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Browsing Bókarkaflar - HR by Department "Department of Computer Science (RU)"

Browsing Bókarkaflar - HR by Department "Department of Computer Science (RU)"

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  • Capobianco, Silvio; Uustalu, Tarmo (ACM, 2023-10-22)
    Cellular automata are an archetypical comonadic notion of computation in that computation happens in the coKleisli category of a comonad. In this paper, we show that they can also be viewed as graded comonadic—a perspective that turns out to be both ...
  • Uustalu, Tarmo; Voorneveld, Niels (Springer, 2020)
    Monad algebras, turning computations over return values into values, are used to handle algebraic effects invoked by programs, whereas comonad coalgebras, turning initial states into environments (“cocomputations”) over states, describe production of ...
  • McDermott, Dylan; Uustalu, Tarmo (Springer, 2022-09-22)
    When modelling side-effects using a monad, we need to equip the monad with effectful operations. This can be done by noting that each algebra of the monad carries interpretations of the desired operations. We consider the analogous situation for graded ...
  • McDermott, Dylan; Morita, Yasuaki; Uustalu, Tarmo (Springer, 2022-10-03)
    We propose a new type system for WebAssembly. It is a refinement of the type system from the language specification and is based on type qualifiers and subtyping. In the WebAssembly specification, a typable instruction sequence gets many different ...