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Population dynamics of fish juveniles and invertebrates in Icelandic waters

Population dynamics of fish juveniles and invertebrates in Icelandic waters

Title: Population dynamics of fish juveniles and invertebrates in Icelandic waters
Author: Jonasson, Jonas Pall   orcid.org/0000-0001-8844-798X
Advisor: Guðrún Marteinsdóttir
Date: 2021-01
Language: English
University/Institute: Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
School: Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)
Department: Líf- og umhverfisvísindadeild (HÍ)
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences (UI)
ISBN: 978-9935-9514-8-9
Subject: Fiskifræði; Fiskirannsóknir; Hafstraumar; Sjávarvistfræði; Fiskistofnar; Doktorsritgerðir
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2379

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Jónas Páll Jónasson, 2021, Population dynamics of fish juveniles and invertebrates in Icelandic waters, PhD dissertation, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland, 126 pp.


The marine ecosystem around Iceland is shaped by its position in one of the most hydrographically complicated regions of the North Atlantic. The response of marine populations to those diverse conditions is expected to be different across taxonomically distinct species but by comparing and analysing the differences we can better understand the system as a whole. In the present study, population dynamics of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua), juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) and Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica) were analysed with respect to recruitment patterns and fluctuations. The studies were carried out during a period of increased influx of Atlantic waters around Iceland and consequently higher temperatures. The studied species either have their core distributional areas in Iceland, like the cod, or are at their southern borders, like the Iceland scallop. We also analysed population trends at sheltered sandy beaches, which is an essential habitat for the juvenile plaice and also the brown shrimp, a newly found invasive species and important predator of juvenile plaice. Findings revealed the highest abundance of cod larvae within low-salinity waters, characteristic of the Icelandic coastal current (ICC). That is in line with previous studies that have demonstrated a potential link between the freshwater discharge or the strength of the ICC and recruitment of cod. The distribution of the cod juveniles within the boundaries of the ICC highlights the role of the freshwater driven coastal current in successfully transporting larvae from the spawning areas into the northern nursery grounds. The fluctuation in recruitment is relatively small in the Icelandic cod stock and likely dampened by the smaller northerly grounds. In an effort to establish the natal origins of juveniles of plaice around Iceland, settlement and growth patterns of juvenile plaice were estimated. There were differences in the size and age distribution around Iceland, which led to the conclusion that juvenile plaice originated from multiple spawning events and locations. Further, the observed spatial variation in size of the juveniles was explained by age difference, not by different temperature-induced growth rates. The study provides evidence of the existence of a local population structure within the Icelandic plaice stock and supports recent findings on adult plaice, which could have implications for the management of the stock, that currently is managed as a single unit. The study also identified extremely high density peaks of juvenile plaice at the nursery grounds. We further studied two years with variable population density by ageing juveniles and comparing growth of individuals on particular dates during the settlement period and later in the summer. There was indication of density-dependent growth patterns. Recruitment of the plaice has been stable for the past 25 years. Density dependent processes at the nursery grounds are a likely contribution to that fact, but also the possible complex population structure within the Icelandic plaice stock. The brown shrimp which was recently found in Icelandic waters (2003), has been described as a potentially invasive species. It has rapidly adapted and became established in its newly colonized area. There was an indication of bi-annual spawning with the number of juveniles increasing in July/August and again in February. The number of recruiting juveniles from previous years significantly affected the adult abundance as well as a positive effect of the sea surface temperature. Different population trends were observed in the Iceland scallop, where surveys with available environmental- and biological data from 1993 to 2003 were analysed. The period was also marked by an increase in summer sea surface temperature on the studied southern border of the sub-arctic species’ distributional range. The stock was heavily fished but also suffered high natural