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Assessment culture matters : Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of assessment and feedback

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dc.contributor.advisor Smith, Kari
dc.contributor.advisor Geirsdóttir, Guðrún
dc.contributor.author Jónsson, Ívar Rafn
dc.date.accessioned 2022-09-27T01:02:49Z
dc.date.available 2022-09-27T01:02:49Z
dc.date.issued 2022-05-13
dc.identifier.citation Jónsson , Í R 2022 , ' Assessment culture matters : Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of assessment and feedback ' , Doctor , Faculty of Education and Pedagogy , Reykjavík .
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9935-9625-9-1
dc.identifier.other 55965729
dc.identifier.other 6a43c8a2-6800-4b76-964f-2a8a1f6a8ab4
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/3489
dc.description.abstract Rannsóknir benda til þess að innleiðing leiðsagnarnáms hafi ekki gengið sem skyldi og er skýringin m.a. sú að áhersla sé lögð á tæknilega útfærslu (e. assessment for learning) á kostnað þeirrar námsmatsmenningar (e. assessment culture) sem til þarf. Hérlendis skortir rannsóknir á námsmati á framhaldsskólastiginu og fáar erlendar rannsóknir hafa verið gerðar á áhrifum námsmatsmenningar á reynslu nemenda og kennara af námsmati. Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að öðlast skilning á því hvernig námsmatsmenning mótar reynslu kennara og nemenda af námsmati. Rannsóknin var unnin með blönduðu rannsóknarsniði (e. mixed method design). Spurningalisti var lagður fyrir nemendur og kennara í þremur íslenskum framhaldsskólum og þeim síðan fylgt eftir með rýnihópaviðtölum. Notað var markvisst úrtak (e. purposive sampling) og voru þátttökuskólar valdir með hliðsjón af námsmatsstefnu og reynslu af innleiðingu á leiðsagnarnámi. Niðurstöður sýna að þátttaka og ábyrgð nemenda á framkvæmd námsmats er takmörkuð. Einkenni lærdómsmiðaðrar námsmatsmenningar, sem er forsenda leiðsagnarnáms, birtist meðal annars í persónulegum og afslöppuðum skólabrag þar sem ríkja jákvæð tengsl á milli kennara og nemenda. Prófa- og einkunnamiðuð námsmatsmenning endurspeglaðist hins vegar í yfirborðslegri nálgun nemenda í námi og neikvæðri afstöðu til þátttöku nemenda í námsmati. Út frá niðurstöðunum og áherslum námskrár á hæfni og lýðræðislega starfshætti, má álykta að huga þurfi mun betur að námsmatsmenningu sem byggir á þátttöku nemenda í námsmati. Niðurstöður sýna jafnframt að leita þarf frekari leiða til að auka hlutdeild og ábyrgð nemenda og þannig stuðla að aukinni námsmatshæfni (e. assessment literacy) kennara og nemenda.
dc.description.abstract Research indicates that the implementation of Assessment of Learning (AfL) has overemphasized the "letter" of AfL at the expense of the "spirit." There is still limited research about how teachers perceive assessment and feedback in different assessment cultures at the upper-secondary level, particularly in the Icelandic context. The aim of the research is to gain a deeper understanding of how teachers' and students' perception of assessment and feedback is shaped by different assessment cultures. The research was conducted in three upper secondary schools in Iceland. The methodology is based on mixed method design, where quantitative survey data is followed by qualitative focus-group interviews. The dataset consists of a survey administered to teachers and students, as well as six focus groups of teachers and students in corresponding schools. The schools for this study were purposefully chosen based on school policy and experience of implementing AfL. The findings suggest that students' involvement in assessment is limited and teachers' and students' perceptions of assessment diverse. AfL cultural characteristics were dynamic and demonstrated by personal communication, strong teacher-student relationships and culture of dialogue. The findings indicate that the grading/testing assessment culture is more static and characterized by superficial approaches to learning, distrust of student participation, an emphasis on bureaucracy, and power imbalances. Overall, teachers' and students' perceptions of assessment and feedback appear to be influenced by characteristics of the assessment culture. The findings conclude that limited student involvement needs special attention, particularly in relation to emphasis in the national curriculum and to enhance teachers and students assessment literacy.
dc.format.extent 227
dc.format.extent 3474209
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Iceland, School of Education, Faculty of Teacher Education
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Námsmat
dc.subject Leiðsagnarmat
dc.subject Framhaldsskólar
dc.subject Kennslufræði
dc.subject Kennsluaðferðir
dc.subject Doktorsritgerðir
dc.subject Assessment
dc.subject assessment culture
dc.subject School culture
dc.subject Teaching Methods
dc.subject Education
dc.title Assessment culture matters : Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of assessment and feedback
dc.title.alternative Námsmatsmenning skiptir máliUpplifun kennara og nemenda af námsmati og endurgjöf
dc.type /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/researchoutputtypes/thesis/doc
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Subject Teacher Education

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