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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Svavarsdóttir, Margrét Hrönn; Ingadóttir, Brynja; Oldridge, Neil; Årestedt, Kristofer (2023-08-09)
    BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) reflects an individual's own perception of their symptom burden, functional limitations, prognosis, overall health and changes associated with treatment. The HeartQoL is a validated heart disease-specific ...
  • Gisladottir, Johanna; Sigurgeirsdottir, Sigurbjörg; Stjernquist, Ingrid; Ragnarsdottir, Kristin Vala (2022-12-14)
    The phrase ‘sunshine is the best disinfectant’ is commonly used to suggest that transparency can counter corruption and ensure accountability. In the policy world, several analytical tools have been developed to obtain information on what policy decision ...
  • COST Action CA18211 (2023-12-08)
    BACKGROUND: Research suggests 1 in 3 births are experienced as psychologically traumatic and about 4% of women and 1% of their partners develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result. AIM: To provide expert consensus recommendations for ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2009-12-15)
    Ríkisútvarpið hefur starfað eftir skrifuðum fréttareglum nánast frá stofnun. Þessar reglur hafa mótað fréttaflutning stofnunarinnar og skapað RÚV ákveðna sérstöðu á íslenskum fjölmiðlamarkaði. Fimm reglur hafa verið í gildi frá 1931 og miða elstu þjrár ...
  • Xu, Maonian (2022-06-09)
    Retracing pathways of historical species introductions is fundamental to understanding the factors involved in the successful colonization and spread, centuries after a species’ establishment in an introduced range. Numerous plants have been introduced ...
  • Sverrisdóttir, Vigdís; Cariglia, Nick; Hardarson, Sverrir; Haraldsdóttir, Kristín Huld (2020)
    Inflammatory fibroid polyps (IFP) are rare type of benign tumours found in the gastrointestinal tract. IFP's are in most cases small in size and without symptoms but can cause intussuception and haemorrhage. We present a case of a 25 year old female ...
  • Caër, Charles; Gorreja, Frida; Forsskåhl, Sophia K.; Brynjólfsson, Siggeir Fannar; Szeponik, Louis; Magnusson, Maria K.; Börjesson, Lars G.; Block, Mattias; Bexe-Lindskog, Elinor; Wick, Mary Jo (2021-02-04)
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Uncontrolled activation of intestinal mononuclear phagocytes [MNPs] drives chronic inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 [TREM-1] has been implicated in the pathogenesis ...
  • Shaw, David; Abad, Raquel; Amin-Chowdhury, Zahin; Bautista, Adriana; Bennett, Desiree; Broughton, Karen; Cao, Bin; Casanova, Carlo; Choi, Eun Hwa; Chu, Yiu-Wai; Claus, Heike; Coelho, Juliana; Corcoran, Mary; Cottrell, Simon; Cunney, Robert; Cuypers, Lize; Dalby, Tine; Davies, Heather; de Gouveia, Linda; Deghmane, Ala-Eddine; Demczuk, Walter; Desmet, Stefanie; Domenech, Mirian; Drew, Richard; du Plessis, Mignon; Duarte, Carolina; Erlendsdóttir, Helga; Fry, Norman K; Fuursted, Kurt; Hale, Thomas; Henares, Desiree; Henriques-Normark, Birgitta; Hilty, Markus; Hoffmann, Steen; Humphreys, Hilary; Ip, Margaret; Jacobsson, Susanne; Johnson, Christopher; Johnston, Jillian; Jolley, Keith A; Kawabata, Aníbal; Kozakova, Jana; Kristinsson, Karl Gústaf; Krizova, Pavla; Kuch, Alicja; Ladhani, Shamez; Lâm, Thiên-Trí; León, María Eugenia; Lindholm, Laura; Litt, David; Maiden, Martin C J; Martin, Irene; Martiny, Delphine; Mattheus, Wesley; McCarthy, Noel D; Meehan, Mary; Meiring, Susan; Mölling, Paula; Morfeldt, Eva; Morgan, Julie; Mulhall, Robert; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Murdoch, David; Murphy, Joy; Musilek, Martin; Mzabi, Alexandre; Novakova, Ludmila; Oftadeh, Shahin; Perez-Argüello, Amaresh; Pérez-Vázquez, Maria; Perrin, Monique; Perry, Malorie; Prevost, Benoit; Roberts, Maria; Rokney, Assaf; Ron, Merav; Sanabria, Olga Marina; Scott, Kevin J; Sheppard, Carmen; Siira, Lotta; Sintchenko, Vitali; Skoczyńska, Anna; Sloan, Monica; Slotved, Hans-Christian; Smith, Andrew J; Steens, Anneke; Taha, Muhamed-Kheir; Toropainen, Maija; Tzanakaki, Georgina; Vainio, Anni; van der Linden, Mark P G; van Sorge, Nina M; Varon, Emmanuelle; Vohrnova, Sandra; von Gottberg, Anne; Yuste, Jose; Zanella, Rosemeire; Zhou, Fei; Brueggemann, Angela B (2023-09)
    BACKGROUND: The Invasive Respiratory Infection Surveillance (IRIS) Consortium was established to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on invasive diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, and ...
