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Recent Submissions

  • Pons, Marion; Georgiadis, Stylianos; Østergaard, Mikkel; Ahmadzay, Zohra Faizy; Glintborg, Bente; Heberg, Jette; Christensen, Sara Nysom; Rasmussen, Simon; Loft, Anne Gitte; Castrejón, Isabel; Sánchez-Alonso, Fernando; Iannone, Florenzo; Nordström, Dan; Hokkanen, Anna-Mari; Ciurea, Adrian; Nissen, Michael J; Závada, Jakub; Pavelka, Karel; Rotar, Ziga; Pirkmajer, Katja Perdan; Michelsen, Brigitte; Mielnik, Pawel; Bernardes, Miguel; Khmelinskii, Nikita; Laas, Karin; Vorobjov, Sigrid; Codreanu, Catalin; Macfarlane, Gary J; Jones, Gareth T; Guðbjörnsson, Björn; Pálsson, Ólafur; Wallman, Johan K; van der Horst-Bruinsma, Irene; Onen, Fatos; Hetland, Merete Lund; Ørnbjerg, Lykke Midtbøll (2024-11-26)
    OBJECTIVES: In axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients initiating secukinumab, we aimed to assess retention rates and proportions of patients achieving remission and low disease activity (LDA), according to disease activity ...
  • Ahmadzay, Zohra F.; Heberg, Jette; Jørgensen, Jacob B.; Ørnbjerg, Lykke M.; Østergaard, Mikkel; Møller-Bisgaard, Signe; Michelsen, Brigitte; Loft, Anne Gitte; Jones, Gareth T.; Hellamand, Pasoon; Scherer, Almut; Nissen, Michael J.; Pavelka, Karel; Závada, Jakub; Laas, Karin; Vorobjov, Sigrid; Nordström, Dan; Sokka-Isler, Tuulikki; Regierer, Anne C.; Reich, Andreas; Guðbjörnsson, Björn; Þórarinsdóttir, Katrín; Iannone, Florenzo; Favalli, Ennio Giulio; Van De Sande, Marleen; Provan, Sella Aarrestad; Kvien, Tore K.; Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Gonçalves, Cátia F.; Codreanu, Catalin; Mogosan, Corina; Rotar, Ziga; Prikmajer, Katja Perdan; Castrejon, Isabel; Otero-Varela, Lucía; Di Giuseppe, Daniela; Wallman, Johan K.; Ciurea, Adrian; Möller, Burkhard; Kenar-Artln, Gökçe; Ylldlrlm, Tuba Demirci; MacFarlane, Gary J.; Rotariu, Ovidiu; Glintborg, Bente; Hetland, Merete Lund (2024-11-05)
    Objectives: Real-world evidence is needed to inform treatment strategies for patients with PsA and axial SpA (axSpA) who have non-musculoskeletal manifestations (NMMs), various risk factors and comorbidities. International collaboration is required to ...
  • Shaw, David; Torreblanca, Raquel Abad; Amin-Chowdhury, Zahin; Bautista, Adriana; Bennett, Desiree; Broughton, Karen; Casanova, Carlo; Choi, Eun Hwa; Claus, Heike; Corcoran, Mary; Cottrell, Simon; Cunney, Robert; Cuypers, Lize; Dalby, Tine; Davies, Heather; de Gouveia, Linda; Deghmane, Ala-Eddine; Desmet, Stefanie; Domenech, Mirian; Drew, Richard; Plessis, Mignon du; Duarte, Carolina; Fuursted, Kurt; Golden, Alyssa; Almeida, Samanta Cristine Grassi; Henares, Desiree; Henriques-Normark, Birgitta; Hilty, Markus; Hoffmann, Steen; Humphreys, Hilary; Jacobsson, Susanne; Johnson, Christopher; Jolley, Keith A; Kawabata, Aníbal; Kozakova, Jana; Kristinsson, Karl Gústaf; Krizova, Pavla; Kuch, Alicja; Ladhani, Shamez; Lâm, Thiên-Trí; Ayala, María Eugenia León; Lindholm, Laura; Litt, David; Maiden, Martin C J; Martin, Irene; Martiny, Delphine; Mattheus, Wesley; McCarthy, Noel D; Meehan, Mary; Meiring, Susan; Mölling, Paula; Morfeldt, Eva; Morgan, Julie; Mulhall, Robert; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Murdoch, David; Musilek, Martin; Novakova, Ludmila; Oftadeh, Shahin; Perez-Arguello, Amaresh; Pérez-Vázquez, Maria Dolores; Perrin, Monique; Prevost, Benoit; Roberts, Maria; Rokney, Assaf; Ron, Merav; Sanabria, Olga Marina; Scott, Kevin J; Sempere, Julio; Siira, Lotta; de Lemos, Ana Paula Silva; Sintchenko, Vitali; Skoczyńska, Anna; Slotved, Hans-Christian; Smith, Andrew J; Taha, Muhamed-Kheir; Toropainen, Maija; Tzanakaki, Georgina; Vainio, Anni; van der Linden, Mark P G; van Sorge, Nina M; Varon, Emmanuelle; Moreno, Julio Vazquez; Vohrnova, Sandra; von Gottberg, Anne; Yuste, Jose; Brueggemann, Angela B (2024-12-20)
    Microbiology reference laboratories perform a crucial role within public health systems. This role was especially evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this Viewpoint, we emphasise the importance of microbiology reference laboratories and highlight ...
