IRIS: Síðast bætt við

  • Hartman, Steven; Ogilvie, A. E.J.; Ingimundarson, Jón Haukur; Dugmore, A. J.; Hambrecht, George; McGovern, T. H. (2017-09)
    This paper contributes to recent studies exploring the longue durée of human impacts on island landscapes, the impacts of climate and other environmental changes on human communities, and the interaction of human societies and their environments at ...
  • Árnason, Níels Árni; Johannsson, Freyr; Landrö, Ragna; Harðarsson, Björn; Guðmundsson, Sveinn; Lian, Aina Mari; Reseland, Janne; Rolfsson, Óttar; Sigurjónsson, Ólafur Eysteinn (2022-03-14)
    UNLABELLED: Platelet granules contain a diverse group of proteins. Upon activation and during storage, platelets release a number of proteins into the circulation or supernatant of stored platelet concentrate (PC). The aim of this work was to investigate ...
  • Møller, Morten Hylander; Sigurðsson, Martin Ingi; Olkkola, Klaus T.; Rehn, Marius; Yli-Hankala, Arvi; Chew, Michelle S. (2022-02-16)
    The Clinical Practice Committee of the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine endorses the clinical practice guideline Transfusion strategies in bleeding critically ill adults: a clinical practice guideline from the European ...
  • Møller, Morten H; Chew, Michelle S; Olkkola, Klaus T; Rehn, Marius; Yli-Hankala, Arvi; Sigurðsson, Martin Ingi (2022-02-28)
    The Clinical Practice Committee of the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine endorses the Living WHO guideline on therapeutics and COVID-19. This trustworthy continuously updated guideline serves as a highly useful decision ...
  • Jónsdóttir, Svanborg R.; Kjartansdóttir, Skúlína Hlíf; Jónsdóttir, Svala; Pétursdóttir, Svava; Hjartarson, Torfi (2021-09-21)
    Samtíminn er fullur af móthverfum sem fela í sér ógnir og tækifæri, álitamál og áskoranir. Nútímasamfélag kallar á skólastarf, þar sem nemendur eru virkir og skapandi þátttakendur, færir um að móta eigið nám. Þessi rannsókn segir frá fyrsta ári af ...
  • Jakobsdóttir, Sólveig; Gissurardóttir, Salvör; Kjartansdóttir, Skúlína Hlíf; Pétursdóttir, Svava; Hjartarson, Torfi (2021-12-31)
    Á vormánuðum 2020 urðu miklar takmarkanir á grunnskólastarfi hér á landi vegna faraldurs COVID-19, skólum var víða skipt í sóttvarnahólf, hópastærðir takmarkaðar, nemendahópar sendir heim um skemmri eða lengri tíma og kennsla á völdum greinasviðum lögð ...
  • Guðmundsdóttir, Embla Ýr; Nieuwenhuijze, Marianne; Einarsdóttir, Kristjana; Hálfdánsdóttir, Berglind; Gottfreðsdóttir, Helga (2022-02-20)
    BACKGROUND: Immigration is rapidly increasing in Iceland with 13.6% of the population holding foreign citizenship in 2020. Earlier findings identified inequities in childbirth care for some women in Iceland. To gain insight into the quality of intrapartum ...
  • Björnsson, Einar Stefán; Vucic, Vesna; Stirnimann, Guido; Robles-Díaz, Mercedes (2022-02-10)
    Introduction: Apart from cessation of the implicated agent leading to drug-induced liver injury (DILI), there is no standard therapy for DILI. Corticosteroids have been used in DILI, although their efficacy is unclear. Published data showed either ...
