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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Andreasen, Anne Sofie; Wetterslev, Mik; Sigurdsson, Martin Ingi; Bove, Jeppe; Kjærgaard, Jesper; Aslam, Tayyba Naz; Järvelä, Kati; Poulsen, Mette; De Geer, Lina; Agarwal, Arnav; Kjær, Maj Brit Nørregaard; Møller, Morten Hylander (2023-09)
    Background: Acute or new-onset atrial fibrillation (NOAF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in critically ill adult patients, and observational data suggests that NOAF is associated to adverse outcomes. Methods: We prepared this guideline according ...
  • Dovzhenko, Dmitriy; Aristov, Denis; Pickup, Lucinda; Sigurðsson, Helgi; Lagoudakis, Pavlos (2023-10-11)
    We report on experimental observation of next-nearest-neighbor coupling between ballistically expanding spinor exciton-polariton condensates in a planar semiconductor microcavity. All-optical control over the coupling strength between neighboring ...
  • Tryggvadóttir, Ellen Alma; Halldórsson, Þórhallur Ingi; Birgisdóttir, Bryndís Eva; Hrólfsdóttir, Laufey; Landberg, Rikard; Hreiðarsdóttir, Ingibjörg Th; Harðardóttir, Hildur; Gunnarsdóttir, Ingibjörg (2022-05-06)
    TILGANGUR Fyrri rannsóknir benda til að hluti barnshafandi kvenna á Íslandi uppfylli ekki ráðlögð viðmið fyrir neyslu langra ómega-3 fitusýra, sem eru taldar mikilvægar fyrir fósturþroska. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta neyslutíðni barnshafandi ...
  • Gustavsson, Simon T.; Enz, Tim J.; Tribble, James R.; Nilsson, Mattias; Lindqvist, Anna; Lindén, Christina; Hagström, Anna; Rutigliani, Carola; Lardner, Emma; Stålhammar, Gustav; Williams, Pete A.; Jóhannesson, Gauti (2023-11-01)
    PURPOSE: To investigate whether nicotinamide (NAM) modulates retinal vasculature in glaucoma. METHODS: This was a prospective controlled clinical trial investigating animal and human histopathology. Participants included normotensive and ocular ...
  • Tribble, James R.; Otmani, Amin; Sun, Shanshan; Ellis, Sevannah A.; Cimaglia, Gloria; Vohra, Rupali; Jöe, Melissa; Lardner, Emma; Venkataraman, Abinaya P.; Domínguez-Vicent, Alberto; Kokkali, Eirini; Rho, Seungsoo; Jóhannesson, Gauti; Burgess, Robert W.; Fuerst, Peter G.; Brautaset, Rune; Kolko, Miriam; Morgan, James E.; Crowston, Jonathan G.; Votruba, Marcela; Williams, Pete A. (2021-07)
    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a REDOX cofactor and metabolite essential for neuronal survival. Glaucoma is a common neurodegenerative disease in which neuronal levels of NAD decline. We assess the effects of nicotinamide (a precursor to ...
  • Helgason, Jón Karl; Bampi, Massimiliano; Buzzoni, Marina (Cafoscarina, 2005)
  • Joseph Macinnes, W.; Jóhannesson, Ómar I.; Chetverikov, Andrey; Kristjánsson, Árni (2020)
    We move our eyes roughly three times every second while searching complex scenes, but covert attention helps to guide where we allocate those overt fixations. Covert attention may be allocated reflexively or voluntarily, and speeds the rate of information ...
  • Emilsson, Össur Ingi; Aspelund, Thor; Janson, Christer; Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís; Juliusson, Sigurdur J.; Maislin, Greg; Pack, Allan I.; Keenan, Brendan T.; Gíslason, Þórarinn (2024-03-25)
    Aim To assess respiratory symptoms and nocturnal gastro-oesophageal reflux (nGER) among untreated obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients, compared with the general population. Also, if nGER associates differently with respiratory symptoms among OSA ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín (2007)
    Miklar breytingar urðu á kennslu í stærðfræði á Íslandi á áratugnum 1965–1975. Þær leiða hugann að því hvaða ástæður liggi að baki slíkum breytingum. M. Niss hefur skilgreint þrenns konar grundvallarástæður stærðfræðimenntunar: Félagslegar og efnahagslegar, ...
  • Kricker, Jennifer A.; Page, Clive P.; Gardarsson, Fridrik Runar; Baldursson, Olafur; Guðjónsson, Þórarinn; Parnham, Michael J. (2021)
    Macrolides are among the most widely prescribed broad spectrum antibacterials, particularly for respiratory infections. It is now recognized that these drugs, in particular azithromycin, also exert time-dependent immunomodulatory actions that contribute ...
