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Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanowires with prismatic geometry

Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanowires with prismatic geometry

Title: Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanowires with prismatic geometry
Author: Urbaneja Torres, Miguel   orcid.org/0000-0002-9342-988X
Advisor: Andrei Manolescu
Date: 2020-02-25
Language: English
University/Institute: Reykjavík University
Háskólinn í Reykjavík
School: Tæknisvið (HR)
School of Technology (RU)
Department: Verkfræðideild (HR)
Department of Engineering (RU)
Subject: Nanowires; Semiconductors; Quantum optics; Doktorsritgerðir; Nanóvírar; Hálfleiðarar; Skammtaljósfræði; Applied science and engineering
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1600

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In this work, fundamental electronic and optical properties of semiconductor prismatic nanowires, which are a direct consequence of their geometry, are numerically studied. The quantum states of electrons confined in polygonal shells, which describe the cross-section of nanowires where a conducting shell surrounds an insulating core, are obtained using a finite-elements method based on a polar grid, which allows to model a wide range of different shapes. Directly related with the quantum states of the nanowires, the charge and current distributions, conductance and excitonic states are obtained using several computational models. The light scattering by prismatic nanowires is also studied by solving Maxwell’s equations with the finite elements method built in the software COMSOL Multiphysics. The results presented here demonstrate that the specific geometry of such nanowires is a source of rich and interesting phenomenology.
Í þessu verki eru raf- og ljósfræðilegir eiginleikar hálfleiðandi nanóvíra út frá úmfræði þeirra, rannsakaðir með tölulegum reikningum. Skammtafræðileg ástönd rafeinda í strendingslaga hvelum, sem lýsa þverskurði nanóvírana með leiðandi skel umhverfis einangrandi kjarna, eru reiknuð með bútaaðferð á neti í pólhnitum. Hleðslu- og straum þéttleiki ásamt leiðni og örveinda ástöndum, sem eru beintengd skammtaástöndum nanóvíra, eru fengin með fleiri en einu tölvulíkani. Ljósdreifing strendingslaga nanóvíra er að auki skoðuð með lausnum Maxwells jafna með bútaaðferð hugbúnaðisins COMSOL Multiphysics. Niðurstöður sýna að rúmfræðilega lögun nanóvíra er rík uppspretta áhugaverðar eðlisfræði.

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