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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Internal Medicine"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Internal Medicine"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Tian, Fan; Shen, Qing; Hu, Yihan; Ye, Weimin; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur A.; Song, Huan; Fang, Fang (2022-07)
    Background: Prior research provides suggestive evidence on an association between stress-related disorders and mortality. No previous study has however addressed the role of familial confounding on such association. Methods: We conducted a nationwide ...
  • Spinetti, Gaia; Mutoli, Martina; Greco, Simona; Riccio, Federica; Ben-Aicha, Soumaya; Kenneweg, Franziska; Jusic, Amela; de Gonzalo-Calvo, David; Nossent, Anne Yaël; Novella, Susana; Kararigas, Georgios; Thum, Thomas; Emanueli, Costanza; Devaux, Yvan; Martelli, Fabio (2023-05-24)
    Diabetes mellitus, a group of metabolic disorders characterized by high levels of blood glucose caused by insulin defect or impairment, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and related mortality. Patients with diabetes experience a state ...
  • Malmgren, Linnea; Öberg, Carl; den Bakker, Emil; Leion, Felicia; Siódmiak, Joanna; Åkesson, Anna; Lindström, Veronica; Herou, Erik; Dardashti, Alain; Xhakollari, Liana; Grubb, Gabriel; Strevens, Helena; Abrahamson, Magnus; Helmersson-Karlqvist, Johanna; Magnusson, Martin; Björk, Jonas; Nyman, Ulf; Ärnlöv, Johan; Ridefelt, Peter; Åkerfeldt, Torbjörn; Hansson, Magnus; Sjöström, Anna; Mårtensson, Johan; Itoh, Yoshihisa; Grubb, David; Tenstad, Olav; Hansson, Lars-Olov; Ólafsson, Ísleifur; Campos, Araceli Jarquin; Risch, Martin; Risch, Lorenz; Larsson, Anders; Nordin, Gunnar; Pottel, Hans; Christensson, Anders; Bjursten, Henrik; Bökenkamp, Arend; Grubb, Anders (2023-03)
    Estimation of kidney function is often part of daily clinical practice, mostly done by using the endogenous glomerular filtration rate (GFR)-markers creatinine or cystatin C. A recommendation to use both markers in parallel in 2010 has resulted in new ...
  • Shin, Michelle B.; Garcia, Patricia J.; Saldarriaga, Enrique M.; Fiestas, José L.; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana H.; Iribarren, Sarah J.; Barnabas, Ruanne V.; Gimbel, Sarah (2022-04-01)
    Background: Cost data of human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling programs from low-and-middle-income countries is limited. We estimated the total and unit costs associated with the Hope Project, a community-based HPV self-sampling social entrepreneurship ...
  • Shen, Qing; Joyce, Emily E.; Ebrahimi, Omid V.; Didriksen, Maria; Lovik, Anikó; Sævarsdóttir, Karen Sól; Magnúsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Mikkelsen, Dorte Helenius; Unnarsdóttir, Anna Bára; Hauksdóttir, Arna; Hoffart, Asle; Kähler, Anna K.; Þórðardóttir, Edda Björk; Eythórsson, Elías; Frans, Emma M.; Tómasson, Gunnar; Ask, Helga; Harðardóttir, Hrönn; Jakobsdóttir, Jóhanna; Lehto, Kelli; Lu, Li; Andreassen, Ole A.; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Pálsson, Runólfur; Erikstrup, Christian; Ostrowski, Sisse Rye; Werge, Thomas; Aspelund, Thor; Pedersen, Ole B.V.; Johnson, Sverre Urnes; Fang, Fang; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna (2023-12-01)
    Background: Although the persistence of physical symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection is a major public health concern, evidence from large observational studies beyond one year post diagnosis remain scarce. We aimed to assess the prevalence of physical ...
  • Michelsen, Brigitte; Østergaard, Mikkel; Nissen, Michael John; Ciurea, Adrian; Möller, Burkhard; Ørnbjerg, Lykke Midtbøll; Zavada, Jakub; Glintborg, Bente; MacDonald, Alan; Laas, Karin; Nordström, Dan; Guðbjörnsson, Björn; Iannone, Florenzo; Hellmand, Pasoon; Kvien, Tore Kristian; Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Codreanu, Catalin; Rotar, Ziga; Castrejón Fernández, Isabel; Wallman, Johan Karlsson; Vencovsky, Jiri; Loft, Anne Gitte; Heddle, Maureen; Vorobjov, Sigrid; Hokkanen, Anna Mari; Gröndal, Gerður María; Sebastiani, Marco; van de Sande, Marleen; Kristianslund, Eirik Klami; Santos, Maria José; Mogosan, Corina; Tomsic, Matija; Díaz-González, Federico; Di Giuseppe, Daniela; Hetland, Merete Lund (2023-10)
    This is the first report comparing EULAR and national treatment recommendations for PsA patients across Europe, and the first this decade to compare ASAS-EULAR and national treatment recommendations in axSpA patients. An electronic survey was completed ...
