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Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Surgery: Incidence, Risk Factors, Association With Other Perioperative Complications, Survival, and Renal Recovery

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.advisor Tómas Guðbjartsson
dc.contributor.author Helgadottir, Solveig
dc.date.accessioned 2017-01-12T10:15:27Z
dc.date.available 2017-01-12T10:15:27Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-06
dc.identifier.citation Helgadottir, S. (2017). Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Surgery - Incidence, Risk Factors, Association With Other Perioperative Complications, Survival, and Renal Recovery. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
dc.identifier.isbn 9789935931955
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/163
dc.description.abstract In line with advances in surgery, perioperative care, and intensive care, the outcome in patients treated for cardiovascular disease has improved. Open-heart surgery is common in most western countries and, in line with the general ageing of populations, the frequency of these procedures is expected to increase in the coming decades. Patients who undergo cardiac surgery often have complex medical problems that predispose them to a range of surgical complications. Among the most common postoperative complications are arrhythmias, most often atrial fibrillation, and bleeding. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is also a common and often serious complication―as well as being a strong risk factor for worse postoperative outcome and increased mortality after surgery. However, many previous studies have suffered from a lack of data on baseline kidney function before AKI as well as selective patient cohorts. Approximately 250 open-heart surgeries are performed annually in Iceland. However, there has been a lack of data on the incidence and risk factors for AKI following heart surgery. The aim of the studies in this thesis was to evaluate the incidence of AKI using internationally validated criteria. Furthermore, we wanted to examine the association between AKI and other postoperative complications, and also long-term outcome, mainly regarding kidney function and survival. In that context, we particularly examined the effect of recovery of renal function on long-term outcome. Data were gathered from comprehensive nationwide databases that contained detailed information on all patients who underwent heart surgery in Iceland from 2001 through 2015. Information on kidney function, both pre- and postoperatively, was recorded in a thorough manner, as it is a prerequisite for reliable evaluation of AKI. The studies showed that the incidence of AKI after cardiac surgery in Iceland was relatively low compared to neighboring countries. In line with previous studies, the preoperative condition of patients was shown to be associated with the incidence of AKI. Advanced age, reduced preoperative kidney function, higher preoperative risk assessment scores, a higher body mass index, and more complex surgery were found to be independent predictors of the development of AKI. AKI was significantly associated with worse postoperative outcome, as reflected by higher rates of various postoperative complications when compared to patients with normal kidney function postoperatively. Atrial fibrillation, diagnosed in almost half of the patients, was the most common postoperative complication following surgical myocardial revascularization and aortic valve replacement in Iceland. Furthermore, the incidence of atrial fibrillation was higher in patients who sustained AKI than in those who did not. As in the case of AKI, the independent predictors of atrial fibrillation were advanced age, more complex surgery, and higher preoperative risk assessment scores. The diagnosis of AKI was found to be associated with an increased need for renal replacement therapy and worse long-term kidney function. Also, AKI patients had significantly higher postoperative mortality and worse long-term survival, with survival being inversely correlated to the severity of AKI. Importantly, the majority of patients recovered their renal function after AKI. Although renal recovery was not a significant predictor of one-year survival, it was found to be associated with more favorable long-term survival. By using extensive comprehensive nationwide databases, it was possible to determine the incidence of AKI after open-heart surgery in Iceland and to define risk factors. Most patients who sustained AKI recovered their renal function and the rate of progression to end-stage renal disease was low. Although AKI appears to be associated with a worse postoperative outcome in patients, early detection of AKI and gaining a better understanding of the risk factors remain important steps in reducing the morbidity and mortality of patients diagnosed with AKI. It is to be hoped that a better understanding of these factors will help to improve the long-term prognosis in this patient group, leading to increased rates of renal recovery and reduced costs of treatment.
