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Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization

Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization

Titill: Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization
Höfundur: Song, Yiran
Cheng, Qingsha S.
Koziel, Slawomir
Útgáfa: 2019-07-09
Tungumál: Enska
Umfang: 3023
Háskóli/Stofnun: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Reykjavik University
Svið: Tækni- og verkfræðideild (HR)
School of Science and Engineering (RU)
Birtist í: Sensors;19(13)
ISSN: 1424-8220
DOI: 10.3390/s19133023
Efnisorð: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics; Local surrogate model; Multi-fidelity optimization; Space mapping; Bandpass microstrip filter; Compact UWB antenna; MIMO antenna; Ultrawideband; Antennas; Polynomials; Rafeindatæknifræði; Hermilíkön; Reiknilíkön; Hönnun; Bestun; Örbylgjur; Leiðarar (rafmagn); Tíðni; Loftnet; Þráðlaust net; Rafrásir
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1839

Skoða fulla færslu


Song, Y., Cheng, Q. S., & Koziel, S. (2019). Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization. Sensors, 19(13), 3023. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19133023


In order to minimize the number of evaluations of high-fidelity (fine) model in the optimization process, to increase the optimization speed, and to improve optimal solution accuracy, a robust and computational-efficient multi-fidelity local surrogate-model optimization method is proposed. Based on the principle of response surface approximation, the proposed method exploits the multi-fidelity coarse models and polynomial interpolation to construct a series of local surrogate models. In the optimization process, local region modeling and optimization are performed iteratively. A judgment factor is introduced to provide information for local region size update. The last local surrogate model is refined by space mapping techniques to obtain the optimal design with high accuracy. The operation and efficiency of the approach are demonstrated through design of a bandpass filter and a compact ultra-wide-band (UWB) multiple-in multiple-out (MIMO) antenna. The response of the optimized design of the fine model meet the design specification. The proposed method not only has better convergence compared to an existing local surrogate method, but also reduces the computational cost substantially.


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