  • Lovik, Anikó; González-Hijón, Juan; Hoffart, Asle; Fawns-Ritchie, Chloe; Magnúsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Lu, Li; Unnarsdóttir, Anna Bára; Kähler, Anna K.; Campbell, Archie; Hauksdóttir, Arna; Chourpiliadis, Charilaos; McCartney, Daniel L.; Thordardóttir, Edda Björk; Joyce, Emily E.; Frans, Emma M.; Jakobsdóttir, Jóhanna; Trogstad, Lill; Andreassen, Ole A.; Magnus, Per; Johnson, Sverre Urnes; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Aspelund, Thor; Porteous, David J.; Ask, Helga; Ebrahimi, Omid V.; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna; Fang, Fang (2023-10)
    Background: Little is known regarding the mental health impact of having a significant person (family member and/or close friend) with COVID-19 of different severity. Methods: The study included five prospective cohorts from four countries (Iceland, ...
  • Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration (2023-10)
    Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing rapidly, particularly among younger age groups. Estimates suggest that people with diabetes die, on average, 6 years earlier than people without diabetes. We aimed to provide reliable estimates ...
  • Schmidt, Signe; Frandsen, Christian S.; Dejgaard, Thomas F.; Vistisen, Dorte; Halldórsson, Þórhallur Ingi; Olsen, Sjudur F.; Jensen, Jens Erik B.; Madsbad, Sten; Andersen, Henrik U.; Nørgaard, Kirsten (2021-09-30)
    Aims: To present secondary outcome analyses of liraglutide treatment in overweight adults with insulin pump-treated type 1 diabetes (T1D), focusing on changes in body composition and dimensions, and to evaluate changes in food intake to identify potential ...
  • Peters, Tessa M.A.; Lammerts van Bueren, Irma; Geurtz, Ben P.B.H.; Coene, Karlien L.M.; de Leeuw, Nicole; Brunner, Han G.; Jónsson, Jón Jóhannes; Willemsen, Michèl A.A.P.; Wevers, Ron A.; Verbeek, Marcel M. (2020-12-28)
    Monoamine oxidase A (MAO‐A) deficiency is a rare inborn error of metabolism with impaired degradation of biogenic amines including 5‐hydroxytryptamine (5‐HT), resulting in borderline intellectual disability and behavioral abnormalities. Genetic variants ...
  • Olafsson, Sigurdur; Rögnvaldsson, Sigurjon; Bergmann, Ottar M.; Jonasson, Jon G.; Benitez Hernandez, Ubaldo; Björnsson, Einar S. (2021-06-01)
    Background & Aims: The incidence of cirrhosis in Iceland has been the lowest in the world with only 3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Alcohol consumption has almost doubled in Iceland from 1980 to 2016. Obesity has also risen and hepatitis C virus has ...
  • Massara, Paraskevi; Zurbau, Andreea; Glenn, Andrea J.; Chiavaroli, Laura; Khan, Tauseef A.; Viguiliouk, Effie; Mejia, Sonia Blanco; Comelli, Elena M.; Chen, Victoria; Schwab, Ursula; Risérus, Ulf; Uusitupa, Matti; Aas, Anne Marie; Hermansen, Kjeld; Thorsdottir, Inga; Rahelić, Dario; Kahleová, Hana; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Kendall, Cyril W.C.; Sievenpiper, John L. (2022-08-26)
    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Nordic dietary patterns that are high in healthy traditional Nordic foods may have a role in the prevention and management of diabetes. To inform the update of the EASD clinical practice guidelines for nutrition therapy, we conducted ...
  • Claessen, Lára Ósk Eggertsdóttir; Kristjánsdóttir, Hafrún; Jónsdóttir, María Kristín; Lund, Sigrún Helga; Kristensen, Ingunn Unnsteinsdóttir; Sigurjónsdóttir, Helga Ágústa (2024-02)
    Objective: Pituitary dysfunction following mild traumatic brain injury can have serious physical and psychological consequences, making correct diagnosis and treatment essential. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to study the ...
  • Vogt, Elinor Chelsom; Real, Francisco Gómez; Husebye, Eystein Sverre; Björnsdottir, Sigridur; Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen; Demoly, Pascal; Franklin, Karl Anders; Gallastegui, Leire Sainz de Aja; González, Francisco Javier Callejas; Heinrich, Joachim; Holm, Mathias; Jogi, Nils Oscar; Leynaert, Benedicte; Lindberg, Eva; Malinovschi, Andrei; Martínez-Moratalla, Jesús; Mayoral, Raúl Godoy; Oudin, Anna; Pereira-Vega, Antonio; Semjen, Chantal Raherison; Schlünssen, Vivi; Triebner, Kai; Øksnes, Marianne (2022-05)
    Objective: To investigate markers of premature menopause (<40 years) and specifically the prevalence of autoimmune primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) in European women. Design: Postmenopausal women were categorized according to age at menopause and ...