  • Boenink, Rianne; Kramer, Anneke; Tuinhout, Rosalie E; Savoye, Emilie; Åsberg, Anders; Idrizi, Alma; Kerschbaum, Julia; Ziedina, Ieva; Ziginskiene, Edita; Farrugia, Emanuel; Garneata, Liliana; Zakharova, Elena V; Bell, Samira; Arnol, Miha; Segelmark, Mårten; Ioannou, Kyriakos; Hommel, Kristine; Rosenberg-Ots, Mai; Vazelov, Evgueniy; Helve, Jaakko; Mihály, Sándor; Pálsson, Runólfur; Nordio, Maurizio; Gjorgjievski, Nikola; de Vries, Aiko P J; Seyahi, Nurhan; Magadi, Winnie A; Resić, Halima; Kalachyk, Aleh; Rahmel, Axel O; Galvão, Ana A; Naumovic, Radomir; Lundgren, Torbjörn; Arici, Mustafa; de Meester, Johan M; Ortiz, Alberto; Jager, Kitty J; Stel, Vianda S (2023-06)
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to identify trends in total, deceased donor (DD) and living donor (LD) kidney transplantation (KT) rates in European countries. METHODS: The European Renal Association (ERA) Registry and the Global Observatory on ...
  • Swift, Emma Marie; Gunnarsdóttir, Jóhanna; Zoéga, Helga; Ingibjörg Bjarnadóttir, Ragnheiður; Steingrímsdóttir, Þóra; Einarsdóttir, Kristjana (2022-12)
    INTRODUCTION: Use of labor induction has increased rapidly in most middle- and high-income countries over the past decade. The reasons for the stark rise in labor induction are largely unknown. We aimed to assess the extent to which the rising rate of ...
  • Ocak, Gurbey; Boenink, Rianne; Noordzij, Marlies; Bos, Willem Jan W.; Vikse, Bjorn E.; Cases, Aleix; Kerschbaum, Julia; Helve, Jaakko; Nordio, Maurizio; Arici, Mustafa; Mercadal, Lucile; Wanner, Christoph; Palsson, Runolfur; Hommel, Kristine; De Meester, Johan; Kostopoulou, Myrto; Santamaria, Rafael; Rodrigo, Emilio; Rydell, Helena; Bell, Samira; Massy, Ziad A.; Jager, Kitty J.; Kramer, Anneke (2022-04-18)
    Importance: During the past decades, improvements in the prevention and management of myocardial infarction, stroke, and pulmonary embolism have led to a decline in cardiovascular mortality in the general population. However, it is unknown whether ...
