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Neyslutíðni matvæla eða bætiefna og fylgni við styrk langra ómega-3 fitusýra í blóðvökva barnshafandi kvenna

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dc.contributor Háskólinn á Akureyri
dc.contributor Landspítali
dc.contributor.author Tryggvadóttir, Ellen Alma
dc.contributor.author Halldórsson, Þórhallur Ingi
dc.contributor.author Birgisdóttir, Bryndís Eva
dc.contributor.author Hrólfsdóttir, Laufey
dc.contributor.author Landberg, Rikard
dc.contributor.author Hreiðarsdóttir, Ingibjörg Th
dc.contributor.author Harðardóttir, Hildur
dc.contributor.author Gunnarsdóttir, Ingibjörg
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-23T01:05:20Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-23T01:05:20Z
dc.date.issued 2022-05-06
dc.identifier.citation Tryggvadóttir , E A , Halldórsson , Þ I , Birgisdóttir , B E , Hrólfsdóttir , L , Landberg , R , Hreiðarsdóttir , I T , Harðardóttir , H & Gunnarsdóttir , I 2022 , ' Neyslutíðni matvæla eða bætiefna og fylgni við styrk langra ómega-3 fitusýra í blóðvökva barnshafandi kvenna ' , Læknablaðið , bind. 108 , nr. 5 , bls. 238-243 . https://doi.org/10.17992/LBL.2022.05.691
dc.identifier.issn 1670-4959
dc.identifier.other 63082251
dc.identifier.other b410adcd-a36d-47a4-8501-06a3970e202c
dc.identifier.other 35499247
dc.identifier.other 85129780703
dc.identifier.other unpaywall: 10.17992/lbl.2022.05.691
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/3641
dc.description Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Laeknafelag Islands. All rights reserved.
dc.description.abstract TILGANGUR Fyrri rannsóknir benda til að hluti barnshafandi kvenna á Íslandi uppfylli ekki ráðlögð viðmið fyrir neyslu langra ómega-3 fitusýra, sem eru taldar mikilvægar fyrir fósturþroska. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta neyslutíðni barnshafandi kvenna á fæðutegundum og bætiefnum sem innihalda langar fjölómettaðar ómega-3 fitusýrur og kanna fylgni við styrk þeirra í blóðvökva. AÐFERÐIR Þátttakendur voru 853 barnshafandi konur sem mættu í fósturgreiningu við 11.-14. viku meðgöngu. Upplýsingar um fæðuval, notkun ómega-3 bætiefna sem innihalda eikósapentaensýru (EPA) og dókósahexaensýru (DHA) og bakgrunn þátttakenda var aflað með fæðutíðnispurningalista. Blóðsýni voru tekin til mælinga á styrk fitusýra í blóðvökva. Fylgni var metin með Spearman-fylgnistuðli. NIÐURSTÖÐUR Miðgildi neyslu á mögrum fiski var 1,3 skipti í viku og á feitum fiski eitt skipti í mánuði. Um 50% tóku ómega-3 bætiefni daglega eða oftar. Hærri heildartíðni fiskneyslu og notkun bætiefna með ómega-3 fitusýrum endurspeglaðist í hærri heildarstyrk þeirra í blóðvökva (r=0,37, p ÁLYKTANIR Neysla matvæla og bætiefna sem innihalda ómega-3 fitusýrur endurspeglaðist í styrk þeirra í blóðvökva, að undanskildu íslensku meðgöngu-fjölvítamíni. Helstu niðurstöður okkar eru að rétt rúmlega þriðjungur barnshafandi kvenna borðaði fisk að minnsta kosti tvisvar sinnum í viku í samræmi við ráðleggingar. Um það bil helmingur kvennanna notaði einhver bætiefni með ómega-3 fitusýrum daglega. INTRODUCTION: Long-chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are considered important for fetal development, but previous studies suggest suboptimal intake in part of pregnant women in Iceland. The study aim was to evaluate intake of food and supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, among pregnant women in Iceland and correlations to fatty acid composition in plasma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects were 853 pregnant women attending their 11-14 weeks ultrasound appointment. Information on intake of food and supplements containing long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) as well as background was obtained by a questionnaire. Blood samples were collected for analysis of plasma fatty acids. Correlation was evaluated using the Spearman correlation. RESULTS: Median intake of lean fish was 1.3 times per week, while fatty fish was consumed once monthly. About 50% of the women took omega-3 containing supplements daily. Higher intake of both fish and omega-3 containing supplements was reflected in higher omega-3 plasma levels (r=0.37 p CONCLUSION: Intake of food and supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids was reflected in plasma concentration, except for an Icelandic maternal multivitamin. One third of the women followed the recommendation of eating fish at least twice weekly. About 50% had a daily intake of supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids.