  • Flóvenz, Sigrún Ólafsdóttir; Salkovskis, Paul; Svansdóttir, Erla; Karlsson, Hróbjartur Darri; Andersen, Karl Konráð; Sigurðsson, Jón Friðrik (2023-01-31)
    Non-Cardiac Chest Pain (NCCP) is persistent chest pain in the absence of identifiable cardiac pathology. Some NCCP cases meet criteria for Persistent Physical Symptoms (PPS), where the symptoms are both persistent and distressing/disabling. This study ...
  • Silverborn, Per Martin; Heitmann, Leon Arnar; Sveinsdóttir, Nanna; Rögnvaldsson, Sigurjon; Kristjánsson, Tómas Þór; Guðbjartsson, Tómas (2022-10-03)
    Introduction: Non-infectious sternal dehiscence (NISD) is a known complication following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), with previous studies estimating an incidence of 0.4–1% of surgeries. We aimed to study the incidence of NISD together with ...
  • Nilsson, Martin P; Undseth, Christine; Albertsson, Per; Eidem, Monika; Havelund, Birgitte Mayland; Jóhannsson, Jakob; Johnsson, Anders; Radu, Calin; Serup-Hansen, Eva; Spindler, Karen-Lise; Zakrisson, Björn; Guren, Marianne G; Kronborg, Camilla (2023-08)
    Background: To date, anal cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy to similar volumes despite a marked difference in risk profile based on tumor location and stage. A more individualized approach to delineation of the elective clinical target ...
  • Massara, Paraskevi; Zurbau, Andreea; Glenn, Andrea J.; Chiavaroli, Laura; Khan, Tauseef A.; Viguiliouk, Effie; Mejia, Sonia Blanco; Comelli, Elena M.; Chen, Victoria; Schwab, Ursula; Risérus, Ulf; Uusitupa, Matti; Aas, Anne Marie; Hermansen, Kjeld; Thorsdottir, Inga; Rahelić, Dario; Kahleová, Hana; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Kendall, Cyril W.C.; Sievenpiper, John L. (2022-08-26)
    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Nordic dietary patterns that are high in healthy traditional Nordic foods may have a role in the prevention and management of diabetes. To inform the update of the EASD clinical practice guidelines for nutrition therapy, we conducted ...
  • Laugesen, Kristina; Ludvigsson, Jonas F.; Schmidt, Morten; Gissler, Mika; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna; Lunde, Astrid; Sørensen, Henrik Toft (2021-07-19)
    The Nordic countries are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden and comprise a total population of approximately 27 million. The countries provide unique opportunities for joint health registry-based research in large populations with long and ...
  • Jónasson, Jón Torfi; Bjarnadóttir, Valgerður S (2023-03-13)
    The paper proposes three educational spaces, an operational space, an interactive space and a comparative space. The focus is on the interactive space in order to shed light on various modes of Nordic educational cooperation, with a brief discussion ...
  • Arnesen, Erik Kristoffer; Christensen, Jacob Juel; Andersen, Rikke; Eneroth, Hanna; Erkkola, Maijaliisa; Høyer, Anne; Lemming, Eva Warensjö; Meltzer, Helle Margrete; Halldórsson, Þórhallur Ingi; Þórsdóttir, Inga; Schwab, Ursula; Trolle, Ellen; Blomhoff, Rune (2020)
    Background: Systematic reviews (SRs) constitute a major part of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNRs). The step-by-step procedure used to develop SRs has evolved considerably over time and is often tailored to fit the exposure and outcomes in ...
  • Zeuthen, Emilie; Wichmann, Sine; Schønemann-Lund, Martin; Järvisalo, Mikko J.; Rubenson-Wahlin, Rebecka; Sigurðsson, Martin Ingi; Holen, Erling; Bestle, Morten H. (2022-11-25)
    Introduction: Fluid overload in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with higher mortality. There are few randomized controlled trials to guide physicians in treating patients with fluid overload in the ICU, and no guidelines exist. ...
  • Frøyland, Merethe; Turmo, Are; Rundgren, Carl Johan; Laherto, Antti; Achiam, Marianne; Pálsdóttir, Auður; Sjøberg, Svein; Wallin, Anita; Wickman, Per Olof; Ødegaard, Marianne; MacDonald, Allyson; Lavonen, Jari; Palmberg, Irmeli E.; Troelsen, Rie Popp; Kolstø, Stein Dankert; Ottander, Christina; Aksela, Maija; Nielsen, Birgitte Lund; Krogh, Lars Brian (2020)