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Calculations of Ground and Excited Electronic States Using Self-Interaction Corrected Density Functionals

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.advisor Hannes Jónsson
dc.contributor.author Ivanov, Aleksei
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-13T11:19:35Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-13T11:19:35Z
dc.date.issued 2021-04-09
dc.identifier.citation Aleksei V. Ivanov, 2021, Calculations of Ground and Excited Electronic States Using Self-Interaction Corrected Density Functionals, PhD dissertation, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland, 196 pp.
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9935-9579-4-8
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2540
dc.description.abstract Direct optimization methods for the calculation of ground and excited electronic states are presented for both total density and orbital-density-dependent functionals. The methods have been developed for various types of basis sets including localized atomic orbitals, plane waves and real space grid. The algorithms have been implemented in combination with the projector-augmented-wave method to represent inner electrons of the atoms. The direct optimization method is shown to be more robust and faster than the conventional self-consistent field approach in calculations of both ground and excited states. An assessment of the Perdew-Zunger self-interaction correction (PZ-SIC) to the energy functional has also been made and its performance compared to the commonly used generalized gradient approximation (GGA). PZ-SIC is found to systematically improve the description of the atomization and ionization energy as well as the band gaps of insulators, but needs to be scaled by a half. PZ-SIC can be especially important for the accurate description of systems containing transition metals as is illustrated by the excellent results obtained for the Mn dimer, a system where results of GGA calculations are qualitatively incorrect. However, PZ-SIC does not substantially improve the excitation energy of small organic molecules as the correction there tends to cancel out when the energy of ground and excited states is compared. The efficient and practical implementation of PZ-SIC presented here paves the way for the development of more accurate orbital-density-dependent functionals.
dc.description.abstract Aðferðir til að reikna út grunn og örvuð rafeindaástönd með beinni bestun hafa verið þróaðar, bæði fyrir felli háð heildarrafeindaþéttni sem og almennari felli háð þéttni svigrúmanna. Aðferðirnar hafa verið þróaðar fyrir ýmsar gerðir grunna svo sem staðbundin atómsvigrúm, planbylgjur og grind í raunrúminu. Þær hafa verið innleiddar með ’projector-augmented-wave’ aðferðinni til að lýsa áhrifum innri rafeinda atómanna. Beina bestunin reynist vera áreiðanlegri og hraðvirkari en þær aðferðir sem áður hafa verið notaðar bæði hvað varðar reikninga á grunnástöndum sem og örvuðum ástöndum. Áhrif sjálfsvíxverkunarleiðréttingar Perdew og Zunger (PZ-SIC) á útkomu reikninganna hefur einnig verið könnuð og niðurstöðurnar bornar saman við almennu stigulnálgunina (GGA). PZ-SIC leiðréttingin reynist bæta kerfisbundið útreiknaða sundrunarorku sameinda sem og jónunarorku og einnig orkugeil einangrara, en þarf að skalast niður í helming. Reikningar á eiginleikum kerfa með hliðarmálmatóm geta batnað sérlega mikið með PZ-SIC leiðréttingunni og þar er Mn tvennan sérlega afgerandi tilfelli þar sem reikningar með PZ-SIC gefa mjög góða niðurstöðu á sama tíma og GGA gefur verulega rangar niðurstöður. Hins vegar hefur PZ-SIC ekki mikil áhrif á útreiknaða örvunarorku lítilla lífrænna sameinda þar eð leiðréttingin á grunn og örvaða ástandinu styttist þar að miklu leiti út. Sú skilvirka innsetning á PZ-SIC sem er framsett hér opnar leiðina fyrir þróun á nákvæmari fellum háðum svigrúmaþéttni.
dc.description.sponsorship Fellowship from the University of Iceland, the University of Iceland Research Fund and the Icelandic Research Fund.
dc.language.iso en
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Self-Interaction Correction
dc.subject Band Gaps
dc.subject Excited States
dc.subject Minimization
dc.subject Optimization
dc.subject Saddle points
dc.subject Electronic Structure
dc.subject Efnafræði
dc.subject Doktorsritgerðir
dc.title Calculations of Ground and Excited Electronic States Using Self-Interaction Corrected Density Functionals
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
dc.contributor.department Raunvísindadeild (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Political Science (UI)
dc.contributor.school Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)

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