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Seismicity along the eastern margin of the North American Plate

Seismicity along the eastern margin of the North American Plate

Title: Seismicity along the eastern margin of the North American Plate
Alternative Title: Jarðskjálftavirkni á eystri flekaskilum Norður-Ameríkuflekans
Author: Einarsson, Páll
Vogt, P. R.
Tucholke, B. E.
Date: 1986
Language: English
Scope: 1799569
Department: Faculty of Earth Sciences
Series: The Geology of North America; Vol. M()
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/4308

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Einarsson , P 1986 , Seismicity along the eastern margin of the North American Plate . in P R Vogt & B E Tucholke (eds) , The Geology of North America : The Western North Atlantic Region . vol. Vol. M , Geological Society of America , Washington , pp. 99-116 .

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