Opin vísindi

Fletta eftir höfundi "Geirsson, Halldór"

Fletta eftir höfundi "Geirsson, Halldór"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Parks, Michelle M.; Sigmundsson, Freysteinn; Drouin, Vincent; Hreinsdóttir, Sigrún; Hooper, Andrew; Yang, Yilin; Ófeigsson, Benedikt G.; Sturkell, Erik; Hjartardóttir, Ásta R.; Grapenthin, Ronni; Geirsson, Halldór; Trasatti, Elisa; Barsotti, Sara; Pedersen, Rikke; Einarsson, Páll; Óladóttir, Bergrún A.; Friðriksdóttir, Hildur M. (2024-02-28)
    Unrest began in July 2021 at Askja volcano in the Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ) of Iceland. Its most recent eruption, in 1961, was predominantly effusive and produced ∼0.1 km3 lava field. The last plinian eruption at Askja occurred in 1875. Geodetic ...
  • Cubuk-Sabuncu, Yesim; Jónsdóttir, Kristín; Caudron, Corentin; Lecocq, Thomas; Parks, Michelle Maree; Geirsson, Halldór; Mordret, Aurélien (2021-06-01)
    Repeated periods of inflation-deflation in the vicinity of Mt. Þorbjörn-Svartsengi, SW-Iceland, were detected in January–July, 2020. We used seismic ambient noise and interferometry to characterize temporal variations of seismic velocities (dv/v, %). ...