  • Kjærsgaard Andersen, Rune; Stefansdottir, Lilja; Riis, Peter Theut; Halldorsson, Gisli; Ferkingstad, Egil; Oddsson, Asmundur; Walters, Bragi; Olafsdottir, Thorunn A.; Rutsdottir, Gudrun; Zachariae, Claus; Thomsen, Simon Francis; Brodersen, Thortsen; Dinh, Khoa Manh; Knowlton, Kirk U.; Knight, Stacey; Nadauld, Lincoln D.; Banasik, Karina; Brunak, Søren; Hansen, Thomas Folkmann; Hjalgrim, Henrik; Sørensen, Erik; Mikkelsen, Chirstina; Ullum, Henrik; Nyegaard, Mette; Bruun, Mie Topholm; Erikstrup, Christian; Ostrowski, Sisse Rye; Eidsmo, Liv; Saunte, Ditte Marie Lindhardt; Sigurgeirsson, Bárdur; Örvar, Kjartan; Saemundsdottir, Jona; Melsted, Pall; Norddahl, Gudmundur L.; Sulem, Patrick; Stefansson, Hreinn; Holm, Hilma; Gudbjartsson, Daniel; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Pedersen, Ole Birger Vesterager; Jemec, Gregor Borut Ernst; Stefansson, Kari (2025)
    Background: The contributions of genetic and environmental risk factors to hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) are both poorly understood. Objective: To identify sequence variants that associate with HS and determine the contribution of environmental risk ...
  • Burney, Peter G.J.; Potts, James; Knox-Brown, Ben; Erhabor, Gregory; Hacene Cherkaski, Hamid; Mortimer, Kevin; Anand, Mahesh Padukudru; Mannino, David M.; Cardoso, Joao; Ahmed, Rana; Elsony, Asma; Barbara, Cristina; Nielsen, Rune; Bateman, Eric; Paraguas, Stefanni Nonna M.; Cher Loh, Li; Rashid, Abdul; Wouters, Emiel Fm; Franssen, Frits Me; Dias, Hermínia Brites; Gíslason, Þórarinn; Ghobain, Mohammed Al; Biaze, Mohammed El; Agarwal, Dhiraj; Juvekar, Sanjay; Rodrigues, Fatima; Obaseki, Daniel O.; Koul, Parvaiz A.; Harrabi, Imed; Nafees, Asaad A.; Seemungal, Terence; Janson, Christer; Vollmer, William M.; Amaral, Andre Fs; Buist, A. Sonia (2025-12-31)
    Spirometry is used to determine what is "unusual" lung function compared with what is "usual" for healthy non-smokers. This study aimed to investigate regional variation in the forced vital capacity (FVC) and in the forced expiratory volume in one ...
