Titill: | Chlamydia trachomatis in iceland : Prevalence, clinico-epidemiological features and comparison of cobas 480 ct/ng and aptima combo 2 (ct/ng) for diagnosis |
Höfundur: |
Útgáfa: | 2021-02 |
Tungumál: | Enska |
Umfang: | 6 |
Háskóli/Stofnun: | Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland |
Deild: | Faculty of Medicine Clinical Laboratory Services, Diagnostics and Blood Bank Other departments Internal Medicine and Emergency Services |
Birtist í: | Acta Dermato-Venereologica; 101(2) |
ISSN: | 0001-5555 |
DOI: | 10.2340/00015555-3762 |
Efnisorð: | Kynsjúkdómar; Klamýdía; Ísland; Ísland; Áhættuþættir; Algengi sjúkdóma; Chlamydia trachomatis; Iceland; Neisseria gonorrhoeae; Nucleic acid amplification; Prevalence; Risk factor; Sexually transmitted disease; Chlamydia trachomatis/genetics; Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis; Humans; Male; Tomography, X-Ray Computed; Sensitivity and Specificity; Female; Gonorrhea/diagnosis; Iceland/epidemiology; Dermatology |
URI: | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2921 |
Tilvitnun:Hilmarsdóttir, I, Arnardóttir, E M, Jóhannesdóttir, E R, Golparian, D & Unemo, M 2021, 'Chlamydia trachomatis in iceland : Prevalence, clinico-epidemiological features and comparison of cobas 480 ct/ng and aptima combo 2 (ct/ng) for diagnosis', Acta Dermato-Venereologica, vol. 101, no. 2, adv00393, pp. adv00393. https://doi.org/10.2340/00015555-3762
Útdráttur:The aims of this study were to assess the prevalence of, and risk factors for, Chlamydia trachomatis in at-tendees recruited prospectively from October 2018 to January 2019 at the only sexually transmitted infections clinic in Iceland (in Reykjavík), and to eva-luate the cobas 4800 CT/NG Test and Aptima Combo 2 Assay for C. trachomatis detection in male urine and female vaginal swabs. Prevalence of C. trachomatis was 15.8% among 487 women and 13.6% among 491 men (no Neisseria gonorrhoeae positive patients were found). C. trachomatis detection was independently and positively associated with being tested for contact tracing, 18–24 years of age, and reporting ≥ 6 sexual partners within 12 months. Reporting sex with non-residents of Iceland was associated with a lower risk of C. trachomatis infection. Both assays had a high sen-sitivity in detection of C. trachomatis (Aptima Combo 2: 100%; cobas 4800 CT/NG: 95.1%) and high speci-ficity (100% and 99.6%, respectively). The high local prevalence of C. trachomatis and increased acquisition risk following sex with residents are of public health concern.
Athugasemdir:Publisher Copyright: © 2021, Medical Journals/Acta D-V. All rights reserved.