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Browsing IRIS by Subject "Drug Prescriptions"

Browsing IRIS by Subject "Drug Prescriptions"

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  • Matthíasdóttir, Anna Mjöll; Guðnason, Þórólfur; Halldórsson, Matthías; Haraldsson, Ásgeir; Kristinsson, Karl Gústaf (2016-01-04)
    Tilgangur: Sýklalyfjanotkun er ein helsta orsök sýklalyfjaónæmis hjá bakteríum og er mikilvægt að draga úr ónauðsynlegri notkun eins og hægt er. Sýklalyfjanotkun, og þá sérstaklega notkun breiðvirkra sýklalyfja, er mikil hér á landi. Markmið rannsóknarinnar ...
  • Gunnlaugsdóttir, María Rún; Linnet, Kristján; Jónsson, Jón Steinar; Blöndal, Anna Bryndís (2021-08-04)
    OBJECTIVE: To study antibiotic prescriptions among 0- to 4-year-old children before and after implementing a quality project on prudent prescribing of antibiotics in primary healthcare in the capital region of Iceland. DESIGN: An observational, ...
  • Hamina, A.; Muller, A. E.; Clausen, T.; Skurtveit, S.; Hesse, M.; Tjagvad, C.; Thylstrup, B.; Odsbu, I.; Zoega, H.; Jónsdóttir, Harpa Lind; Taipale, H. (2022-05-16)
    Abstract: Background: Opioid use has increased globally in the recent decade. Although pain remains a significant problem among older adults, susceptibility to opioid-related harms highlights the importance of careful opioid therapy monitoring on ...
  • O'Mahony, Denis; Cherubini, Antonio; Guiteras, Anna Renom; Denkinger, Michael; Beuscart, Jean-Baptiste; Onder, Graziano; Guðmundsson, Aðalsteinn; Cruz-Jentoft, Alfonso J; Knol, Wilma; Bahat, Gülistan; van der Velde, Nathalie; Petrovic, Mirko; Curtin, Denis (2023-08)
    PURPOSE: STOPP/START is a physiological systems-based explicit set of criteria that attempts to define the clinically important prescribing problems relating to potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs-STOPP criteria) and potential prescribing ...
  • Oladottir, Sigridur; Jónsson, Jón Steinar; Tómasdóttir, Margrét Ólafía; Hrafnkelsson, Hannes; Sigurdsson, Emil Larus (2021-10)
    INTRODUCTION: In recent decades there has been a notable increase in the prescription of opioids in western countries. With this rise in use of opioids the risk of side effects, opioid abuse and deaths linked to opioids have become more apparent. The ...