  • Þórðardóttir, Edda Björk; Song, Huan; Shen, Qing; Björnsson, Andri Steinþór; Hilmarsdottir, Hildur Yr; Guðmundsdóttir, Berglind; Sigurðsson, Engilbert; Tómasson, Gunnar; Rúnarsdóttir, Harpa; Lu, Donghao; Arnberg, Filip K.; Jakobsdóttir, Jóhanna; Fang, Fang; Aspelund, Thor; Hauksdóttir, Arna; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna (2024-12-02)
    Importance: Comprehensive data on the prevalence of various life stressors and their role in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among women are lacking. Objective: To determine the prevalence of a broad range of life stressors and their association ...
  • Björnsson, Einar Stefán; Arnedillo, Daiana; Bessone, Fernando (2024-12-02)
    Background: Secondary sclerosing cholangitis (SSC), is one of the phenotypes of DILI first described in the 1980s. Check point inhibitors (CPIs) are currently the most frequent cause of SCC. Aims: To describe the epidemiology, clinical and biochemical ...
  • Einarsson, Sverrir Björn; Sigurðsson, Baldur Heiðar; Kjartansdóttir, Sigurlín Hrund; Magnússon, Páll; Sigurdsson, Jón Fridrik (2024)
    Background: Impulsivity symptoms have been studied thoroughly in adults with ADHD, including hasty actions and decisions without considering possible consequences. The objective of our study was to investigate impulsive buying and deferment of gratification ...
  • Björnsdóttir, Kristín (Menntavísindastofnun HÍ, 2022-05)
    Að beiðni Mennta- og menningarmálaráðuneytis sá Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands um að framkvæma úttekt á samningi ráðuneytisins við Fjölmennt, símenntunar- og þekkingarmiðstöð í samræmi við 20. gr. reglugerðar um undirbúning, gerð og eftirfylgni ...
  • Remili, Anaïs; Dietz, Rune; Sonne, Christian; Samarra, Filipa I.P.; Letcher, Robert J.; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Ferguson, Steven H.; Watt, Cortney A.; Matthews, Cory J.D.; Kiszka, Jeremy J.; Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu; McKinney, Melissa A. (2023-10-24)
    Lipophilic persistent organic pollutants (POPs) tend to biomagnify in food chains, resulting in higher concentrations in species such as killer whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on marine mammals compared to those consuming fish. Advancements in dietary ...
  • Stefánsdóttir, Harpa; Mouratidis, Kostas; Rynning, Maja Karoline; Meyer, Sunniva Frislid (2024-12)
    Walking is essential for environmentally friendly transport, vibrant street life, and public health. Due to the short distances, small cities should have great potential for walking; however, the car still dominates in many places. Moreover, whether ...
  • Pherwani, Arun D; Johal, Amundeep S; Cromwell, David A; Boyle, Jonathan R; Szeberin, Zoltan; Venermo, Maarit; Beiles, Barry; Khashram, Manar; Lattmann, Thomas; Altreuther, Martin E; Laxdal, Elín Hanna; Behrendt, Christian-Alexander; Mani, Kevin; Budtz-Lilly, Jacob (2024-08)
    Objective: To determine the peri-operative mortality rate for intact and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair in 10 countries and to compare practice and outcomes over a six year period by age, sex, and geographic location. Methods: This ...
  • Foo, Jasmine; Gunnarsson, Einar Bjarki; Leder, Kevin; Sivakoff, David (2023)
    The spread of an advantageous mutation through a population is of fundamental interest in population genetics. While the classical Moran model is formulated for a well-mixed population, it has long been recognized that in real-world applications, the ...
  • Zarioh, Baldvin M.; Baldursson, Magnús Diðrik; Guðmundsson, Magnús (Háskóli Íslands, 2003-05)
  • Zarioh, Baldvin M. (Háskóli Íslands, 2008)
  • Zarioh, Baldvin M.; Baldursson, Magnús Diðrik; Guðmundsson, Magnús (Háskóli Íslands, 2005-05)
  • Zarioh, Baldvin M.; Baldursson, Magnús Diðrik; Guðmundsson, Magnús (Háskóli Íslands, 2006-05)
  • Zarioh, Baldvin M.; Baldursson, Magnús Diðrik; Guðmundsson, Magnús (Háskóli Íslands, 2002-05)
  • Zarioh, Baldvin M.; Baldursson, Magnús Diðrik; Guðmundsson, Magnús (Háskóli Íslands, 2004-05)

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