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  • Klinke, Marianne Elisabeth; Fernandez, Anthony Vincent (2022-01-09)
    Phenomenology has been adapted for use in qualitative health research, where it’s often used as a method for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data. But how can phenomenologists study subjects who cannot accurately reflect upon or report ...
  • Ravindra, Kodihalli C; Vaidya, Vishal S; Wang, Zhenyu; Federspiel, Joel D; Virgen-Slane, Richard; Everley, Robert A; Grove, Jane I; Stephens, Camilla; Ocana, Mireia F; Robles-Díaz, Mercedes; Isabel Lucena, M; Andrade, Raul J; Atallah, Edmond; Gerbes, Alexander L; Weber, Sabine; Cortez-Pinto, Helena; Fowell, Andrew J; Hussaini, Hyder; Björnsson, Einar Stefán; Patel, Janisha; Stirnimann, Guido; Verma, Sumita; Elsharkawy, Ahmed M; Griffiths, William J H; Hyde, Craig; Dear, James W; Aithal, Guruprasad P; Ramaiah, Shashi K (2023-03-03)
    Diagnosis of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) and its distinction from other liver diseases are significant challenges in drug development and clinical practice. Here, we identify, confirm, and replicate the biomarker performance characteristics of ...
  • Dillard, Pierre; Köksal, Hakan; Maggadóttir, Sólrún Melkorka; Winge-Main, Anna; Pollmann, Sylvie; Menard, Mathilde; Myhre, Marit Renée; Mælandsmo, Gunhild M.; Flørenes, Vivi Ann; Gaudernack, Gustav; Kvalheim, Gunnar; Wälchli, Sébastien; Inderberg, Else Marit (2021-03-03)
    T cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cell therapy is a promising cancer treatment approach. Human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) is overexpressed in the majority of tumors and a potential target for adoptive cell therapy. We isolated a novel ...
  • Bashir, Alexandra Kristin; Wink, Lisa; Duller, Stefanie; Schwendner, Petra; Cockell, Charles; Rettberg, Petra; Mahnert, Alexander; Beblo-Vranesevic, Kristina; Bohmeier, Maria; Rabbow, Elke; Gaboyer, Frederic; Westall, Frances; Walter, Nicolas; Cabezas, Patricia; Garcia-Descalzo, Laura; Gomez, Felipe; Malki, Mustapha; Amils, Ricardo; Ehrenfreund, Pascale; Monaghan, Euan; Vannier, Pauline; Marteinsson, Viggó Þór; Erlacher, Armin; Tanski, George; Strauss, Jens; Bashir, Mina; Riedo, Andreas; Moissl-Eichinger, Christine (2021-02-18)
    BACKGROUND: Extreme terrestrial, analogue environments are widely used models to study the limits of life and to infer habitability of extraterrestrial settings. In contrast to Earth's ecosystems, potential extraterrestrial biotopes are usually ...
  • Björnsdóttir, Elín Helga; Rúnarsdóttir, Eyrún María; Kristinsdóttir, Guðrún (2023-02-16)
    Barnasáttmáli Sameinuðu þjóðanna er alþjóðlegur mannréttindasamningur sem snertir börn. Sáttmálinn felur í sér viðurkenningu á að börn þarfnist sérstakrar verndar umfram fullorðna og á að tryggja börnum vernd gegn ofbeldi, tækifæri og áhrifamátt. ...
  • Björnsdóttir, Amalía; Christophersen, Knut Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind; Jóhannsdóttir, Thurídur; Turmo, Are (2022-05-18)
    The focus in this study is on the antecedents of Icelandic student teachers’ instructional self-efficacy in classroom management and ability to support learner engagement. We examine how student teachers’ instructional self-efficacy relates to their ...
  • Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína; Gísladóttir, Berglind; Sigurðardóttir, Ylfa G. (2021-12-17)
    In late February of 2020 the first COVID-19 cases were confirmed in Iceland. The Icelandic government declared a four-week assembly ban, which included various restrictions that forced teachers to change their teaching methods and organisation. The aim ...
  • Vardy, Emma J.; Al Otaiba, Stephanie; Breadmore, Helen L.; Kung, Shu Hsuan; Pétursdóttir, Anna Lind; Zaru, Mai W.; McMaster, Kristen L. (2022-08-01)
    Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is a class-wide structured supplementary paired reading programme to support learners with their reading (Fuchs et al., 1997). What remains at the core of implementing PALS in any given location is the co-creation ...
  • Jóhannsson, Freyr; Yurkovich, James T.; Guðmundsson, Steinn; Sigurjónsson, Ólafur Eysteinn; Rolfsson, Óttar (2024-02)
    Temperature plays a fundamental role in biology, influencing cellular function, chemical reaction rates, molecular structures, and interactions. While the temperature dependence of many biochemical reactions is well defined in vitro, the effect of ...
