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Browsing IRIS by Title

Browsing IRIS by Title

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  • Kristófersson, Gísli Kort; Arnarsson, Ársæll Már; Heimisson, Guðmundur Torfi; Sigurðardóttir, Dagbjörg (2017-12-06)
    Inngangur: Athyglisbrestur og ofvirkni (ADHD) er taugaþroskaröskun sem kemur yfirleitt fram fyrir 7 ára aldur. Örvandi lyf eru mikið notuð til meðhöndlunar á þessum kvilla hér á landi, en fela í sér hættu á ávanabindingu, misnotkun og lyfjaflakki, það ...
  • Ingason, Arnar Bragi; Magnússon, Magnús Karl; Ragnarsson, Gunnar Bjarni (2019-08)
    67 ára gömul kona, sem tók langverkandi ópíóíðalyf (oxýkódon) vegna langvarandi brjóstverkja, varð fyrir bráðri ópíóíðaeitrun eftir að hafin var meðferð með vórikónazóli. Vórikónazól er sveppalyf sem getur bælt virkni CYP3A4 sem er niðurbrotsensím í ...
  • Jóhannesson, Jón M.; Harðardóttir, Hrönn; Gudmundsson, Bjarni; Guðmundsson, Gunnar (2021-07-01)
    Sótthiti með óráði er algengt vandamál á bráðamóttökum og legudeildum sjúkrahúsa. Mismunagreiningar eru fjöldamargar og við uppvinnslu þessara sjúklinga er mikilvægt að hafa þær allar í huga. Sýkingar eru ofarlega á lista vegna bráð- og alvarleika en ...
  • Aubonnet, Romain; Banea, Ovidiu C.; Sirica, Roberta; Wassermann, Eric M.; Yassine, Sahar; Jacob, Deborah; Magnúsdóttir, Brynja Björk; Haraldsson, Magnús; Stefansson, Sigurjon B.; Jónasson, Viktor D.; Ívarsson, Eysteinn; Jónasson, Aron D.; Hassan, Mahmoud; Gargiulo, Paolo (2020-11-20)
    Schizophrenia is a complex disorder about which much is still unknown. Potential treatments, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), have not been exploited, in part because of the variability in behavioral response. This can be overcome with ...
  • Jónsson, Ólafur Páll; Macdonald, Allyson (2021-12-08)
    The worlds of education and learning have for the last few decades been characterized by reactions to the detrimental human impact on the environment, which is measured on such a scale that scholars now refer to the present epoch as the Anthropocene. ...
  • McMahon, Colin J.; Heying, Ruth; Budts, Werner; Cavigelli-Brunner, Anna; Shkolnikova, Maria; Michel-Behnke, Ina; Kozlik-Feldmann, Rainer; Wåhlander, Håkan; Dewolf, Daniel; Difilippo, Sylvie; Kornyei, Laslo; Russo, Maria Giovanna; Kaneva-Nencheva, Anna; Mesihovic-Dinarevic, Senka; Vesel, Samo; Óskarsson, Gylfi; Papadopoulos, George; Petropoulos, Andreas C.; Cevik, Berna Saylan; Jossif, Antonis; Doros, Gabriela; Krusensjerna-Hafstrom, Thomas; Dangel, Joanna; Rahkonen, Otto; Albert-Brotons, Dimpna C.; Alvares, Silvia; Brun, Henrik; Janousek, Jan; Pitkänen-Argillander, Olli; Voges, Inga; Lubaua, Inguna; Sendzikaite, Skaiste; Magee, Alan G.; Rhodes, Mark J.; Blom, Nico A.; Bu'lock, Frances; Hanseus, Katarina; Milanesi, Ornella (2022-12)
    Background: Limited data exist on training of European paediatric and adult congenital cardiologists. Methods: A structured and approved questionnaire was circulated to national delegates of Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology ...
  • Skúladóttir, Hafdís; Björnsdóttir, Amalía; Holden, Janean E.; Gunnarsdóttir, Þóra Jenný; Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður; Sveinsdóttir, Herdís (2021-09-30)
    Multidisciplinary long-term pain rehabilitation programs with a team of healthcare professionals are an integrated approach to treat patients with chronic non-malignant pain. In this longitudinal prospective cohort study, we investigated the long-term ...
