mismunandi röð. Markmiðið var að greina áhrif hóflegrar fituviðbótar, aðallega á formi pálmasýru (C16:0), í fóður mjólkurkúa þar sem vothey verkað úr grasi er undirstaðan. Fóðurmeðferðirnar þrjár voru: fituviðbót á formi þurrfitu (FAPOW); fituinnblöndun í kjarnfóðurblöndu (FAPEL); og viðmiðunarfóðrun án fituviðbótar (CONTROL). Hlutfall próteins í mjólk var lægra og tilhneiging til hærra mjólkurfituhlutfalls þegar fitu var bætt í fóðrið. Þetta leiddi til marktækt hærra fitu: prótein hlutfalls í mjólkinni í fóðurmeðferðum með viðbótarfitu í samanburði við viðmið (FAPOW 1.21 og FAPEL 1.20, samanborið við CONTROL 1.15). Lækkun á hlutfalli kaseins í mjólkurpróteini vegna fituviðbótar í fóðri skýrir áðurnefnda lækkun á heildarpróteini í mjólk. Styrkur frjálsra fitusýra í mjólk var hærri þegar fitu var bætt í fóður, sérstaklega þegar það var gert í gegnum kjarnfóðurblöndu (FAPEL). Hlutfall pálmasýru af fitusýrum í mjólk var hærra þegar fitu var bætt í fóðrið.
dc.description.sponsorship Agricultural Association of South Iceland; The Icelandic Cattle Productivity Fund; The Dairy Industry Association (SAM)
dc.format.extent 15-24
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Agricultural University of Iceland
dc.relation.ispartofseries Icelandic Agricultural Sciences;2020(33)
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Kýr
dc.subject Fóðrun dýra
dc.subject Agronomy
dc.subject Crop Science
dc.title Effect of a high-palmitic acid fat supplement on milk production in Icelandic dairy cows fed grass silage-based diet
dc.title.alternative Áhrif fituíblöndunar í fóður mjólkurkúa á nyt og efnainnihald mjólkur
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Icelandic Agricultural Sciences
dc.identifier.doi 10.16886/IAS.2020.02
dc.relation.url https://ias.is/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/IAS-2020-2-J-Sveinbjorns-H-Baldursd-15-24.pdf
dc.contributor.department Auðlinda- og umhverfisdeild (LBHÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (AUI)

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