IRIS: Síðast bætt við

  • Blöndal, Berglind Soffía; Geirsdóttir, Ólöf Guðný; Beck, Anne M.; Halldórsson, Þórhallur Ingi; Jónsson, Pálmi V; Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun; Ramel, Alfons; Blondal, B. S.; Halldorsson, T. I. (2022-08-26)
    Background/objectives: Malnutrition is common among older adults. Dietary intervention studies in older adults aiming to improve anthropometrics measures and physical function have been inconsistent. We aimed to investigate the effects of nutrition ...
  • Egan, Allyson C.; Kronbichler, Andreas; Neumann, Irmgard; Bettiol, Alessandra; Carlson, Nicholas; Cid, Maria C.; Emmi, Giacomo; Gopaluni, Seerapani; Harper, Lorraine; Hauser, Thomas; Little, Mark A.; Luqmani, Raashid A.; Mahr, Alfred; McClure, Mark; Mohammad, Aladdin J.; Nelveg-Kristensen, Karl Emil; Ohlsson, Sophie; Peh, Chen Au; Rutherford, Matthew; Alamo, Beatriz Sanchez; Scott, Jennifer; Segelmark, Mårten; Smith, Rona M.; Szpirt, Wladimir M.; Tómasson, Gunnar; Trivioli, Giorgio; Vaglio, Augusto; Walsh, Michael; Wester Trejo, Maria; Westman, Kerstin; Bajema, Ingeborg M.; Jayne, David R.W. (2022-08)
    The first European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS) meeting report was published in 2017. Herein, we report on developments in the past 5 years which were greatly influenced by the pandemic. The adaptability to engage virtually, at this critical time in ...
  • Huijben, Jilske A; Kramer, Anneke; Kerschbaum, Julia; de Meester, Johan; Collart, Frederic; Arévalo, Olga Lucía Rodríguez; Helve, Jaakko; Lassalle, Mathilde; Pálsson, Runólfur; Ten Dam, Marc; Casula, Anna; Methven, Shona; Ortiz, Alberto; Ferraro, Pietro Manuel; Segelmark, Mårten; Mingo, Pablo Ucio; Arici, Mustafa; Reisæter, Anna Varberg; Stendahl, Maria; Stel, Vianda S; Jager, Kitty J (2023-04)
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to describe the trends in the incidence, prevalence and survival of patients on kidney replacement therapy (KRT) for end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) across Europe from 2008 to 2017. METHODS: Data from renal registries ...
  • Lifelines Cohort Study (2022-09)
    Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) reflects kidney function. Progressive eGFR-decline can lead to kidney failure, necessitating dialysis or transplantation. Hundreds of loci from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for eGFR help explain ...
  • Kristinsson, Sigfús Helgi; Busby, Natalie; Rorden, Christopher; Newman-Norlund, Roger; Den Ouden, Dirk B.; Magnúsdóttir, Sigríður; Hjaltason, Haukur; Thors, Helga; Hillis, Argye E.; Kjartansson, Olafur; Bonilha, Leonardo; Fridriksson, Julius (2022)
    The association between age and language recovery in stroke remains unclear. Here, we used neuroimaging data to estimate brain age, a measure of structural integrity, and examined the extent to which brain age at stroke onset is associated with (i) ...
  • Valsdóttir, Vaka; Magnúsdóttir, Brynja Björk; Chang, Milan; Sigurdsson, Sigurdur; Guðnason, Vilmundur G; Launer, Lenore J.; Jónsdóttir, María Kristín (2022-12)
    The paper aimed to compare how factors previously identified as predictive factors for cognitive decline and dementia related to cognitive performance on the one hand and brain health on the other. To that aim, multiple linear regression was applied ...
  • DBDS Genomic Consortium (2022-12-21)
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The causal contribution of apolipoprotein B (apoB) particles to coronary artery disease (CAD) is established. We examined whether this atherogenic contribution is better reflected by non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) ...
  • Gisladottir, Johanna; Sigurgeirsdottir, Sigurbjörg; Stjernquist, Ingrid; Ragnarsdottir, Kristin Vala (2022-12-14)
    The phrase ‘sunshine is the best disinfectant’ is commonly used to suggest that transparency can counter corruption and ensure accountability. In the policy world, several analytical tools have been developed to obtain information on what policy decision ...
  • Thors, Valtýr Stefánsson; Björnsdóttir, Kristín; Löve, Þorvarður Jón; Haraldsson, Ásgeir (2022-07-08)
    Introduction: Children are less likely to acquire SARS-CoV-2 infections than adults and when infected, usually have milder disease. True infection and complication rates are, however, difficult to ascertain. In Iceland, a strict test, trace and isolate ...
  • Djos, Anna; Treis, Diana; Fransson, Susanne; Murkes, Lena Gordon; Wessman, Sandra; Ásmundsson, Jurate; Markstrom, Agneta; Kogner, Per; Martinsson, Tommy (2022-09-19)
    A preterm infant with central hypoventilation was diagnosed with multifocal neuroblastoma. Congenital anomalies of the autonomic nervous system in association with neuroblastoma are commonly associated with germline mutations in PHOX2B. Further, the ...
