IRIS: Recent submissions

  • Akbari, Amir; Yurkovich, James T.; Zielinski, Daniel C.; Pálsson, Bernhard Örn (2021-05-26)
    Living systems formed and evolved under constraints that govern their interactions with the inorganic world. These interactions are definable using basic physico-chemical principles. Here, we formulate a comprehensive set of ten governing abiotic ...
  • Martin, Frida; Svansson, Vilhjálmur; Eydal, Matthías; Oddsdóttir, Charlotta; Ernback, Maja; Persson, Isa; Tydén, Eva (2021-01-25)
    Horses in Iceland have been isolated for more than 1,000 yr but still harbor a similar range of gastrointestinal parasites as do horses across the world. The long isolation of the horses and their parasites presumably means that no resistance genes ...
  • Halldórsson, Þórhallur Ingi; Kristjánsson, Álfgeir Logi; Þórisdóttir, Ingibjörg E.; Oddsdóttir, Charlotta; Sveinbjörnsson, Jóhannes; Benediktsson, Rafn; Sigfúsdóttir, Inga Dóra; Jörundsdóttir, Hrönn Ólína; Gunnlaugsdóttir, Helga; Halldorsson, T I (2021-11)
    Previous risk assessments have concluded that adolescent's caffeine exposure from energy drinks (ED) are of limited concern. Recent surveys have, however, shown substantial increase in consumption. This cross-sectional survey conducted in 2020 estimated ...
  • Lut, Irina; Lewis, Kate; Wijlaars, Linda; Gilbert, Ruth; Fitzpatrick, Tiffany; Lu, Hong; Guttmann, Astrid; Goldfield, Sharon; Lei, Shaoke; Gunnlaugsson, Geir; Hrafn Jónsson, Stefán; Mechtler, Reli; Gissler, Mika; Hjern, Anders; Hardelid, Pia (2021-10)
    Objectives: To demonstrate the challenges of interpreting cross-country comparisons of paediatric asthma hospital admission rates as an indicator of primary care quality. Methods: We used hospital administrative data from >10 million children aged 6–15 ...
  • Olafsson, Sigurdur; Rögnvaldsson, Sigurjon; Bergmann, Ottar M.; Jonasson, Jon G.; Benitez Hernandez, Ubaldo; Björnsson, Einar S. (2021-06-01)
    Background & Aims: The incidence of cirrhosis in Iceland has been the lowest in the world with only 3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Alcohol consumption has almost doubled in Iceland from 1980 to 2016. Obesity has also risen and hepatitis C virus has ...
  • Aradottir, Sigridur Sunna; Kristoffersson, Ann Charlotte; Roumenina, Lubka T.; Bjerre, Anna; Kashioulis, Pavlos; Pálsson, Runólfur; Karpman, Diana (2021-06-10)
    Complement factor B (FB) mutant variants are associated with excessive complement activation in kidney diseases such as atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS), C3 glomerulopathy and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN). Patients with aHUS ...
  • Ingólfsdóttir, Jóna Guðbjörg; Traustadóttir, Rannveig; Egilson, Snæfríður Þóra (2021-01-11)
    This article focuses on the views and experiences of professionals providing specialised services to disabled children and their families. It is part of a larger research project that investigates the gap between policy ideals and service provision for ...
  • Matti, Stephanie Alice; Ögmundardóttir, Helga (2021-05-01)
    Climate change is contributing to shifts in the magnitude and scale of hazards, and the emergence of risks in areas where they were previously unknown. In south-east Iceland, a fracture in the mountainside of Svínafellsheiði threatens to cause between ...
  • Hardonk, Stefan Celine; Halldórsdóttir, Sandra (2021)
    Supported employment (SE) programmes are generally considered an effective measure to support disabled people in the labour market. While research about SE has mostly focused on quantitative measures, such as successful placement, scholars have argued ...