  • Haugen, Ida K.; Felson, David; Abhishek, Abhishek; Berenbaum, Francis; Edwards, John James; Herrero Beaumont, Gabriel; Hermann-Eriksen, Merete; Hill, Catherine L.; Ishimori, Mariko; Jónsson, Helgi; Karjalainen, Teemu; Leung, Ying Ying; Maheu, Emmanuel; Mallen, Christian D.; Moe, Rikke Helene; Ramonda, Roberta; Ritschl, Valentin; Stamm, Tanja A.; Szekanecz, Zoltan; van der Giesen, Florus J.; Ritt, Marco J.P.F.; Wittoek, Ruth; Kjeken, Ingvild; Osteras, Nina; van de Stadt, Lotte A.; Englund, Martin; Dziedzic, Krysia S.; Marshall, M.; Bierma-Zeinstra, Sita; Hansen, Paul; Greibrokk, Elsie; Smeets, Wilma; Kloppenburg, Margreet (2022-02-04)
    ObjectivesIn Phase 1 of developing new hand osteoarthritis (OA) classification criteria, features associated with hand OA were identified in a population with hand complaints. Radiographic findings could better discriminate patients with hand OA and ...
  • Örlygsson, Gissur; Laxdal, Elín H.; Kárason, Sigurbergur; Dagbjartsson, Atli; Gunnarsson, Eggert; Ng, Chuen How; Einarsson, Jón M.; Gíslason, Jóhannes; Jónsson, Halldór (2022-01-22)
    Deacetylated chitin derivatives have been widely studied for tissue engineering purposes. This study aimed to compare the efficacy of an injectable product containing a 50% deacetylated chitin derivative (BoneReg-Inject™) and an existing product (chronOS ...
  • Memarian, Parastoo; Pishavar, Elham; Zanotti, Federica; Trentini, Martina; Camponogara, Francesca; Soliani, Elisa; Gargiulo, Paolo; Isola, Maurizio; Zavan, Barbara (2022-01-18)
    The successful clinical application of bone tissue engineering requires customized implants based on the receiver’s bone anatomy and defect characteristics. Three-dimensional (3D) printing in small animal orthopedics has recently emerged as a valuable ...
  • Hollmann, Karsten; Allgaier, Katharina; Hohnecker, Carolin S.; Lautenbacher, Heinrich; Bizu, Verena; Nickola, Matthias; Wewetzer, Gunilla; Wewetzer, Christoph; Ivarsson, Tord; Skokauskas, Norbert; Wolters, Lidewij H.; Skarphéðinsson, Guðmundur Ágúst; Weidle, Bernhard; de Haan, Else; Torp, Nor Christan; Compton, Scott N.; Calvo, Rosa; Lera-Miguel, Sara; Haigis, Anna; Renner, Tobias J.; Conzelmann, Annette (2021-09)
    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the first choice of treatment of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents. However, there is often a lack of access to appropriate treatment close to the home of the patients. An internet-based ...
  • Jozranjbar, Bahareh; Kristjánsson, Árni; Sigurðardóttir, Heiða María (2021-11-12)
    While dyslexia is typically described as a phonological deficit, recent evidence suggests that ventral stream regions, important for visual categorization and object recognition, are hypoactive in dyslexic readers who might accordingly show visual ...
  • Eriksson, Kimmo; Strimling, Pontus; Gelfand, Michele; Wu, Junhui; Abernathy, Jered; Akotia, Charity S.; Aldashev, Alisher; Andersson, Per A.; Andrighetto, Giulia; Anum, Adote; Arikan, Gizem; Aycan, Zeynep; Bagherian, Fatemeh; Barrera, Davide; Basnight-Brown, Dana; Batkeyev, Birzhan; Belaus, Anabel; Berezina, Elizaveta; Björnstjerna, Marie; Blumen, Sheyla; Boski, Paweł; Bou Zeineddine, Fouad; Bovina, Inna; Huyen, Bui Thi Thu; Cardenas, Juan Camilo; Čekrlija, Đorđe; Choi, Hoon Seok; Contreras-Ibáñez, Carlos C.; Costa-Lopes, Rui; de Barra, Mícheál; de Zoysa, Piyanjali; Dorrough, Angela; Dvoryanchikov, Nikolay; Eller, Anja; Engelmann, Jan B.; Euh, Hyun; Fang, Xia; Fiedler, Susann; Foster-Gimbel, Olivia