  • Oudin Åström, Daniel; Bjursten, Henrik; Oudin, Anna; Nozohoor, Shahab; Ahmad, Khalil; Tang, Mariann; Bjurbom, Markus; Hansson, Emma C.; Jeppsson, Anders; Holdflod Møller, Christian Joost; Jormalainen, Miko; Juvonen, Tatu; Mennander, Ari; Olsen, Peter S.; Olsson, Christian; Ahlsson, Anders; Pan, Emily; Raivio, Peter; Wickbom, Anders; Sjögren, Johan; Geirsson, Arnar; Guðbjartsson, Tómas; Zindovic, Igor (2022-11-08)
    We aimed to investigate a hypothesised association between daily mean temperature and the risk of surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD). For the period of 1 January 2005 until 31 December 2019, we collected daily data on mean temperatures ...
  • Cubuk-Sabuncu, Yesim; Jónsdóttir, Kristín; Caudron, Corentin; Lecocq, Thomas; Parks, Michelle Maree; Geirsson, Halldór; Mordret, Aurélien (2021-06-01)
    Repeated periods of inflation-deflation in the vicinity of Mt. Þorbjörn-Svartsengi, SW-Iceland, were detected in January–July, 2020. We used seismic ambient noise and interferometry to characterize temporal variations of seismic velocities (dv/v, %). ...
  • Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance National/International Network Group (WARNING) Collaborators (2023-10-16)
    Antibiotics are recognized widely for their benefits when used appropriately. However, they are often used inappropriately despite the importance of responsible use within good clinical practice. Effective antibiotic treatment is an essential component ...
  • Gísladóttir, Berglind; Björnsdóttir, Amalía; Svanbjörnsdóttir, Birna María B.; Engilbertsson, Guðmundur (2023-04-20)
    Kennaramenntun hefur víða verið gagnrýnd fyrir skort á samhengi innan námsins og einnig skort á tengslum milli námskeiða í kennaranámi og starfa kennara á vettvangi. Alþjóðlegar rannsóknir á kennaramenntun benda til þess að lykilatriði í árangursríkum ...
  • Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður; Skúladóttir, Hafdís; Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís; Agnarsdóttir, Þórey (2016-12-19)
    Millistjórnendur eru í krefjandi hlutverki og upplifa sig oft eins og milli steins og sleggju. Þeir gegna þungavigtarhlutverki en störf þeirra einkennast af miklu vinnuálagi og streitu. Þó hafa þeir fengið fremur litla athygli í stjórnendafræðum, einkum ...
  • Oddsdóttir, Rannveig; Ragnarsdóttir, Hrafnhildur; Birgisdóttir, Freyja (2012-12-31)
    Allt frá upphafi ritunarnáms reyna börn að skrifa texta sem hefur ákveðna merkingu og gera mismunandi textategundum skil á ólíkan hátt. Framan af er kunnátta þeirra á þessu sviði takmörkuð en samhliða aukinni færni í umskráningu, auknum mál- og vitþroska ...
  • Svanbjörnsdóttir, Birna María B. (2019-09-13)
    Frá ágúst 2009 til desember 2012 átti sér stað vinna við innleiðingu og þróun faglegs lærdómssamfélags í nýjum grunnskóla í þéttbýli. Samhliða var gerð starfendarannsókn í skólanum, í samstarfi ytri aðila og skólastjórnenda. Þar var rannsakað hvaða ...
  • Kenny, Colin; Dilshat, Ramile; Seberg, Hannah E.; Van Otterloo, Eric; Bonde, Gregory; Helverson, Annika; Franke, Christopher M.; Steingrímsson, Eiríkur; Cornell, Robert A. (2022-05-17)
    In developing melanocytes and in melanoma cells, multiple paralogs of the Activating-enhancer-binding Protein 2 family of transcription factors (TFAP2) contribute to expression of genes encoding pigmentation regulators, but their interaction with ...
  • Larsen, Joan Nymand; Schweitzer, Peter; Abass, Khaled; Doloisio, Natalia; Gartler, Susanna; Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas; Ingimundarson, Jón Haukur; Jungsberg, Leneisja; Meyer, Alexandra; Rautio, Arja; Scheer, Johanna; Timlin, Ulla; Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul; Vullierme, Magali (2021-03-02)
    Thawing permafrost creates risks to the environment, economy and culture in Arctic coastal communities. Identification of these risks and the inclusion of the societal context and the relevant stakeholder involvement is crucial in risk management and ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Furinghetti, Fulvia; Kajser, Sten; Tzanakis, Constantinos (2004)
    In the 19th century, only one learned school existed in Iceland, where the population was 47,000 in 1801 and 72,000 in 1880. Considering the circumstances, the Learned School enjoyed excellent mathematics teaching in the period 1822–1862, when the ...