  • Ravn-Højgaard, Signe; Jóhannsdóttir, Valgerður; Karlsson, Ragnar; Olavson, Rógvi; Skorini, Heini (2021-03-26)
    This study compares the media systems of the West Nordic countries, namely the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland. All three countries are democratic welfare states with considerable institutional transfer from the larger Nordic countries. It is ...
  • Hrafnsdóttir, Steinunn; Kristmundsson, Ómar Hlynur (Taylor and Francis AS, 2021-02-23)
    This chapter analyses the historical roots of social enterprise (SE) in Iceland. It then addresses concepts and definitions that describe social enterprise, and a tentative categorisation of social enterprise will be put forward. Finally, the chapter ...
  • Gunnlaugsson, Geir; Baboudóttir, Fatou Ndure; Baldé, Aladje; Jandi, Zeca; Boiro, Hamadou; Einarsdóttir, Jónína (2021-01)
    Inequality in access to quality education is wide-ranging across and within countries. This study examines determinants for adolescents’ school enrolment in private and public schools in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, including 2,039 randomly selected ...
  • Önnudóttir, Eva H.; Helgason, Agnar Freyr; Hardarson, Ólafur Þórður; Thórisdóttir, Hulda (Routledge, 2021-09-07)
    This book examines to what extent politics in Iceland have been transformed in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. The book focuses on whether the short-term sudden shock caused by the Great Recession has permanently transformed politics, ...
  • Hilmarsson, Hilmar Þór (2014)
    The 2008 global economic and financial crisis hit hard in Iceland and Latvia. Economic developments prior to the crisis, as well as response to the crisis were, however, different in these two countries, yielding different results. Both countries ...
  • Davis, Darrel R.; Bostow, Darrel E.; Heimisson, Gudmundur T. (2007-03)
    Web-based software was used to deliver and record the effects of programmed instruction that progressively added formal prompts until attempts were successful, programmed instruction with one attempt, and prose tutorials. Frror-contingent progressive ...
  • Kristófersson, Gísli Kort; Arnarsson, Ársæll Már; Heimisson, Guðmundur Torfi; Sigurðardóttir, Dagbjörg (2017-12-06)
    Inngangur: Athyglisbrestur og ofvirkni (ADHD) er taugaþroskaröskun sem kemur yfirleitt fram fyrir 7 ára aldur. Örvandi lyf eru mikið notuð til meðhöndlunar á þessum kvilla hér á landi, en fela í sér hættu á ávanabindingu, misnotkun og lyfjaflakki, það ...
  • Steingrímsdóttir, María; Engilbertsson, Guðmundur (2018-08-28)
    Í greininni er fjallað um íslenskan hluta norrænnar rannsóknar á nýliðum í grunn- og framhaldsskólum – Nordment1 . Rannsóknin var unnin í samstarfi fræðimanna frá háskólunum í Osló, Gautaborg, Árósum, Turku og Akureyri. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að ...
  • Kristinsson, Sigurður; Jóhannesson, Hjalti; Þorsteinsson, Trausti (2014-12-15)
    Samfélagið er helsti hagsmunaaðili háskóla sem hefur það meginhlutverk að sinna kennslu og rannsóknum. Akademískt frelsi (e. academic freedom) er lykilatriði í starfi háskóla en í því felst frelsi háskólakennara til að kenna og rannsaka. Á liðnum ...
  • Elídóttir, Jórunn; Zophoníasdóttir, Sólveig (2020-02-11)
    Í þessari grein er fjallað um starfsþróunarverkefnið Hugleik – samræður til náms í leikskóla. Um er að ræða verkefni sem unnið var í samstarfi leikskólans Lundarsels á Akureyri, Miðstöðvar skólaþróunar og kennaradeildar Háskólans á Akureyri. Megintilgangur ...
  • Jónsson, Þorlákur Axel (2020-01-06)
    Um áratugaskeið hafa yfirvöld menntamála hér á landi kynnt niðurstöður samræmdra prófa og PISA-rannsóknar OECD þannig að búseta sé önnur lykilbreytan til skýringar á námsframmistöðu ásamt kyni. Framleiðsla stjórnsýslu menntamála á þekkingu á tengslum ...