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Browsing by Subject "Autonomy"

Browsing by Subject "Autonomy"

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  • Sheikhlar, Arash (2024-10)
    For any agent to effectively learn how to achieve its goals via interaction with environments, it must have causal reasoning capabilities. Causal reasoning enables an agent to predict actions’ consequences and hypothesize the necessary conditions ...
  • Stefánsdóttir, Guðrún V.; Björnsdóttir, Kristín; Stefánsdóttir, Ástríður (Stockholm University Press, 2018)
    In this article we explore the personal autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities who require more intensive support. The authors draw on qualitative research in Iceland carried out in the homes of 24 individuals. It is demonstrated how their ...
  • Hlynsdóttir, Eva Marín (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-05-30)
    An ongoing debate on the purpose of local self-government in Iceland has been simmering mainly between those who believe that local authorities should amalgamate in order to assume more responsibilities and those who believe that local autonomy, ...
  • Jóhannesdóttir, Kolfinna (University of Iceland, School of Education, 2023-10)
    This thesis explores the policy on increased school autonomy over curriculum development in upper secondary schools in Iceland which was introduced in 2008. The main arguments for the establishment of the policy were the need for more diverse study due ...