dc.description.abstract Framfarir í skurðlækningum og gjörgæslu hafa leitt til bættrar meðferðar sjúklinga sem þjást af hjarta- og æðasjúkdómum. Í dag eru opnar hjartaaðgerðir algengar á Vesturlöndum og útlit er fyrir að þeim muni fjölga á komandi áratugum, samfara auknum fjölda aldraðra. Sjúklingar sem gangast undir opnar hjartaaðgerðir eru oft með flókin heilsufarsvandamál sem eykur tíðni fylgikvilla. Á meðal algengustu fylgikvilla eftir opnar hjartaaðgerðir eru hjartsláttaróregla, einkum gáttatif, og blæðingar. Bráður nýrnaskaði (BNS) er einnig algengur fylgikvilli eftir hjartaaðgerðir og tengist verri horfum sjúklinga eftir aðgerð. Skortur á gögnum um grunnstarfsemi nýrna hefur þó verið galli á mörgum fyrri rannsóknum sem auk þess hafa oft á tíðum skoðað mjög sérhæfða sjúklingahópa. Árlega eru framkvæmdar um 250 opnar hjartaaðgerðir á Íslandi og eru um 2/3 þeirra kransæðahjáveituaðgerðir. Markmið þessarar doktorsritgerðar var að meta tíðni og áhættuþætti BNS eftir hjartaaðgerðir á Íslandi en skort hefur á slíkar rannsóknir fram til þessa. Auk þess voru könnuð tengsl BNS og annarra fylgikvilla eftir opnar hjartaaðgerðir. Loks var samband BNS og langtíma skerðingar á nýrnastarfsemi rannsakað, þar með talið þörf á nýrnaskilunarmeðferð, sem og langtímalifun. Að lokum var sérstaklega lagt mat á hvaða áhrif bati á nýrnastarfsemi hefur á horfur sjúklinga sem hljóta BNS. Við rannsóknirnar var stuðst við gagnagrunna með ítarlegum upplýsingum um alla sjúklinga sem gengust undir hjartaaðgerð á Íslandi frá 2001-2015. Ber þar sérstaklega að nefna nákvæma skráningu á nýrnastarfsemi sjúklinga, bæði fyrir og eftir aðgerð, en þær upplýsingar eru forsenda til að geta lagt mat á tíðni og áhættuþætti BNS. Rannsóknirnar leiddu í ljós að tíðni BNS eftir hjartaaðgerðir er heldur lægri hér á landi samanborið við nágrannalönd okkar. Líktog aðrar rannsóknir hafa sýnt er BNS tengdur undirliggjandi ástandi sjúklinga og voru aldur, skerðing á nýrnastarfsemi fyrir aðgerð, hærri áhættustigun fyrir aðgerð, umfangsmeiri skurðaðgerð og hærri líkamsþyngdarstuðull sjálfstæðir áhættuþættir. Bráður nýrnaskaði tengdist verri horfum sjúklinga eftir aðgerð sem meðal annars endurspeglaðist í hærri tíðni ýmissa fylgikvilla. Gáttatif reyndist algengasti fylgikvillinn og greindist í nærri helmingi sjúklinga sem gengust ii undir kransæðahjáveitu- eða ósæðarlokuskiptaaðgerð á Landspítala. Auk þess kom í ljós að tíðni gáttatifs var marktækt aukin hjá sjúklingum sem fengu BNS. Eins og fyrir BNS, reyndust hærri aldur, umfang aðgerðar og hærri áhættustigun fyrir aðgerð vera sjálfstæðir áhættuþættir fyrir greiningu gáttatifis. Greining BNS tengdist einnig aukinni þörf á skammtíma nýrnaskilunarmeðferð og versnun á langtíma nýrnastarfsemi. Aukinheldur höfðu sjúklingar sem fengu BNS marktækt lakari lifun eftir aðgerð og reyndist langtímalifun í öfugu hlutfalli við alvarleika upphaflegs nýrnaskaða. Meirihluti sjúklinga virtist hinsvegar endurheimta nýrnastarfsemi eftir BNS í kjölfar aðgerðar. Bati á nýrnastarfsemi spáði ekki fyrir um eins árs lifun sjúklinga en hinsvegar lifðu sjúklingar sem náðu bata marktækt lengur en samanburðarhópur sem ekki náði bata. Með því að notast við yfirgripsmikla og nákvæma gagnagrunna, sem ná til heillar þjóðar, reyndist unnt að meta tíðni BNS og gáttatifs eftir opnar hjartaaðgerðir á Íslandi um leið og lifun og forspárþættir lifunar eftir þessar aðgerðir voru kannaðir. Flestir sjúklingar sem hlutu BNS endurheimtu nýrnastarfsemi og fáir hlutu endastigs nýrnabilun. Samt sem áður virðist BNS tengjast verri útkomu eftir hjartaaðgerð og ljóst er að úrræði skortir þegar greining BNS liggur fyrir. Snemmbúin greining BNS og kortlagning áhættuþátta á þó vonandi eftir að auka skilning okkar á BNS og hvernig fyrirbyggja má sjúkdóminn og að bæta horfur þessa sjúklingahóps.
dc.format.extent 1-128
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Acute kidney injury
dc.subject Incidence
dc.subject Long-term outcome
dc.subject Postoperative atrial fibrillation
dc.subject Renal recovery.
dc.subject Nýrnasjúkdómar
dc.subject Nýrnalækningar
dc.subject Doktorsritgerðir
dc.title Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Surgery: Incidence, Risk Factors, Association With Other Perioperative Complications, Survival, and Renal Recovery
dc.title.alternative Bráður nýrnaskaði eftir hjartaskurðaðgerðir: tíðni, áhættuþættir, tengsl við aðra fylgikvilla við og eftir skurðaðgerð, lifun og langtímaáhrif á nýrnastarfsemi
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
dcterms.license Thesis for a doctoral degree at the University of Iceland. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
dc.contributor.department Læknadeild (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Medicine (UI)
dc.contributor.school Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of Health Sciences (UI)

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