IRIS: Síðast bætt við

  • March, Michael E.; Gutierrez-Uzquiza, Alvaro; Snorradottir, Asbjorg Osk; Matsuoka, Leticia S.; Balvis, Noelia Fonseca; Gestsson, Thorgeir; Nguyen, Kenny; Sleiman, Patrick M.A.; Kao, Charlly; Ísaksson, Helgi Jóhannes; Bragason, Birkir Thor; Ólafsson, Elías; Palsdottir, Astridur; Hakonarson, Hakon (2021-03-23)
    Hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy is a dominantly inherited disease caused by a leucine to glutamine variant of human cystatin C (hCC). L68Q-hCC forms amyloid deposits in brain arteries associated with micro-infarcts, leading ultimately to ...
  • Rögnvaldsson, Sæmundur; Love, Thorvardur Jon; Thorsteinsdottir, Sigrun; Reed, Elín Ruth; Óskarsson, Jón Þórir; Pétursdóttir, Íris; Sigurðardóttir, Guðrún Ásta; Viðarsson, Brynjar; Önundarson, Páll Torfi; Agnarsson, Bjarni A.; Þorsteinsdóttir, Ingunn; Ólafsson, Ísleifur; Þórðardóttir, Ásdís Rósa; Eyþórsson, Elías; Jónsson, Ásbjörn; Björnsson, Andri S.; Gunnarsson, Gunnar Þór; Pálsson, Runólfur; Indriðason, Ólafur Skúli; Gíslason, Gauti Kjartan; Ólafsson, Andri; Hákonardóttir, Guðlaug Katrín; Brinkhuis, Manje; Halldórsdóttir, Sara Lovísa; Ásgeirsdóttir, Tinna Laufey; Steingrímsdóttir, Hlíf; Danielsen, Ragnar; Dröfn Wessman, Inga; Kampanis, Petros; Hulcrantz, Malin; Durie, Brian G.M.; Harding, Stephen; Landgren, Ola; Kristinsson, Sigurður Yngvi (2021-05-17)
    Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) precedes multiple myeloma (MM). Population-based screening for MGUS could identify candidates for early treatment in MM. Here we describe the Iceland Screens, Treats, or Prevents Multiple Myeloma ...
  • Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína; Ragnarsdóttir, Hanna (2020-12)
    This paper reports findings from a qualitative study on how municipalities organise and structure the support for students with immigrant background. The study is part of a larger research project, Inclusive Societies, which aims to compare integration ...
  • Sigurdardottir, Anna Karen; Jonasdottir, Arna Steinunn; Asbjarnarson, Arni; Helgudottir, Hildur Run; Gudjonsson, Thorarinn; Traustadottir, Gunnhildur Asta (2021-12)
    Due to an error during typesetting, an incomplete Supplementary file was originally published with this article. Supplementary figures were missing and this has now been uploaded. The original article has been corrected.
  • The Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Consortium (2022-02-11)
    Background: Pneumococcal disease outbreaks of vaccine preventable serotype 4 sequence type (ST)801 in shipyards have been reported in several countries. We aimed to use genomics to establish any international links between them. Methods: Sequence data ...
  • Sigurdardottir, Anna Karen; Jonasdottir, Arna Steinunn; Asbjarnarson, Arni; Helgudottir, Hildur Run; Gudjonsson, Thorarinn; Traustadottir, Gunnhildur Asta (2021-12-28)
    The human breast is composed of terminal duct lobular units (TDLUs) that are surrounded by stroma. In the TDLUs, basement membrane separates the stroma from the epithelial compartment, which is divided into an inner layer of luminal epithelial cells ...
  • Delcoigne, Bénédicte; Provan, Sella Aarrestad; Hammer, Hilde Berner; Di Giuseppe, Daniela; Frisell, Thomas; Glintborg, Bente; Grondal, Gerdur; Gudbjornson, Bjorn; Hetland, Merete Lund; Michelsen, Brigitte; Nordström, Dan; Relas, Heikki; Askling, Johan (2022-02-09)
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether patient-reported outcomes vary across countries and are influenced by cultural/contextual factors. Specifically, we aimed to assess inter-country differences in tender joint count (TJC), pain and patient's global ...
  • Stockfelt, Marit; Lundell, Anna Carin; Hetland, Merete Lund; Østergaard, Mikkel; Uhlig, Till; Heiberg, Marte Schrumpf; Haavardsholm, Espen A.; Nurmohamed, Michael T.; Lampa, Jon; Nordström, Dan; Petersen, Kim Hørslev; Guðbjörnsson, Björn; Gröndal, Gerður; Aldridge, Jonathan; Andersson, Kerstin; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; van Vollenhoven, Ronald; Rudin, Anna (2021-07-13)
    Background: The type I interferon (IFN) gene signature is present in a subgroup of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Protein levels of IFNα have not been measured in RA and it is unknown whether they associate with clinical characteristics ...
  • the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration; Pálsson, Runólfur (2021-11-04)
    BACKGROUND: Current equations for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) that use serum creatinine or cystatin C incorporate age, sex, and race to estimate measured GFR. However, race in eGFR equations is a social and not a biologic construct. ...
  • Song, Huan; Fang, Fang; Larsson, Henrik; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Magnusson, Patrik K.E.; Almqvist, Catarina; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur A. (2021-01-28)
    Twins suffering a co-twin loss at birth have reported feelings of loneliness and grief while it remains unexplored if they suffer increased risk of psychiatric disorders. We contrasted rate of first-onset psychiatric disorders among all Swedish-born ...
