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Þróun eigin fagmennsku í skapandi starfi : Starfendarannsókn í leikskóla

Þróun eigin fagmennsku í skapandi starfi : Starfendarannsókn í leikskóla

Titill: Þróun eigin fagmennsku í skapandi starfi : Starfendarannsókn í leikskóla
Aðrir titlar: Creating something out of nothingDeveloping my professional creative practices
Höfundur: Sívertsen, Ásta Möller
Jónsdóttir, Svanborg Rannveig
Guðjónsdóttir, Hafdís
Útgáfa: 2022-09-27
Tungumál: Íslenska
Umfang: 377532
Deild: Deild menntunar og margbreytileika
Deild kennslu- og menntunarfræði
Birtist í: Netla; ()
ISSN: 1670-0244
DOI: 10.24270/netla.2022.11
Efnisorð: Starfendarannsóknir; Sköpun; Flæði; Dagskipulag leikskóla; Hlutverk leikskólakennara; Þróun fagmennsku; Action research; Creativity; Flow; Preschools' daily schedule; Preschool teachers' role; Professional Development
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/3944

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Sívertsen , Á M , Jónsdóttir , S R & Guðjónsdóttir , H 2022 , ' Þróun eigin fagmennsku í skapandi starfi : Starfendarannsókn í leikskóla ' , Netla . https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2022.11


Sköpun er mikilvæg þroska barna og er jafnframt einn grunnþáttur menntunar á Íslandi. Leikskólar sem horfa til starfsaðferða Reggio Emilia leggja áherslu á börn sem getumikla og skapandi einstaklinga. Þegar skólinn leggur rækt við meðfædda hæfileika þeirra eru allar líkur á að börnum finnist þau geta haft áhrif á samfélagið. Hlutverk kennara í skapandi skólastarfi felst í að skapa aðstæður sem styðja við skapandi hugsun og verkefni með áherslu á ferli umfram endanlega útkomu. Hér er sagt frá starfendarannsókn leikskólakennara sem rýndi í eigin starfshætti með áherslu á aukið vægi skapandi starfs á einni deild í leikskóla. Gagnaöflun hófst í janúar 2018 og lauk í október sama ár. Gagna var aflað með skrifum í rannsóknardagbók, með vettvangsathugunum og ljósmyndum. Gögnin voru greind reglulega og sem heild í lokin. Niðurstöðurnar voru flokkaðar í eftirfarandi flokka: Tækifærin í umhverfinu, kaflaskil og faglegt sjálfstraust. Meginþættir hvers kafla eru kynntir með dæmum úr rannsóknardagbók. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar varpa ljósi á mikilvægi þess að leikskólakennari beiti virkri hlustun í starfi og að gagnkvæm virðing ríki milli kennara og barna. Ein sterkustu skilaboðin sem þessi rannsókn felur í sér eru hversu mikils virði er fyrir faglega vinnu kennara að gera starfendarannsókn og gera breytingar á eigin starfsháttum.
Creativity is a fundamental pillar of education in Iceland, particularly important for the development of young children. Preschools that use the Reggio Emilia approach treat children as capable individuals born with “a hundred languages / a hundred hands / a hundred thoughts / a hundred ways of thinking / of playing, of speaking.” The teacher’s role in creative work is to facilitate opportunities for working creatively, emphasising the process rather than the outcome. This paper describes an action research project I, the first author, conducted on my work in preschool. The purpose of this project was to promote creative practices in my unit, with emphasis on the children reaching a ‘state of flow’ while working on projects based on their ideas. The research project ran from late January 2018 until the end of October the same year. The research question was: How can I as a preschool teacher support creative practices in the classroom on a daily basis? I analysed the data with the support of the second and third author who were my critical friends and wrote the article in collaboration with them. In this article I analyse how I reflected on my teaching practices and formulated my professional working theory. Data collected included a research journal, observations on creative work practices in the classroom, and photographs. I wrote down my feelings and changes I made in the field. I read my research journal regularly during data collection, made changes based on new approaches, and wrote down the effects they had on my teaching practice. I collected the emails I sent to my critical friends weekly during the data collection and writing phase. In these emails, I reflected on my feelings and on the changes made in the field, and asked questions regarding my actions. Once I had the required permissions, I began observing creative work practices in the classroom and taking photographs. Data were analysed consistently and as a whole by the end of data collection. Alongside gathering data, I regularly analysed them throughout the process. I scrutinized the data vavailable, analysed and evaluated and planned my next steps built on the evaluation. That way I was able to influence my practice and change it on the way. However, I did not become conscious of the changes and their nature until I had gathered all the data and scrutinized as a whole in comparative comparison. I printed out my research journal and the emails. This made the data more tangible, and I found it easier to mark the words, actions, and feelings that interested me. In order to gain a more comprehensive view of the process, I arranged the data in chronological order and viewed the photographs on my computer. My goal was to get to know the data inside out. The findings were organized in three main categories: opportunities in the environment, turning point, and professional confidence. Several themes were analysed in each category and I show how they reflect my feelings with examples chosen from my research journal. The research findings demonstrate the importance of preschool teachers being active listeners and working to establish mutual respect with the children. When working creatively it is important that children’s learning environments are supportive and that the teacher is aware of environmental factors which increase the likelihood of children attaining a state of flow while working. One of the main lessons of this process was realising the negative effects staff shortage had on my ability to promote creativity in the classroom. I made a conscious decision to think more positively. In so doing, I became more aware of what the children had to say, and thus became better prepared to work with them creatively.


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