dc.description.abstract INTRODUCTION: Long-chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are considered important for fetal development, but previous studies suggest suboptimal intake in part of pregnant women in Iceland. The study aim was to evaluate intake of food and supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, among pregnant women in Iceland and correlations to fatty acid composition in plasma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects were 853 pregnant women attending their 11-14 weeks ultrasound appointment. Information on intake of food and supplements containing long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) as well as background was obtained by a questionnaire. Blood samples were collected for analysis of plasma fatty acids. Correlation was evaluated using the Spearman correlation. RESULTS: Median intake of lean fish was 1.3 times per week, while fatty fish was consumed once monthly. About 50% of the women took omega-3 containing supplements daily. Higher intake of both fish and omega-3 containing supplements was reflected in higher omega-3 plasma levels (r=0.37 p<0.001). A positive correlation was seen between intake of cod liver oil/capsules (r=0.23, p=0.001), omega-3 oil/capsules (r=0.20, p=0.001) and plasma concentration of omega-3. However, no correlation was seen between intake of a maternal multivitamin containing omega-3 and corresponding plasma concentration (r=0.03, p=0.98). CONCLUSION: Intake of food and supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids was reflected in plasma concentration, except for an Icelandic maternal multivitamin. One third of the women followed the recommendation of eating fish at least twice weekly. About 50% had a daily intake of supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids.
dc.format.extent 6
dc.format.extent 638707
dc.format.extent 238-243
dc.language.iso is
dc.relation.ispartofseries Læknablaðið; 108(5)
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Mataræði
dc.subject Vítamín
dc.subject Barnshafandi konur
dc.subject Ljósmóðurfræði
dc.subject Næringarfræðingar
dc.subject Ómega-3 fitusýrur
dc.subject Animals
dc.subject Capsules
dc.subject Dietary Supplements/adverse effects
dc.subject Docosahexaenoic Acids
dc.subject Eicosapentaenoic Acid
dc.subject Fatty Acids, Omega-3
dc.subject Female
dc.subject Fishes
dc.subject Humans
dc.subject Pregnancy
dc.subject fatty acids
dc.subject biomarker
dc.subject supplements
dc.subject diet
dc.subject pregnancy
dc.subject diet
dc.subject fatty acids
dc.subject biomarker
dc.subject supplements
dc.subject Almenn læknisfræði
dc.title Neyslutíðni matvæla eða bætiefna og fylgni við styrk langra ómega-3 fitusýra í blóðvökva barnshafandi kvenna
dc.title.alternative Correlation between intake of fish or supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids and early pregnancy plasma concentrations.
dc.type /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/researchoutputtypes/contributiontojournal/article
dc.description.version Peer reviewed
dc.identifier.doi 10.17992/LBL.2022.05.691
dc.relation.url http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?scp=85129780703&partnerID=8YFLogxK
dc.contributor.department Deild heilsueflingar, íþrótta og tómstunda
dc.contributor.department Matvæla- og næringarfræðideild
dc.contributor.department Önnur svið
dc.contributor.department Kvenna- og barnaþjónusta
dc.contributor.department Læknadeild
dc.contributor.school Heilbrigðisvísindasvið

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