  • Su, Guobin; Song, Huan; Lanka, Vivekananda; Liu, Xusheng; Fang, Fang; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur A.; Carrero, Juan Jesus (2021-03)
    Introduction: Stress related disorders (SRDs, i.e., psychiatric disorders induced by significant life stressors) increase vulnerability to health problems. Whether SRDs associate with risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) ...
  • Smaradottir, Maria Isabel; Andersen, Karl; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Näsman, Per; Rydén, Lars; Mellbin, Linda Garcia (2021-07)
    BACKGROUND: Elevated copeptin, a marker for vasopressin release, has been associated with impaired prognosis in acute myocardial infarction (MI). The aim was to investigate whether this association extends beyond the acute phase and whether it is related ...
  • Thórsson, Bolli; Guðmundsson, Elías Freyr; Sigurðsson, Gunnar; Aspelund, Thor; Guðnason, Vilmundur G. (2021-05)
    INNGANGUR Fjöldi fólks með sykursýki 2 hefur vaxið undanfarna áratugi á Íslandi. Í þessari rannsókn var notaður Lyfjagagnagrunnur Embættis landlæknis til að meta algengi og nýgengi sykursýki 2 og sett fram spá um algengi sykursýki 2 eftir 10 og 20 ár. ...
  • van Lier, Lisanne I.; van der Roest, Henriëtte G.; Garms-Homolová, Vjenka; Onder, Graziano; Jónsson, Pálmi V.; Declercq, Anja; Hertogh, Cees M.P.M.; van Hout, Hein P.J.; Bosmans, Judith E. (2021-06)
    This study aims to benchmark mean societal costs per client in different home care models and to describe characteristics of home care models with the lowest societal costs. In this prospective longitudinal study in 6 European countries, 6-month societal ...
  • Skuladottir, Astros Th; Bjornsdottir, Gyda; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Walters, G. Bragi; Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman; Moore, Kristjan Helgi Swerford; Olason, Pall I.; Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E.; Sigurpalsdottir, Brynja; Sveinbjornsson, Gardar; Eggertsson, Hannes P.; Magnusson, Sigurdur H.; Oddsson, Asmundur; Bjornsdottir, Anna; Vikingsson, Arnor; Sveinsson, Olafur A.; Hrafnsdottir, Maria G.; Sigurdardottir, Gudrun R.; Halldorsson, Bjarni V.; Hansen, Thomas Folkmann; Paarup, Helene; Erikstrup, Christian; Nielsen, Kaspar; Klokker, Mads; Bruun, Mie Topholm; Sorensen, Erik; Banasik, Karina; Burgdorf, Kristoffer S.; Pedersen, Ole Birger; Ullum, Henrik; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Stefansson, Hreinn; Stefansson, Kari (2021-02-18)
    Bell’s palsy is the most common cause of unilateral facial paralysis and is defined as an idiopathic and acute inability to control movements of the facial muscles on the affected side. While the pathogenesis remains unknown, previous studies have ...
  • Snook, Abigail Grover; Schram, Asta B.; Jones, Brett D. (2021-03-29)
    Background: It is uncommon for faculty development professionals to assess faculty attitudes towards their teaching responsibilities and their perceived obstacles to teaching effectiveness. The purposes of this study were (a) to document faculty attitudes ...
  • Halldórsson, Þórhallur Ingi; Birgisdóttir, Bryndís Eva; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Meltzer, Helle Margrete; Haugen, Margaretha; Þórsdóttir, Inga; Ólafsdóttir, Anna Sigríður; Olsen, Sjurdur F. (2021-01-29)
    BACKGROUND: A previous randomized dietary intervention in pregnant women from the 1970s, the Harlem Trial, reported retarded fetal growth and excesses of very early preterm births and neonatal deaths among those receiving high-protein supplementation. ...
  • Kohnke, Sara; Buller, Sophie; Nuzzaci, Danae; Ridley, Katherine; Lam, Brian; Pivonkova, Helena; Bentsen, Marie A.; Alonge, Kimberly M.; Zhao, Chao; Tadross, John; Holmqvist, Staffan; Shimizo, Takahiro; Hathaway, Hannah; Li, Huiliang; Macklin, Wendy; Schwartz, Michael W.; Richardson, William D.; Yeo, Giles S.H.; Franklin, Robin J.M.; Káradóttir, Ragnhildur Þóra; Rowitch, David H.; Blouet, Clemence (2021-07-13)
    The mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH; arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus [ARH] and median eminence [ME]) is a key nutrient sensing site for the production of the complex homeostatic feedback responses required for the maintenance of energy balance. Here, ...
  • Kristiansen, Martin; Lindén, Christina; Qvarlander, Sara; Wåhlin, Anders; Ambarki, Khalid; Hallberg, Per; Eklund, Anders; Jóhannesson, Gauti (2020-11-19)
    Purpose: To examine feasibility of phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PCMRI) and to assess blood flow rate in the ophthalmic artery (OA) in patients with normal tension glaucoma (NTG) compared with healthy controls. Methods: Sixteen patients ...
  • Tribble, James R.; Otmani, Amin; Sun, Shanshan; Ellis, Sevannah A.; Cimaglia, Gloria; Vohra, Rupali; Jöe, Melissa; Lardner, Emma; Venkataraman, Abinaya P.; Domínguez-Vicent, Alberto; Kokkali, Eirini; Rho, Seungsoo; Jóhannesson, Gauti; Burgess, Robert W.; Fuerst, Peter G.; Brautaset, Rune; Kolko, Miriam; Morgan, James E.; Crowston, Jonathan G.; Votruba, Marcela; Williams, Pete A. (2021-07)
    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a REDOX cofactor and metabolite essential for neuronal survival. Glaucoma is a common neurodegenerative disease in which neuronal levels of NAD decline. We assess the effects of nicotinamide (a precursor to ...