  • Hoffmann, Lara Wilhelmine (Háskólinn á Akureyri, 2022)
    This PhD project investigates aspects of immigrants’ integration in Iceland based on language use, media use, and creative practice. Traditionally, studies present integration as a linear process focussing on objective measures. Less attention has been ...
  • Frix, Anne Noelle; Heaney, Liam G.; Dahlén, Barbro; Mihaltan, Florin; Sergejeva, Svetlana; Popović-Grle, Sanja; Sedlak, Vratislav; Lehtimäki, Lauri; Bourdin, Arnaud; Korn, Stephanie; Zervas, Eleftherios; Csoma, Zsuzsanna; Lúðvíksdóttir, Dóra; Butler, Marcus; Canonica, Giorgio Walter; Grisle, Ineta; Bieksiene, Kristina; Ten Brinke, Anneke; Kuna, Piotr; Loureiro, Claudia Chaves; Nenasheva, Natalia M.; Lazic, Zorica; Škrgat, Sabina; Ramos-Barbon, David; Leuppi, Joerg; Gemicioglu, Bilun; Bossios, Apostolos; Porsbjerg, Celeste M.; Bel, Elisabeth H.; Djukanovic, Ratko; Louis, Renaud (2022-10-01)
    Introduction Treatment with biologics for severe asthma is informed by international and national guidelines and defined by national regulating bodies, but how these drugs are used in real-life is unknown. Materials and methods The European Respiratory ...
  • Ciprandi, Guido; Kjartansson, Hilmar; Grussu, Francesca; Baldursson, Baldur Tumi; Frattaroli, Jacopo; Urbani, Urbano; Zama, Mario (2022-10-02)
    OBJECTIVE: More specific strategies are needed to support children requiring skin grafting. Our goal was to identify procedures that reduce operating times, post-operative complications, pain and length of hospital stay. Patient safety, optimal wound ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Kolbrún Þ. (2015)
    Hér er hvatt til þess að litið sé heildstætt á menntun og að mótuð verði menntastefna sem horfi einnig til þess mikilvæga starfs sem unnið er á sviði tómstundaog félagsmála. Kveikjan að þessari grein var lestur höfundar á bókinni Leading educational ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Kolbrún Þ. (2016-12-31)
    Í þessari grein mun höfundur skoða hvernig merkingar- og tilgangshyggja Páls Skúlasonar heimspekings varpar ljósi á tengsl formlegs og óformlegs náms. Heimspeki Páls byggist einkum á tveimur áhrifamiklum straumum, annars vegar tilvistarspeki og hins ...
  • Rezk, Mary; Taha, Amar; Nielsen, Susanne J.; Gudbjartsson, Tomas; Bergfeldt, Lennart; Ahlsson, Anders; Jeppsson, Anders (2022-12-01)
    BACKGROUND: New-onset postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) after cardiac surgery is associated with worse short- and long-term outcomes. Although the clinical presentation of POAF varies substantially, almost all studies model it with a dichotomous ...
  • Uimonen, Mikko; Olsson, Christian; Jeppsson, Anders; Geirsson, Arnar; Chemtob, Raphaelle; Khalil, Ahmad; Hjortdal, Vibeke; Hansson, Emma C.; Nozohoor, Shahab; Zindovic, Igor; Gunn, Jarmo; Wickbom, Anders; Ahlsson, Anders; Guðbjartsson, Tómas; Mennander, Ari (2022-08-01)
    Background: The outcome in patients after surgery for acute type A aortic dissection without replacement of the part of the aorta containing the primary tear is undefined. Methods: Data of 1122 patients who underwent surgery for acute type A aortic ...
  • PRECISEQ Consortium; FinnGen Consortium; NINDS Stroke Genetics Network (SiGN); MEGASTROKE Consortium; SIREN Consortium; China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group; VA Million Veteran Program; International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC); Biobank Japan; CHARGE consortium.; GIGASTROKE Consortium; COMPASS Consortium; INVENT Consortium; Dutch Parelsnoer Initiative (PSI) Cerebrovascular Disease Study Group; Estonian Biobank (2022-09-30)
    Previous genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of stroke - the second leading cause of death worldwide - were conducted predominantly in populations of European ancestry1,2. Here, in cross-ancestry GWAS meta-analyses of 110,182 patients who have had ...
  • PRECISE4Q Consortium; FinnGen Consortium; NINDS Stroke Genetics Network (SiGN); MEGASTROKE Consortium; SIREN Consortium; China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group; VA Million Veteran Program; International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC); Biobank Japan; CHARGE consortium.; GIGASTROKE Consortium; COMPASS Consortium; INVENT Consortium; Dutch Parelsnoer Initiative (PSI) Cerebrovascular Disease Study Group; Estonian Biobank (2022-11-14)
  • Yang, Qian; Lagerberg, Tyra; Sjölander, Arvid; Bertone-Johnson, Elizabeth R.; Fang, Fang; Ye, Weimin; Chang, Zheng; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur A.; Lu, Donghao (2022-12-15)
    Background: Women with premenstrual disorders (PMDs) are at increased risks of suicidal behavior and accidents. However, the effect of PMD first-line treatment on such risks have not been assessed. Methods: To study the association between use of ...