mortality that was later related to an apicomplexan parasite or gray meat. Further, low recruitment levels towards the end of the 1990s made the stock vulnerable to increased fishing pressure and consequently, the stock appeared unable to withstand the fishing pressure and declined to historically low levels, leading to a halt to fishing in 2003. The relative stable cod and plaice stocks in Icelandic waters can most likely be attributed to the their stock subcomponents as well as density dependent processes occurring at the plaice nursery ground. The collapse of the Iceland scallop stock in Breiðafjörður, among the decline or collapse of the northern inshore shrimp stocks, were maybe the first species influenced by the current warm regime which started around 1996. During this period there have also been several records of invasive species, such as the brown shrimp, with the new regime favouring the establishment of the new species. The causes and drivers of recruitment variation are common over a wide range of species and the way forward to understand the key processes influencing recruitment, must be greater emphasis on research on a broader scale.
Við Ísland er að finna eitt flóknasta hafstraumakerfi í Norður Atlantshafi. Hér má búast við mismunandi áhrifum umhverfisbreytinga á ólíka stofna sjávarlífvera, en með því að skoða nokkrar tegundir má draga víðtækari ályktanir af eðli áhrifanna. Meginviðfangsefni þessa verkefnis var rannsókn á ungviði og stofnsveiflum með tilliti til nýliðunar hjá þorski (Gadus morhua), skarkola (Pleuronectes platessa), sandrækju (Crangon crangon) og hörpudiski (Chlamys islandica). Rannsóknin tók yfir tímabil þegar innstreymi hlýs Atlantssjávar jókst með tilsvarandi hækkun sjávarhita. Fjallað var bæði um tegundir líkt og þorskinn þar sem Ísland er við miðju útbreiðslunnar og hörpudisk sem finnst hér á suðurmörkum útbreiðslu sinnar. Einnig voru skoðaðar skjólsælar sandfjörur, en þær eru mikilvægasta búsvæði kolaseiða og sandrækju, sem er ný ágeng tegund og mikilvægur afræningi á seiðum skarkolans. Niðurstöður rannsóknanna á þorskungviði sýndu fram á háan þéttleika í seltuminni sjó nærri landi, einkennandi fyrir strandstrauminn (ICC). Það rennur stoðum undir eldri rannsóknir sem hafa bent á mögulegar tengingar hans við árangursríkari nýliðun í þorski og mikilvægi ferskvatnsknúna strandstraumsins í flutningi á lirfum frá hrygningarsvæðum yfir á norðlægari uppeldissvæði. Almennt séð eru sveiflur í nýliðun þorsks litlar við Ísland en líklegt er að hrygning frá smærri norðlægari hrygningarsvæðum jafni frávikin. Botntaka og vöxtur skarkolaseiða allt í kringum Ísland var metinn til að varpa ljósi á uppruna seiðanna. Munur var á stærð og aldursdreifingu seiðanna og benti hann til mismunandi hrygningartíma og svæða. Mun á stærð milli svæða mátti einkum rekja til aldurs en ekki hitastigsháðs vaxtar. Niðurstöðurnar benda til að um staðbundnar stofneiningar geti verið að ræða hjá skarkolastofninum, sem er stutt af rannsóknum á eldri kola, en núverandi ráðgjöf gerir ráð fyrir einni stofneiningu. Mjög háan þéttleika af kolaseiðum var að finna í nokkrum fjörum. Skoðuð voru frekar áhrif þéttleika á vöxt og borin saman ár með lágum og háum þéttleika við botntöku og síðar um sumarið. Merki sáust um þéttleikaháð áhrif á vöxtinn. Nýliðun skarkola hefur verið stöðug undanfarin 25 ár, en líklegt er að þéttleika háð áhrif spili þar inní sem og dreifðar og aðskildar hrygningaeiningar. Sandrækjan hefur aðlagast hratt að nýjum heimkynnum. Skýr merki voru um tvær aðskildar hrygningar innan ársins, en ungviði sást í júlí/ágúst og aftur í febrúar. Fjöldi nýliða fyrra árs hafði jákvæð áhrif á magn eldri rækju ári síðar sem og jákvæð áhrif hitastigs. Hið gagnstæða má segja um stofn hörpudisks í Breiðafirði, en skoðuð voru gögn úr leiðöngrum auk ýmissa umhverfis og líffræðilegra þátta fyrir árin 1993 til 2003. Það tímabil markaðist af aukningu í yfirborðshita á þessum suðurmörkum útbreiðslusvæðis tegundarinnar. Hátt veiðiálag var á rannsókartímabilinu, en einnig hár náttúrulegur dauði, sem síðar var tengdur við frumdýrasýkingu (Apicomplexa) sem nefnd hefur verið "grár vöðvi". Nokkru fyrr eða í lok tíunda áratugar síðustu aldar var nýliðun í stofninn metin mjög léleg en með náttúrulegum afföllum og auknu veiðiálagi lækkaði stofnvísitalan hratt. Það leiddi svo til þess að lagt var til veiðibann árið 2003. Stofnstærðarsveiflur hjá þorski og skarkola við Ísland eru almennt litlar og má að einhverju leyti rekja ástæður þess til flókinnar stofngerðar tegundanna og að auki hemjandi þéttleikaháðum áhrifum á uppeldisslóð skarkolans. Hörpudisksstofninn í Breiðafiði var ásamt innfjarðarrækjustofnum, fyrsta tegundin við Ísland sem hrundi í kjölfar núverandi hlýindaskeiðs sem hófst í kringum árið 1996. Á þessu tímabili greindust einnig nokkrar ágengar lífverur í sjó, meðal annars sandrækja sem naut góðs af hlýindunum í hafinu. Almennt má segja að drifkraftur nýliðunarsveiflnanna sé sameiginlegur milli ólíkra tegunda og þarft er að skoða sveiflurnar á víðum grunni.

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