  • Skúladóttir, Hafdís; Sveinsdóttir, Herdís; Holden, Janean E.; Gunnarsdóttir, Þóra Jenný; Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður; Björnsdóttir, Amalía (2021-09-28)
    Multidisciplinary pain-management programs have the potential to decrease pain intensity, improve health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and increase sleep quality. In this longitudinal prospective cohort study, the aim was to investigate the long-term ...
  • Hanna, Sebastian; Pálmadóttir, Vala Kolbrún; Penar, Paul L; Boyd, James T (2023-01)
    Neuropsychiatric adverse events have been previously reported following deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease (PD). Most cases described have involved DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). We report a unique case of acute-onset and ...
  • Flacking, Renée; Haslund-Thomsen, Helle; Jónsdóttir, Rakel Björg; Poropudas, Sini; Axelin, Anna (2021-11-23)
    Aims and objectives: This study aimed to explore staff attitudes and experiences of parents' friends and families' social presence and involvement in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Background: In NICUs, parents need emotional and practical ...
  • Chessell, Chloe; Harvey, Kate; Halldórsson, Brynjar; Farrington, Alice; Creswell, Cathy (2023)
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has negative impacts on affected preadolescent children; however, little is known about parents’ experiences of parenting a preadolescent child with OCD, and limited provision exists to help parents to support their ...
  • Andersen, Torben M.; Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Gestsson, Marías Halldór (2021-03-02)
    Under dynamic efficiency, a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pension scheme helps the current generation of retirees but hurts future generations because they are forced to save via a return-dominated scheme. Abandoning it is deemed welfare-improving but typically ...
  • Helgason, Jón Karl; Sigurðsson, Gísli; Ólason, Vésteinn (Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, 2004)
  • Ravn-Højgaard, Signe; Jóhannsdóttir, Valgerður; Karlsson, Ragnar; Olavson, Rógvi; Skorini, Heini (2021-03-26)
    This study compares the media systems of the West Nordic countries, namely the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland. All three countries are democratic welfare states with considerable institutional transfer from the larger Nordic countries. It is ...
  • Jónsdóttir, Helga; Halldórsdóttir, Bryndís Stefanía; Ingadóttir, Þorbjörg Sóley (2024-04)
    Aim: The increase in the number of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the disease burden, has prompted concerted efforts to improve healthcare, particularly outpatient services. In line with these attempts the Partnership-Based ...
  • Baumann, Isabel; Cabib, Ignacio; Eyjólfsdóttir, Harpa Sif; Agahi, Neda (2022-06)
  • Sigmundsson, H.; Dybendal, B. H.; Loftesnes, J. M.; Ólafsson, B.; Grassini, S. (2022-04)
    The principal aim of the present study was to investigate whether passion, grit and mindset differ between distinct levels of football competence in two football teams - elite and junior teams. We compared the 30% highest scoring (HFC) and the 30% ...
  • Blöndal, Katrín; Sveinsdóttir, Herdís; Ingadóttir, Brynja (2022-06-05)
    Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the educational expectations and experiences of surgical patients. Design: Prospective, longitudinal, descriptive and two-centre study. Data were collected with questionnaires at the hospital and 6 weeks and ...
  • Karlsdóttir, Kristín; Gunnarsdóttir, Anna Ingibjörg; Gröndal, Gerður María; Löve, Þorvarður Jón; Stefánsdóttir, Elínborg; Davíðsdóttir, Lóa Guðrún; Thorleifsdottir, Ragna H.; Guðbjörnsson, Björn (2022-01-27)
    Objective: Due to a tender process in Iceland, all patients on Humira® were switched nationwide to its biosimilar Imraldi® in March 2019. The study aimed to explore the patient's perspective of the Humira® and Imraldi® injection devices. Methods: A ...
  • Recht, Michael P.; Donoso-Bach, Lluís; Brkljačić, Boris; Chandarana, Hersh; Jankharia, Bhavin; Mahoney, Mary C. (2023-12-04)
    Abstract: Creating a patient-centered experience is becoming increasingly important for radiology departments around the world. The goal of patient-centered radiology is to ensure that radiology services are sensitive to patients’ needs and desires. ...