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Browsing by Subject "Suicide "

Browsing by Subject "Suicide "

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  • Shen, Qing; Sjölander, Arvid; Sloan, Erica K.; Walker, Adam K.; Fall, Katja; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna; Sparén, Pär; Smedby, Karin E.; Fang, Fang (2022-01-17)
    Background: Cancer patients experience increased risk of death from accident and suicide. Cognitive impairment induced by cancer-related inflammation and stress-related psychiatric symptoms may be underlying mechanisms. We therefore studied the association ...
  • Wardle, H.; John, A.; Dymond, Simon; McManus, S. (Elsevier BV, 2020-07)
    Objectives: Problem gamblers in treatment are known to be at high risk for suicidality, but few studies have examined if this is evident in community samples. Evidence is mixed on the extent to which an association between problem gambling and suicidality ...
  • Asgeirsdottir, Hildur Gudny (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2019-02-08)
    Bakgrunnur og markmið: Meirihluti einstaklinga upplifir streitu og áföll á ævinni. Streita og áföll hafa í för með sér aukna áhættu á geðröskunum sem geta leitt til alvarlegri útkoma, eins og aukinnar áhættu á sjálfsvígshugsum sjálfsskaða, ...