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COPD patients’ experiences, self-reported needs, and needs-driven strategies to cope with self-management

COPD patients’ experiences, self-reported needs, and needs-driven strategies to cope with self-management

Titill: COPD patients’ experiences, self-reported needs, and needs-driven strategies to cope with self-management
Höfundur: Sigurgeirsdottir, Jonina
Halldorsdottir, Sigridur
Arnardóttir, Ragnheiður Harpa
Gudmundsson, Gunnar
Björnsson, Eythor
Útgáfa: 2019-05-16
Tungumál: Enska
Umfang: 1033-1043
Háskóli/Stofnun: Háskólinn á Akureyri
University of Akureyri
Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
Svið: Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HA)
School of Health Sciences (UA)
Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Health Sciences (UI)
Deild: Hjúkrunarfræðideild (HA)
Faculty of Nursing (UA)
Læknadeild (HÍ)
Faculty of Medicine (UI)
Birtist í: International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;14
ISSN: 1176-9106
1178-2005 (eISSN)
DOI: 10.2147/COPD.S201068
Efnisorð: Lung disease; Rehabilitation; Lungnasjúkdómar; Endurhæfing
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1218

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Sigurgeirsdottir, J., Halldorsdottir, S., Arnardottir, R. H., Gudmundsson, G. og Bjornsson, E. H. (2019). COPD patients’ experiences, self-reported needs, and needs-driven strategies to cope with self-management. International Journal of COPD, 14, 1033-1043. doi:10.2147/COPD.S201068


Background: COPD is a common cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to explore patients’ experiences, self-reported needs, and needs-driven strategies to cope with self-management of COPD. Patients and methods: In this phenomenological study, 10 participants with mild to severe COPD were interviewed 1–2 times, until data saturation was reached. In total, 15 indepth interviews were conducted, recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. Results: COPD negatively affected participants’ physical and psychosocial well-being, their family relationships, and social life. They described their experiences of COPD like fighting a war without weapons in an ever-shrinking world with a loss of freedom at most levels, always fearing possible breathlessness. Fourteen needs were identified and eight clusters of needs-driven strategies that participants used to cope with self-management of COPD. Coping with the reality of COPD, a life-threatening disease, meant coping with dyspnea, feelings of suffocation, indescribable smoking addiction, anxiety, and lack of knowledge about the disease. Reduced participation in family and social life meant loss of ability to perform usual and treasured activities. Having a positive mindset, accepting help and assuming healthy lifestyle was important, as well as receiving continuous professional health care services. The participants’ needs-driven strategies comprised conducting financial arrangements, maintaining hope, and fighting their smoking addiction, seeking knowledge about COPD, thinking differently, facing the broken chain of health care, and struggling with accepting support. Procrastination and avoidance were also evident. Finally, the study also found that participants experienced a perpetuating cycle of dyspnea, anxiety, and fear of breathlessness due to COPD which could lead to more severe dyspnea and even panic attacks. Conclusion: COPD negatively affects patients’ physical and psychosocial well-being, family relationships and, social life. Identifying patients’ self-reported needs and needsdriven strategies can enable clinicians to empower patients by educating them to improve their self-management. Keywords: COPD, patients’ needs, self-management, pulmonary rehabilitation, qualitative research


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