A.; Fülöp, Márta; Garðarsdóttir, Ragna Benedikta; Gill, C. M.Hew D.; Glöckner, Andreas; Graf, Sylvie; Grigoryan, Ani; Gritskov, Vladimir; Growiec, Katarzyna; Halama, Peter; Hartanto, Andree; Hopthrow, Tim; Hřebíčková, Martina; Iliško, Dzintra; Imada, Hirotaka; Kapoor, Hansika; Kawakami, Kerry; Khachatryan, Narine; Kharchenko, Natalia; Khoury, Ninetta; Kiyonari, Toko; Kohút, Michal; Linh, Lê Thuỳ; Leslie, Lisa M.; Li, Yang; Li, Norman P.; Li, Zhuo; Liik, Kadi; Maitner, Angela T.; Manhique, Bernardo; Manley, Harry; Medhioub, Imed; Mentser, Sari; Mohammed, Linda; Nejat, Pegah; Nipassa, Orlando; Nussinson, Ravit; Onyedire, Nneoma G.; Onyishi, Ike E.; Özden, Seniha; Panagiotopoulou, Penny; Perez-Floriano, Lorena R.; Persson, Minna S.; Pheko, Mpho; Pirttilä-Backman, Anna-Maija; Pogosyan, Marianna; Raver, Jana; Reyna, Cecilia; Rodrigues, Ricardo Borges; Romanò, Sara; Romero, Pedro P.; Sakki, Inari; Martin, Alvaro San; Sherbaji, Sara; Shimizu, Hiroshi; Simpson, Brent; Szabo, Erna; Takemura, Kosuke; Tieffi, Hassan; Teixeira, Maria Luisa Mendes; Thanomkul, Napoj; Tiliouine, Habib; Travaglino, Giovanni A.; Tsirbas, Yannis; Wan, Richard; Widodo, Sita; Zein, Rizqy; Zhang, Qing-peng; Zirganou-Kazolea, Lina; Lange, Paul A. M. Van (2021-03-05)
    Norm enforcement may be important for resolving conflicts and promoting cooperation. However, little is known about how preferred responses to norm violations vary across cultures and across domains. In a preregistered study of 57 countries (using ...
  • Eriksson, Kimmo; Strimling, Pontus; Gelfand, Michele; Wu, Junhui; Abernathy, Jered; Akotia, Charity S.; Aldashev, Alisher; Andersson, Per A.; Andrighetto, Giulia; Anum, Adote; Arikan, Gizem; Aycan, Zeynep; Bagherian, Fatemeh; Barrera, Davide; Basnight-Brown, Dana; Batkeyev, Birzhan; Belaus, Anabel; Berezina, Elizaveta; Björnstjerna, Marie; Blumen, Sheyla; Boski, Paweł; Bou Zeineddine, Fouad; Bovina, Inna; Huyen, Bui Thi Thu; Cardenas, Juan Camilo; Čekrlija, Đorđe; Choi, Hoon Seok; Contreras-Ibáñez, Carlos C.; Costa-Lopes, Rui; de Barra, Mícheál; de Zoysa, Piyanjali; Dorrough, Angela; Dvoryanchikov, Nikolay; Eller, Anja; Engelmann, Jan B.; Euh, Hyun; Fang, Xia; Fiedler, Susann; Foster-Gimbel, Olivia A.; Fülöp, Márta; Garðarsdóttir, Ragna Benedikta; Gill, C. M.Hew D.; Glöckner, Andreas; Graf, Sylvie; Grigoryan, Ani; Gritskov, Vladimir; Growiec, Katarzyna; Halama, Peter; Hartanto, Andree; Hopthrow, Tim; Hřebíčková, M.; Iliško, D.; Imada, H.; Kapoor, H.; Kawakami, K.; Khachatryan, N.; Kharchenko, N.; Khoury, N.; Kiyonari, T.; Kohút, M.; Linh, L.T.; Leslie, L.M.; Li, Y.; Li, N.P.; Li, Z.; Liik, K.; Maitner, A.T.; Manhique, B.; Manley, H.; Medhioub, I.; Mentser, S.; Mohammed, L.; Nejat, P.; Nipassa, O.; Nussinson, R.; Onyedire, N.G.; Onyishi, I.E.; Özden, S.; Panagiotopoulou, P.; Perez-Floriano, L.R.; Persson, M.S.; Pheko, M.; Pirttilä-Backman, A.-M.; Pogosyan, M.; Raver, J.; Reyna, C.; Rodrigues, R.B.; Romanò, S.; Romero, P.P.; Sakki, I.; San Martin, A.; Sherbaji, S.; Shimizu, H.; Simpson, B.; Szabo, E.; Takemura, K.; Tieffi, H.; Mendes Teixeira, M.L.; Thanomkul, N.; Tiliouine, H.; Travaglino, G.A.; Tsirbas, Y.; Wan, R.; Widodo, S.; Zein, R.; Zhang, Q.-P.; Zirganou-Kazolea, L.; Van Lange, P.A.M. (2021-04-26)
    The original version of this Article contained an error in the author affiliations. Cecilia Reyna was incorrectly associated with ‘Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Facultad de Psicología (UNC), Ciudad Universitaria, Bv. de la Reforma esquina, ...