  • Christensen, Jakob; Zoega, Helga; Leinonen, Maarit K.; Gilhus, Nils Erik; Gissler, Mika; Igland, Jannicke; Sun, Yuelian; Tomson, Torbjörn; Alvestad, Silje; Bjørk, Marte Helene; Dreier, Julie Werenberg (2024-03)
    Background: The short- and long-term consequences of restricted fetal growth cause considerable concern, and how prenatal exposure to different antiseizure medications (ASMs) affects fetal growth remains uncertain. Methods: This was a population-based ...
  • Thomadakis, Christos; Gountas, Ilias; Duffell, Erika; Gountas, Konstantinos; Bluemel, Benjamin; Seyler, Thomas; Pericoli, Filippo Maria; Kászoni-Rückerl, Irene; El-Khatib, Ziad; Busch, Martin; Schmutterer, Irene; Vanwolleghem, Thomas; Klamer, Sofieke; Plettinckx, Els; Mortgat, Laure; Van Beckhoven, Dominique; Varleva, Tonka; Kosanovic Licina, Mirjana Lana; Nemeth Blazic, Tatjana; Nonković, Diana; Theophanous, Fanitsa; Nemecek, Vratislav; Maly, Marek; Christensen, Peer Brehm; Cowan, Susan; Rüütel, Kristi; Brummer-Korvenkontio, Henrikki; Brouard, Cécile; Steffen, Gyde; Krings, Amrei; Dudareva, Sandra; Zimmermann, Ruth; Nikolopoulou, Georgia; Molnár, Zsuzsanna; Kozma, Emese; Gottfreðsson, Magnús; Murphy, Niamh; Kondili, Loreta A.; Tosti, Maria Elena; Ciccaglione, Anna Rita; Suligoi, Barbara; Nikiforova, Raina; Putnina, Renate; Jancoriene, Ligita; Seguin-Devaux, Carole; Melillo, Tanya; Boyd, Anders; van der Valk, Marc; Op de Coul, Eline; Whittaker, Robert; Kløvstad, Hilde; Stępień, Małgorzata; Rosińska, Magdalena; Valente, Cristina; Marinho, Rui Tato; Popovici, Odette; Avdičová, Mária; Kerlik, Jana; Klavs, Irena; Maticic, Mojca; Diaz, Asuncion; del Amo, Julia; Lundberg Ederth, Josefine; Axelsson, Maria; Nikolopoulos, Georgios (2024-01)
    Background: Epidemiological data are crucial to monitoring progress towards the 2030 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) elimination targets. Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of chronic HCV infection (cHCV) in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area ...
  • Møllehave, Line Tang; Eliasen, Marie Holm; Strēle, Ieva; Linneberg, Allan; Moreno-Reyes, Rodrigo; Ivanova, Ludmila B.; Kusić, Zvonko; Erlund, Iris; Ittermann, Till; Nagy, Endre V.; Gunnarsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Arbelle, Jonathan Eli; Troen, Aaron Milton; Pīrāgs, Valdis; Dahl, Lisbeth; Hubalewska-Dydejczyk, Alicja; Trofimiuk-Müldner, Malgorzata; de Castro, João Jacome; Marcelino, Mafalda; Gaberšček, Simona; Zaltel, Katja; Puig-Domingo, Manuel; Vila, Lluis; Manousou, Sofia; Nyström, Helena Filipsson; Zimmermann, Michael Bruce; Mullan, Karen R.; Woodside, Jayne Valerie; Völzke, Henry; Thuesen, Betina Heinsbæk (2022-03-10)
    Objective: Registers of diagnoses and treatments exist in different forms in the European countries and are potential sources to answer important research questions. Prevalence and incidence of thyroid diseases are highly dependent on iodine intake ...
  • Cesta, Carolyn E.; Rotem, Ran; Bateman, Brian T.; Chodick, Gabriel; Cohen, Jacqueline M.; Furu, Kari; Gissler, Mika; Huybrechts, Krista F.; Kjerpeseth, Lars J.; Leinonen, Maarit K.; Pazzagli, Laura; Zoega, Helga; Seely, Ellen W.; Patorno, Elisabetta; Hernández-Díaz, Sonia (2024-02-05)
    Importance: Increasing use of second-line noninsulin antidiabetic medication (ADM) in pregnant individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) may result in fetal exposure, but their teratogenic risk is unknown. Objective: To evaluate periconceptional use of ...
  • Koenig, Mary Kay; Russo, Sam Nick; McBride, Kim L.; Björnsson, Hans Tómas; Gunnarsdottir, Brynja Bjork; Goldstein, Amy; Falk, Scott A. (2023-01)
    Several mitochondrial diseases are caused by pathogenic variants that impair membrane phospholipid remodeling, with no FDA-approved therapies. Elamipretide targets the inner mitochondrial membrane where it binds to cardiolipin, resulting in improved ...