  • Wang, Yue; Unnarsdóttir, Anna Bára; Magnúsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Fang, Fang; Thordardottir, Edda Bjork; Rúnarsdóttir, Harpa; Love, Thorvardur Jon; Kristinsson, Sigurður Yngvi; Pálsson, Runólfur; Jakobsdóttir, Jóhanna; Zoega, Helga; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn; Song, Huan; Hauksdóttir, Arna; Aspelund, Thor; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna; Þórðardóttir, Edda Björk; Löve, Þorvarður Jón (2023-12-21)
    BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused major disruptions in healthcare services worldwide. Yet, little is known about the association between perceived disruption in healthcare services and socio-demographic factors, pre-existing health ...
  • Stenvinkel, Peter; Löwbeer, Christian; Snædal, Sunna (2024)
  • TBnet (2023-10-01)
    BackgroundEuropean-specific policies for tuberculosis (TB) elimination require identification of key populations that benefit from TB screening.AimWe aimed to identify groups of foreign-born individuals residing in European countries that benefit most ...
  • Charifou, Elsa; Traustadottir, Gunnhildur Asta; Bentires-Alj, Mohamed; Howard, Beatrice; Van Keymeulen, Alexandra (2021-08-26)
    The twelfth annual workshop of the European Network for Breast Development and Cancer focused on methods in mammary gland biology and breast cancer, was scheduled to take place on March 26–28, 2020, in Weggis, Switzerland. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ...
  • Wolters, Frank J.; Chibnik, Lori B.; Waziry, Reem; Anderson, Roy; Berr, Claudine; Beiser, Alexa; Bis, Joshua C.; Blacker, Deborah; Bos, Daniel; Brayne, Carol; Dartigues, Jean François; Darweesh, Sirwan K.L.; Davis-Plourde, Kendra L.; de Wolf, Frank; Debette, Stephanie; Dufouil, Carole; Fornage, Myriam; Goudsmit, Jaap; Grasset, Leslie; Guðnason, Vilmundur G.; Hadjichrysanthou, Christoforos; Helmer, Catherine; Ikram, M. Arfan; Ikram, M. Kamran; Joas, Erik; Kern, Silke; Kuller, Lewis H.; Launer, Lenore; Lopez, Oscar L.; Matthews, Fiona E.; McRae-McKee, Kevin; Meirelles, Osorio; Mosley, Thomas H.; Pase, Matthew P.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Satizabal, Claudia L.; Seshadri, Sudha; Skoog, Ingmar; Stephan, Blossom C.M.; Wetterberg, Hanna; Wong, Mei Mei; Zettergren, Anna; Hofman, Albert (2020-08-04)
    OBJECTIVE: To determine changes in the incidence of dementia between 1988 and 2015. METHODS: This analysis was performed in aggregated data from individuals >65 years of age in 7 population-based cohort studies in the United States and Europe from the ...
  • Ontiveros, Jamie Lynn; Gunnarsdóttir, Jóhanna; Guðnadóttir, Sigurbjörg Anna; Aspelund, Thor; Einarsdóttir, Kristjana (2023-10)
    OBJECTIVE: Twin pregnancies are associated with increased antepartum and intrapartum risks. Limited multiple embryo transfers are associated with decreased twin birth rates. We aimed to study the effect of 2009 Icelandic regulations on twin birth rates ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Furinghetti, Fulvia; Krüger, Jenneke; Prytz, Johan; Schubring, Gert; Smid, Harm Jan (Utrecht University - Freudenthal Institute, 2019)
    The paper describes two Icelandic arithmetic textbooks, published respectively in 1780 and 1911– 14, both written at the beginning of an era when enhancing general education was placed on the agenda for restoring the Icelandic society after natural ...
  • Skaftason, Jóhannes F; Jóhannesson, Þorkell (2013-04)
    Töfluslátta hófst í Englandi 1844. Fyrstu töflur innihéldu vatnsleysin sölt samkvæmt forskrift Brockedons og voru sennilega slegnar án hjálparefna. Tímamót urðu um 1887 þegar tekið var að nota mjölva (amylum maydis) í Bandaríkjunum til þess að sundra ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín (2015)
    Only few mathematics textbooks were developed in Icelandic during 1930–1966, and the model textbooks in use were originally developed in the 1920s. In 1966, Iceland was hit by an international school-mathematics reform movement, the New Math. The ...