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Genetic parameters for Icelandic dairy cows using a random regression test-day model

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dc.contributor Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands
dc.contributor Agricultural University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Eiríksson, Jón Hjalti
dc.contributor.author Sigurdsson, Agust
dc.contributor.author Jóhannesson, Guðmundur
dc.contributor.author Eythorsdottir, Emma
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-15T11:20:03Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-15T11:20:03Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Eiríksson, J. H., Sigurdsson, Á., Jóhannesson, G., & Eythórsdóttir, E. (2019). Genetic parameters for Icelandic dairy cows using a random regression test-day model. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, 32, 3-16.
dc.identifier.issn 2298-786X
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1337
dc.description.abstract A total of 480,495 test-day yield records of 33,052 cows were used to estimate the genetic parameters for daily milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), protein yield (PY) and somatic cell score (SCS) of Icelandic dairy cows in the first three lactations with a random regression model. Heritability of all traits was lowest in early lactation in all lactations and highest in mid- or late lactation. Heritability of lactation yields for the first lactation was 0.43, 0.39 and 0.41 for MY, FY and PY, respectively, but was estimated as lower when using a lactation model. Heritability of SCS in the first lactation was 0.23 using the random regression model but 0.15 using the lactation model. Heritability of persistency of lactation MY, FY and PY were 0.14-0.24 in all lactations and genetic correlations to the whole lactation SCS were -0.08 to -0.13. Heritability of yields had increased from previous estimates for the breed. Genetic variation of persistency in the population makes change of the lactation curve possible through selection.
dc.description.abstract Alls voru 480.495 mælingar á daglegri nyt 33.052 íslenskra kúa notaðar til að meta erfðastuðla fyrir mjólkur-magn, fitumagn, próteinmagn og frumutölu á fyrstu þremur mjaltaskeiðum með slembiaðhvarfslíkani. Arfgengi allra eiginleika var lægst í upphafi mjaltaskeiðs en hæst um eða eftir mitt mjaltaskeið. Arfgengi mjaltaskeiðsafurða á fyrsta mjaltaskeiði var 0,43, 0,39 and 0,41 fyrir mjólk, fitu og prótein í þessari röð, samkvæmt slembiaðhvarfslíkaninu en lægri miðað við mjaltaskeiðslíkan. Arfgengi frumutölu á fyrsta mjaltaskeiði var 0,23 samkvæmt slembiaðhvarfslíkaninu en 0,15 samkvæmt mjaltaskeiðslíkani. Arfgengi mjólkurþols var á bilinu 0,14 til 0,24 fyrir mjólk, prótein og fitu á öllu mjaltaskeiðum og hafði erfðafylgni á bilinu -0,08 til -0,13 við frumutölu á sama mjaltaskeiði. Arfgengi afurðaeiginleika var metið hærra í þessari rannsókn en í eldri rannsóknum á stofninum. Erfðabreytileiki á mjólkurúthaldi í stofninum gerir kleift að breyta lögun mjaltakúrfunnar fyrir íslenskar kýr með úrvali.
dc.description.sponsorship Financial support from the Icelandic Cattle Productivity Fond is acknowledged.
dc.format.extent 3-16
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Agricultural University of Iceland
dc.relation.ispartofseries Icelandic Agricultural Sciences;32(2019)
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Milk production
dc.subject Genetic parameters
dc.subject Kýr
dc.subject Mjólk
dc.subject Erfðabreytileiki
dc.title Genetic parameters for Icelandic dairy cows using a random regression test-day model
dc.title.alternative Erfðastuðlar fyrir íslenskar mjólkurkýr með mælidagalíkani
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Icelandic Agricultural Sciences
dc.identifier.doi 10.16886/IAS.2019.01
dc.relation.url http://ias.is/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/IAS-2019-1-JHEiriksson_ASigurdsson_GJohannesson_EEythorsdottir-002.pdf
dc.contributor.department Auðlinda- og umhverfisdeild (LBHÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (AUI)

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