  • Rafiei, Mohsen; Chetverikov, Andrey; Hansmann-Roth, Sabrina; Kristjánsson, Árni (2021-09)
    Visual perception is, at any given moment, strongly influenced by its temporal context—what stimuli have recently been perceived and in what surroundings. We have previously shown that to-be-ignored items produce a bias upon subsequent perceptual ...
  • Hjartarson, Kristján Helgi; Snorrason, Ivar; Bringmann, Laura F.; Ögmundsson, Bjarni E.; Ólafsson, Ragnar Pétur (2021-05)
    It has been suggested that mental habits may underpin a heightened disposition to engage in rumination in response to negative mood. The aim of the current study was to assess the role of habit in the dynamic interplay between affect and ruminative ...
  • Krys, Kuba; Park, Joonha; Kocimska-Zych, Agata; Kosiarczyk, Aleksandra; Selim, Heyla A.; Wojtczuk-Turek, Agnieszka; Haas, Brian W.; Uchida, Yukiko; Torres, Claudio; Capaldi, Colin A.; Bond, Michael Harris; Zelenski, John M.; Lun, Vivian Miu Chi; Maricchiolo, Fridanna; Vauclair, Christin Melanie; Poláčková Šolcová, Iva; Sirlopú, David; Xing, Cai; Vignoles, Vivian L.; van Tilburg, Wijnand A.P.; Teyssier, Julien; Sun, Chien Ru; Stoyanova, Stanislava; Serdarevich, Ursula; Schwarz, Beate; Sargautyte, Ruta; Røysamb, Espen; Romashov, Vladyslav; Rizwan, Muhammad; Pavlović, Zoran; Pavlopoulos, Vassilis; van Osch, Yvette; Okvitawanli, Ayu; Nadi, Azar; Nader, Martin; Nur Fariza, Mustaffa; Mosca, Oriana; Mohorić, Tamara; Barrientos, Pablo Eduardo; Malyonova, Arina; Liu, Xinhui; Lee, J. Hannah; Kwiatkowska, Anna; Kronberger, Nicole; Klůzová Kračmárová, Lucie; Kascakova, Natalia; Işık, İdil; Igou, Eric R.; Igbokwe, David O.; Garðarsdóttir, Ragna Benedikta (2020-10-01)
    Numerous studies document that societal happiness is correlated with individualism, but the nature of this phenomenon remains understudied. In the current paper, we address this gap and test the reasoning that individualism correlates with societal ...
  • Nijhof, Karlijn; te Brinke, Lysanne W.; Njarðvík, Urður; Liber, Juliette M. (2021-01-13)
    Prevention studies typically focus on outcome variables such as reductions in problem behavior, rather than targeted factors (e.g., cognitions), or the relation between change in targeted factors and outcomes. Therefore, the current study examined the ...
  • Egilsson, Erlendur; Bjarnason, Ragnar Grímur; Njarðvík, Urður (2021-02-17)
    BACKGROUND: The majority of adolescents own smartphones, although only 8% of them use health apps. Attrition rates from adolescent mobile health (mHealth) interventions for treating mental health problems such as anxiety and depression are an issue ...